15 - 17 November, 2002

Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA

Following the successful Conference on the History and Heritage of Science Information Systems in 1998, the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) and the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) are pleased to announce the Second Conference on the History and Heritage of Scientific and Technical Information Systems, to be held in 2002.

Emphasis for this conference will be on the period from the Second World War up through the early 1990s, including the infrastructure created by digitization, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. Conference organizers are looking for in-depth historical analyses of these developments and how they have affected the practice of science both nationally and internationally.

The conference will be enriched by the participation of national and international pioneering figures in the field of scientific and technical information. The proceedings will be published in print and on the Web as a companion piece to the proceedings of the first conference, as well as the volume Historical Studies in Information Science (Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1998).

The conference is sponsored by the American Society for Information Science and Technology, its special interest group on the History and Foundation of Information Science, and the Chemical Heritage Foundation.

For more information on the conference and suggested topics, please visit CHFŐs website at:

The conference will be held Friday to Sunday, November 15-17, 2002, immediately prior to the annual meeting of ASIS&T in Philadelphia. It will take place at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. There is a conference registration fee of US$105, which includes meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast.

Scholars from a wide range of disciplines, including library and information science, communications and history of science and technology, are encouraged to submit abstracts of 500-1000 words based on the themes listed on the website. Abstracts are due by 31 October 2001.

Abstracts will be refereed by members of the organizing committee and by other scholars as necessary. Authors requested to submit a full paper following evaluation of its abstract, must have at least a completed draft available by 30 June 2002 (see below for early submission for scholarship applicants). This draft will be assessed for suitability for presentation at the conference. Subsequent to the conference authors will have the opportunity to revise their papers in the light of criticism and submit them for publication in the conference proceedings.

A limited number of scholarships will be available for the presentation of papers in order to help cover the costs of attending the conference. Presenters from abroad and North American graduate students will have preference. Such applicants should have drafts of their papers ready by 15 May 2002.

Deadline: 31October 2001

HHSTIS2 Program Committee
Chemical Heritage Foundation
315 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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