Conference on the History of Computing and Networks

International Conference on the History of Computing and Networks
Grenoble, FRANCE 2002: Call for Papers

ACONIT (Association for a Conservatory of Information Technology), AHTTI (Association of History of Telecommunications and Information Technology) and CHARME (Committee for the History of ARMEments), in collaboration with IMAG (Institute of Applied Mathematics in Grenoble), are organising an international conference on the History of Computing and Networks for autumn 2002. This conference provides an opportunity for meetings and discussions between historians who are studying, and the scientists and engineers who participated in the development of computing and networks. The following subject themes are given as examples of what might be discussed:

  • Preservation and exhibition of computing and telecommunication heritage
  • Developments of the concepts of teaching and researching in computing
  • The role of the military in the development of computing
  • Automation and robotics
  • Computing in medicine
  • The impact of computer networks on software systems
  • The evolution of standards
  • The convergence of computing and telecommunications

This conference is the latest the series of Computer History Conferences held in France in 1988 in Grenoble, 1990 in Paris, 1993 in Sophia-Antipolis, 1995 in Rennes and 1998 in Toulouse. An exhibition tracing the history of computing and networks will complement the conference.

Papers should present information of historical interest and proposals of up to two pages will be accepted until 15 January 2002. Proposals can be emailed in electronic form in either ASCII text or RTF format to , or mailed in paper form to :

ACONIT /Colloque 2002
10 bis rue Ampere BP 267 38016
Grenoble Cedex France

Submissions will be examined by the program committee. Requests for support of the conference are being made from public and private organisations and companies and from the European Union. Full details can be found on the conference web site at

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