The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science


The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference at the University of Toronto, 26-28 May 2002.

The program committee invites historians, philosophers and other scholars of the social sciences and humanities to submit paper, panel or session proposals. The proposals and papers may be in English or French, and should have a title, a brief abstract of 150 to 250 words, and the complete information for correspondence. Proposals must be received by 31 January 2002 and may be sent by e-mail, fax or post to one of the members of the program committee. We strongly encourage email submissions.

Information about Congress registration and accommodation can be found at the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada web site. Please note that the CSHPS meeting, which takes place as part of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, overlaps with the meeting dates of a number of other societies, including the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (24-26 May), the Canadian Philosophical Association (May 25-28), the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (May 24-26), and the Canadian Historical Association (May 27-29). The CSHPS program committee welcomes suggestions for joint sessions with these and other societies.

Program Web Site :

Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science:

Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities:

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