
The Accountability of Scientific and Medical Practices

Annual Meeting of the Society for Literature and Science

11 - 14 October, 2001

Hyatt Regency Buffalo, Buffalo, NY


Yes, Buffalo! The "City of No Illusions" or, according to USA Today, the "City with a Big Heart"! If our warmth and accessibility doesn't melt the permafrost, perhaps our celebrated modernist architecture--from Louis Sullivan's magnificent early skyscraper, The Prudential Building, to Richardson's Buffalo Psychiatric Center, to Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin Martin House (and four others!)-- will do the trick. Or how about the world-class Albright-Knox Art Gallery? Or this year's centenary celebration of the 1901 Pan-Am World Exposition? And a citywide grid created by no other than Frederick Law Olmsted culminating in magnificent Delaware Park.

Still not moved? If you're a technology buff, before Silicon Valley, Buffalo was "The City of Light": the first electrified city in America and the showplace for the wonders of the new 20th Century as captured by the amazing Tower of Light--the centerpiece of the new century's inaugural Pan-Am Exposition in 1901--caught on film by no other than Thomas Alva Edison himself. From the "City of Lights' to the would-be "City of Bytes," Buffalo has architecture, technology, artifacts, and a rich history of representations of nature, race, gender, and class (from the Pan-Am to internationally acclaimed Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center) to commend itself to the most cosmopolitan academic. Plus bars that stay open to 4 am, more theater than most other cities in America could even imagine, and music that can't be beat for quantity, quality, or variety--what are you waiting for?


[WARNING: downtown Buffalo is completely booked for our dates. Once released, our room block will quickly disappear!]

Visit our web site, and see our exciting program! Also access conference registration and Hotel Room reservations through the SLS-2001

Conference website:

Plenary Speaker: Elizabeth Grosz, "Darwin and Ontology"

Guest Scholars:
-Karen Barad, "Digital Anatomies, Bodily Realities"
-Michael Lynch, "Bodies, Trace Evidence, and Procedural Accountability: The Continuity of Forensic Evidence"
-David Wellbery, "Niklas Luhmann's Conceptual Design"

A Sampling of Speakers:
-Bruce Clarke
-Richard Doyle
-Mark Hansen
-Linda Dalrymple Henderson
-Bernice Hausman
-Katherine Hayles
-Stephen Kern
-Vicki Kirby
-Kenneth Knoespel
-Jay Labinger
-Tim Lenoir
-Robert Markley
-Steven Meyer
-Laura Otis
-Arkady Plotnitsky
-Alan Rauch
-Susan Squier
-Lucy Suchman
-Joseph Tabbi
-Bernadette Wegenstein
-Steven Weininger
-Elizabeth Wilson
-Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

And of Sessions:
-Science as Intra-Action (II): Ecologies, Materialities, Sexualities
-New Media Art (I): Digital Textuality
-Medical Narratives / Narrating Medicine
-Poets, Artists, Critics, and Atomic Physics/Relativity, 1920-1955
-Science and Popular Culture -Writing Medicine: Margaret Edson's W;t
-Bodyworks: Medicine, Technology, and the Body at the Turn of the Millennium
-Gender, Narratives of the Body, and Contested Health Knowledge
-Silvan Tomkins' Affect Theory: Phantom Limbs, Mimicry & AI
-Fiction and the Subject of Technology: Barth, DeLillo, and Stephenson
-Modernism and Science: Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and Jean Charcot
-Prosthetic Subjects
-Writing Medicine (I): Gender -Feminist Imaginings of Technoscience
-Criminal Minds, Gendered Bodies -Mathematics, Writing, Poesis
-Writing Genetics
-Inscription and Experience: Sexualities, Dreams, Bodies
-and over 45 more sessions!

If you need more information, please contact Jim Bono, local arrangements chair (

For more information check out our website:


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