Fall Professional Development Workshops

for K-8 and High School Educators

Annenberg / CPB Channel

This fall the Annenberg/CPB Channel presents seven professional development workshops for teachers, including two new workshops: "Science in Focus: Force and Motion" for K-8 teachers, and "Primary Sources: Workshops in American History" for high school history teachers, both launching in October.

Continuing the tradition of quality professional development -- at no cost -- the Annenberg/CPB Channel will feature five additional workshops for teachers in education issues and literature. Workshops are convenient and flexible enough to fit any schedule and any size group. The Fall workshop season begins in September. The deadline for workshop registration is September 15.

Which workshops are available?
Complete descriptions of the workshops may be seen at http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/fall01/

Education Issues
"Principles for Principals" -- beginning September 8, for K-12 educators, 8 programs

"The Next Move" -- beginning October 2, for K-5 educators, 8 programs

"New American Schools: Getting Better by Design" -- beginning November 3, for K-12 educators, 9 programs

"In Search of the Novel" -- beginning October 8, and again on November 4, for middle and high school teachers, 8 programs

"Science in Focus: Force and Motion" -- beginning October 10, for K-8 teachers, 8 programs

Social Studies
"Primary Sources: Workshops in American History" -- beginning October 11, for high school history teachers, 8 programs.

Note: this workshop correlates with the series, "A Biography of America."

What is included in a workshop?
-Ideally, teachers will gather at pre-registered sites to view and discuss the day's workshop. Participants watch the workshop broadcasts or videotapes and participate in on-going discussion before and after each hour-long segment.

- Web-based discussion lists link participants to other sites taking the workshop across the country. - Certificates of completion indicating total hours (typically 16) will be provided to attendees at no cost.

-Optional graduate credit is available at a reasonable cost through Colorado State University.

How do I start?
-Confirm that you have access to the Annenberg/CPB Channel. For information on access, contact your media specialist, local cable or PBS station, or call us.

You may participate by watching a broadcast, or purchase videotapes from Annenberg/CPB at 1-800-LEARNER or www.learner.org.

- Register at no cost by calling us at 1-800-228-8030, or sign up online at http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/registration/registerinfo.html

-Join as a Site Leader so you and your colleagues may participate in the workshops together. Free support materials and a facilitator's guide will be sent to you before you begin.


(posted 8/13/01)

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