Commodifying Everything:

Consumption and Capitalist Enterprise

Hagley Museum and Library,

12 - 13 October, 2001

To The Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society invites paper proposals for the conference, "Commodifying Everything: Consumption and Capitalist Enterprise" at the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware on October 12 and 13, 2001. Paper proposals should focus on historical processes of commodification since c. 1700, especially the spread of the market to new areas of social and material life and the spatial dispersion of consumption on a market model throughout the world. We encourage a broad definition of consumption that encompasses material goods, experience, services, and information, and we hope to stimulate interaction among scholars exploring these aspects of consumption. Proposals may consider themes such as identify, performance, and design if they connect to issues of market relations.

Proposals are due by February 16, 2001 and should include an abstract of no more than 500 words and a brief c.v. Funds may be available to support travel to the conference by speakers. Please direct proposals and queries to:

Dr. Roger Horowitz, Associate Director
Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society
Hagley Museum and Library
PO Box 3630
Wilmington DE 19807

direct fax: 302-655-3188

The Hagley Museum and Library holds many research collections that support the study of consumption. We invite scholars engaged in this work to inquire concerning our resources and the research grants available to support use of these collections. More information is available on our web page at

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