International Conference and Commemoration of the Bicentary of the death of Erasmus Darwin

19 - 22 April, 2002

The George Hotel, Lichfield,

Staffordshire, ENGLAND

Organised by a Committee including representatives of Aston University Institute of Biology, University of Birmingham Centre for the History of Medicine Erasmus Darwin Foundation Lichfield Science and Engineering Society


The 18 April 2002 marks the two hundredth anniversary of the death of the philosopher, poet,scientist and physician, Dr Erasmus Darwin FRS (1731-1802). As one way of commemorating this important event, and reminding ourselves of the outstanding contributions which Darwin made to so many areas of life and learning in the second half of the eighteenth century, an international conference is being organised, with the purpose of bringing together Darwin scholars from around the world.


Friday, 19 April 2002
14.00 -18.00 Registration at the Erasmus Darwin Centre
18.00-19.00 Reception
19.30-21.00 Erasmus Darwin Memorial Lecture in The Cathedral

Saturday, 20 April 2002
09.30 Opening of the Conference
09.45 Keynote Lecture
10.15 Coffee
10.45 Papers - Session I
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Papers - Session II
15.30 Tea
16.00 Papers - Session III
19.30 Conference Dinner

Sunday, 21 April 2002
09.30 Papers - Session IV
10.45 Coffee
11.00 Papers - Session V
12.30 Close of Conference Sessions
12.30 Lunch
Afternoon programme of visits
19.30 Closure of Conference followed by an Informal Supper


A social programme is being arranged which includes tours of The Cathedral, attending Choral Evensong, participation on the "Erasmus Darwin Walk', and on Monday, 22 April an optional all- day "Erasmus Darwin Tour" with visits to Derby, Radbourne and Breadsall Priory for lunch, and to visit his grave.


The cost of participation (including lunches, refreshments during sessions and dinners on the 20 and 21 April) will be in the region of £125 (inc. VAT) with the cost of accommodation and the optional all-day tour on 22 April, extra.


There is ample accommodation in Lichfield to suit all tastes and budgets. A list of hotels and guesthouses provided by the Lichfield District Tourist Information Centre will be sent out with the Second Circular.


We invite academic papers of fifteen minutes duration on all aspects of Erasmus Darwin's life and work. If you do wish to give a paper, please give your provisional title on the form below. Abstracts will be invited with the Second Circular. We intend to publish the best papers in the conference proceedings.


If you are interested in participating, please complete the form below and return it before 31 July 2001.

Queries can also be made to the address below or by e-mail to:

To: The Director, Centre for the History of Medicine,
The Medical School, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham 815 2TT, UK


I wish to participate in the International Conference on Erasmus Darwin, please send me a copy of the Second Circular.


Academic Affiliation (if any)___________________________________



I wish to give a paper with the following provisional title:


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