2002 Fourth International Conference

Commission on the History of Modern Chemistry

"Industrial-Academic Relationships

in the Chemical and Molecular Sciences"

3 - 5 October, 2002

Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA

The fourth international conference of the Commission on the History of Modern Chemistry (CHMC) of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science will take place 3-5 October 2002 at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia. The conference will focus on industrial-academic relations in the chemical and molecular sciences.

The general theme of the conference is the interactions between the chemical and molecular sciences, technologies, and related industries since 1900. Traditionally, studies in this area have employed a linear approach to the science-technology relationship. However, it is well established that such transfers are rarely uni-directional. We hope to encourage further a shift in emphasis toward multi-directional transfers. Knowledge, practices, transfer successes and failures, technology, materials, organizational networks, management of R&D, and labor are all potential objects of study within these exchanges. Related themes include interactions with other research centers beyond the academyÑe.g. national laboratories, military centers, experimental stations, NGOs, and colonial institutions. Papers are invited on and around this theme. Comparative and international perspectives are strongly encouraged.

Titles and abstracts are due by August 31, 2001. If accepted for the program, completed papers will be due by August 1, 2002 for purposes of pre-circulation to conference participants.

Abstracts and papers should be submitted to the following address:

CHMC Program Committee
Chemical Heritage Foundation
315 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Questions and comments should be sent to CHMC2002@chemheritage.org.


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