Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Holocaust and Genocide Studies is the premier forum for work on the extensive body of literature and documentation on the Holocaust and genocide. It features essays and reviews that cut across the disciplines of history, literature, economics, religious studies, anthropology, political science, sociology, and others. HGS also considers how insights into the Holocaust apply to other genocides. Articles compel readers to confront the entire range of human behavior, to contemplate the moral dimensions of science and technology in our society, and to reconsider the concept of state and the consequences of our methods of political and social organization. Holocaust and Genocide Studies welcomes the submission of articles for editorial consideration.

Submission involves the tacit assurance that the material has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. To be accepted for publication, all articles must pass a peer review by at least two experts in the field.

Submission of papers: Authors should submit three (3) copies of their manuscript to:

The Editors
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
c/o Department of Academic Publications Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington DC 20024-2126

A separate title page should contain the title of the article, the author's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Manuscripts should be no longer than 10,000 words, and must be accompanied by an abstract and a brief biography of the author (each approximately 100 words in length). In general, manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission (including payment of fees) to reprint or reproduce any material (including text, charts, tables, photographs, illustrations, etc.) that is under copyright, and to supply such permissions when submitting the manuscript.

Article authors will receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears and 25 complimentary reprints courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and will have the opportunity to order additional reprints from the publisher. Book review authors will receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their work appears.

At the time that manuscripts are accepted for publication (following the peer review process), authors should submit their text on 3 1/2-inch diskette, preferably in Microsoft Word 8.0 (Windows 97 or higher) for IBM-compatible computers. The text should be typed using a single font (Times New Roman is preferred). Use left-justification only. Do not use automatic hyphenation. Indicate all diacritical marks clearly. Tables and charts should be typed, each on a separate page, with an indication of where these should appear in the text. Both text and notes should be double-spaced. Authors are strongly advised to check their diskettes for viruses before submitting them to the editors.

The Editors Holocaust and Genocide Studies
c/o Department of Academic Publications Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington DC 20024-2126

(posted 7/12/01)

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