Public Appeal

Search for Paul K. Feyerabend Papers

In 1996 the Philosophical Archives of the University of Konstanz acquired the papers of Paul K. Feyerabend. The recent gift of a significant number of letters and documents of Paul Feyerabend by his former assistant Christian Thomas gives us reason to presume that there is still more material in the possession of people who worked with Feyerabend or exchanged letters with him.

To prevent such material from being lost we kindly request all persons who own or know about letters, documents or unpublished writings by Paul K. Feyerabend to inform the Philosophical Archives at the address given below. If such persons wish to keep the original documents in their possession, it would still be very helpful to register their existence and to arrange an agreement with respect to their future use or at least to make copies of the originals.

Although it is the principle and practice of the Philosophical Archives to make all its holdings easily accessible to all interested users, items that make direct and personal reference to individuals alive today are sequestered unless such individuals declare their willingness to make the documents publicly available. As a rule, such items are entered in the catalogue, but are not open to the users of the archives. Please feel free to ask about details of the Philosophical Archives as an institution. Grazia Borrini Feyerabend.

Philosophisches Archiv der Universitaet Konstanz
D-78457 Konstanz
Prof. Dr. Gereon Wolters, director
phone: ++49-7531-88-2636,

Dr. Brigitte Uhlemann, archivist
phone: ++49-7531-883729,


(posted 7/11/01)

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