Renaissance Society of America Meeting

11 - 13 April, 2002

Tempe, Arizona

Convinced that it would be worth to organize a panel on the assimilation of ancient science during the Renaissance, I would like to get in contact with colleagues interested in this topic.

I am thinking of questions like the collections of manuscripts on determined topics, the critical editions of scientific texts, their Latin translations and/or commentaries, the market of books, their diffusion and circulation, and, hence, the dissemination of ideas, the introduction of works into the university curriculum (or, on the contrary, the disappearance of some from the curriculum), the effect of the availability of new texts on methods of teaching, their impact on the discipline they deal with (including the polemic they provoked in certain cases), or on the profession they are related with, including the possible effect on society of the phenomenon, or, and among others, the possible re-evaluation of medieval and Arabic culture at the light of the newly discovered works. Of course, all scientific fields are considered, from natural and physical sciences to mathematics and astronomy, for example, including medicine and pharmacy, as well as astrology and alchemy.

Deadline for the submission is May 1, 2001.

I invite the interested colleagues to contact me, in order to determine if it will be possible to organize such a panel. Proposals should include title of the proposed paper, abstract (no longer than 150 words), full name and affiliation, audio-visual requirements (if any). Of course, suggestions, reactions and comments are most than welcome.

Please email me (Alan Touwaide) at atouwaide@hotmail.com


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