The Early Modern Horse

Contributions are invited for a book tentatively titled Kingdom of the Horse: The Culture of the Horse in the Early Modern World. Papers are sought which deal with any and all aspects of early modern horses and horse culture: horsemanship, equestrian art, horse breeding, the horse trade, horses in literature, horses on the stage (real or imagined), horse ballets, hunting from horseback, horses in warfare, horseracing. Essays from all disciplines are welcome as long as they situate their discussion in a broad cultural context.

Interest in this project has been expressed by the editor of Palgrave's new series, "Early Modern Cultural Studies, 1500-1700" which "unapologetically crosses disciplinary, theoretical, and political boundaries" to examine early modern "texts and artifacts that bear the traces of transculturation and globalization." We are thus especially interested in essays which treat the horse as the vehicle for global cultural transmission, cultural change, or ideas of nationhood; or which cast new light on the ways knowledge about horses and horse craft is implicated in early modern state-formation, the rise of scientific professions and discourses, changes in aesthetic values and standards, or changes in the conceptualization of class/racial/gender difference.

All foreign-language materials must be translated into English. There is a possibility for including translated primary texts alongside critical essays on them; those working on such materials should contact the editor for more information.

Send abstracts, completed papers and inquiries by June 1, 2002 to:

Karen Raber, Associate Professor of English,
University of Mississippi,
University, MS, 38677.
Tel: 662-915-7049.


(posted 8/15/01)

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