Maritime History Beyond 2000: Visions of Sea and Shore

11 - 14 December, 2001
West Australian Maritime Museum
Cliff Street, Fremantle, Western Australia

Travel Bursary Available!--click here)) ))

An International Conference on Maritime History and Heritage, organised by The Australian Association for Maritime History at the West Australian Maritime Museum, Cliff Street, Fremantle 11-14 December 2001


The Western Australian Maritime Museum
The International Commission of Maritime History
The International Maritime Economic History Association

The aim of this conference is to bring together historians and all others interested in maritime history in order to present the latest findings in maritime historical research and heritage studies, to review the state of the discipline in all its aspects, and map out pathways for research in the 21st century. Papers are invited on all aspects of maritime history, especially on the following general themes:

Cultural images and heritage
Commerce and trade
Shipping and ship building
Ports and port cities
Fisheries and fishing communities
Naval history and strategic studies
Labour and unionism
Maritime environment

Authors are encouraged, as far as possible, to adopt a comparative approach and address the following questions: What are the main research priorities for maritime history in the 21th Century? How does your research contribute to this international research agenda?

The conference will include the 2001 Executive Council Meeting of the International Commission of Maritime History.

Keynote speakers

Professor Frank Broeze Department of History, University of Western Australia. A past President of the International Commission of Maritime History, Professor Broeze is a leading international maritime historian. His books include Brides of the Sea, Mr Brooks and the Australian Trade, Maritime History at the Crossroads and Island Nation, A History of Australians and the Sea.

Dr Gelina Harlaftis Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus. Currently Vice-Chairperson of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Maritime History, Dr Harlaftis is Greece's leading maritime historian. Her books include Greek Shipowners and Greece, Greek Seamen and Greek Steamships, A History of Greek -owned Shipping, and with D. Starkey Global markets: the Internationalisation of Sea Transport Industries since 1850.

Deadline for registration with standard fee and for submission of abstracts is 1st September 2001.

Registration fees

Standard conference fee (before 1st September) A$200.
Standard conference fee (after 1st September) A$250
Student conference fee (please attach proof of enrolment) A$75.
Conference dinner A$45


A Registration Form and additional information will be available on the soon to be activated conference web site at The Email address of the convenors is at A colour brochure is available from the email address on request.

Travel Bursary Available

Travel bursary for Fremantle maritime history conference available. At the 1999 meeting of the International Council for Maritime History executive council resolved that a travel bursary of up to US$1000 be offered to attend whichever ICMH-sanctioned conference hosted the 2001 meeting of the council. The ICMH 2001 meeting will be held during Maritime history beyond 2000: visions of sea and shore 11-14 December 2001, Fremantle, Western Australia, which is being organised by the Australian Association for Maritime History.

The bursary is open to any scholar wishing to offer a paper which complies with the requirements set out in the Fremantle conference's Call for Papers and whom would otherwise have to attend entirely or virtually entirely at his or her own expense. The Award Committee reserves the right to discriminate in favour of applications from young scholars and/or those from outside Australia, North America and the EU.

Applications for the bursary are now invited and should be sent to:

Dr Atle Thowsen,
President, ICMH Bergens Sjofartsmuseum,
Postboks 2736 N-5026
Bergen, Norway.
Fax: +47 55 31 23 67

Closing date is 30 April 2001.


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