Newsletter for the History of Science

in Southeastern Europe

The fourth issue of the Newletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe has been published recently, presenting the relevant activities of the community of the historians of science in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Yugoslavia during the last six months.

As it was stated in previous issues of the Newletter the collaboration of the research teams in this part of the world has become recently systematic and effective, showing that history of science could play a positive role, as a connecting bridge, between the nations of the region, despite political or cultural differences.

In the fourth issue we read among others about the fifth international congress of History of Sicence organised by the INR/NHRF having as theme " The unification of scientific Europe, 17th19th c.", the announcement of the fist congress on turkish history of science and technology, a survey of the activities of the romanian research group and a very interesting article by Vladimir Jankovic titled " Re-approaching Clio: Some reflections on the studies of south-eastern european science and society".

We read also an article concerning Asclepius, the Bulgarian journal of the history of medicine as well as about "The emancipation of the humanities in Bulgaria in the first half of the twentieth century as a scientific and cultural revolution". Finally, we find the provigional program of the symposium organised within the XXth International Congress of the History of Science (Mexico City,8-14 July 2001) by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (Turkey), Efthymios Nicolaidis (Greece) and Konstantinos Chatzis (France).

The Newsletter is bi-annual and is sending free to anyone interested. To be added in the mailing list or send a contribution please contact:

George N. Vlahakis, editorial secretary,
Institute for Neohellenic Research/ National Hellenic Research Foundation,
48, Vas. Constantinou Av.,
Athens 116 35 Greece.



(posted 5/08/01)

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