Call for Papers:

Society for the Social History of Medicine

Spring Conference

From Urban Penalty to Global Crisis: Current Issues in the History of Tuberculosis

23 - 24 March, 2002
Sheffield, England

Despite the growth of work on tuberculosis in recent years, there has been no major symposium devoted to the history of the disease in Britain. In this meeting we aim to bring together the key figures who have reshaped the history of tuberculosis in the past decade or so, to reflect on recent work, and to explore the new directions now being taken. The conference date has been chosen to co-incide with the WHO's World TB Day in 2002, because we hope to bring together historians, with doctors, epidemiologists and policymakers involved in current control policies.

We welcome intentions to give papers on all aspects of the history of tuberculosis. The organisers are particularly keen to have speakers from various disciplines and nationalities attending and we warmly invite colleagues from outside of Britain to participate. The Society for the Social History of Medicine offers a limited number of student bursaries to allow post-graduate students to attend the conference. If you are interested, please contact the treasurer of the society at

The following have already indicated their intention to attend: David Barnes, Linda Bryder, Susan D. Jones, Barron Lerner, Hans Rieder, Keir Waddington, John Welshman.

Please send details of proposed papers (300 words maximum) to either Flurin Condrau or Michael Worboys until 1 July 2001.

Conference website

For more information on the Society for the Social History of Medicine, visit

Flurin Condrau Dept of History, Univeristy of Sheffield, Sheffield, S10 2TN


Michael Worboys
CRI, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, S10 2BP


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