Society for the History of Technology

Annual Meeting

San Jose, CA

4 - 7 October, 2001

Call for Papers Deadline: 2001-03-23 Society for the History of Technology

The Society for the History of Technology will hold its annual meeting in San Jose, CA, October 4-7, 2001. The program committee welcomes proposals for individual papers or complete sessions on topics related to all facets of the history of technology.

In particular, the committee will welcome non-US and/or pre-1800 topics, works-in-progress from researchers of all stripes (including graduate students, chaired professors, and independent scholars), and papers from those new to SHOT who believe that an engagement with history can help their own work, regardless of discipline. Because the 2000 meeting took place outside the U.S., those who presented at SHOT-Munich are eligible to give a paper at San Jose.

Proposals for individual papers must include:

* A one-page abstract, and
* A one-page curriculum vitae, including current postal and e mail addresses.

Proposals for complete sessions must include:

* A description of the session's theme. The session description should clarify how individual papers contribute to the session=EDs overall theme.;
* A list of the presenters' names and paper titles;
* A one-page abstract and one-page c.v. for each of the presenters
(with postal and e mail addresses);
* A one-page c.v. for the commentator, chair, and session organizer (if s/he is not one of the session=EDs panelists).

Applicants may chose either one of these submission methods:

* Traditional paper application: send four (4) paper copies of the complete proposal bearing a post-mark (or equivalent indication of submission date) by Friday March 23, 2001 to John K. Brown at the address listed below.
* Electronic application: by the same date, send one single e mail message to the e-mail address listed below, with electronic copies of all elements of the complete proposal as attachments, formatted in Microsoft Word (any version of Word is fine, but the proposal must be in Word). Whether submitting an individual paper or a complete panel, the program committee needs to receive a separate attachment for each item (vita, paper, and so on); the file names for all attachment should end in .doc (for example: hounshellvita.doc) The choice of submission method will not affect the program committee=EDs selection process in any way. Once the program is fixed, the committee hopes to have made arrangements to make the accepted abstracts available on the World Wide Web (details pending and to be announced).

Apologies for cross-postings.

Contact information:

John K. Brown,
SHOT Program Chair
Division of Technology, Culture and Communication
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Thornton Hall A-216
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903.

Phone: (804) 924-6177

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