Emotion and Reason, Life and Work, Composing Scientific Lives

International Association for
Biography and Autobiography

Annual Conference 15 - 17 July, 2002

La Trobe University

Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

The Unit for Studies in Biography and Autobiography at La Trobe University is hosting the 2002 annual meeting of the IABA. The theme of the conference will be Life Writing and the Generations and there are a large number of sessions planned.

It is hoped that a session will be offered on science biography, and papers are invited from scholars who may wish to offer a paper on our selected theme.

Emotion and reason, life and work: Composing scientific lives

Biographies and autobiographies of scientists continue to attract the attention of writers and readers: they are a major vehicle for the public understanding of science and scientists, an important part of the history of science, and perhaps an identifiable genre. Certainly they raise a host of issues of keen contemporary interest.

Biographies and autobiographies compel us to consider how the emotional life of scientists can be related to the practice of science. Is the biographer able, even best able, to deal with this relationship? Why have biographers concentrated only on the ÔstarsÕ, despite an otherwise successful movement to broaden our view of science? How is science biography related to other areas of biography? What role does science biography play in the history of science and in historical studies more generally?

The aim of the session is to engage with such questions and to do so in the broadest possible manner. It is expected that a mix of scholars from a variety of disciplines will encourage debate of a breadth seldom seen in biographical and autobiographical studies.

The format of the session sets out to be as liberal as the content. We encourage the submission of proposals for formal papers, round-table discussions, comments and research-in-progress reports from professional and amateur scholars and students alike.

Paper proposals should be submitted by 1 October 2001 to Professor Richard Freadman (from whom further information about the conference can be obtained):

Professor Richard Freadman
Director, Unit for Studies in Biography and Autobiography
Humanities 2 Building
La Trobe University
Victoria, Australia 3086
Email: R.Freadman@latrobe.edu.au



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