National Endowment for the Humanities

New On-Line Panelist/Expert Database


Dear Colleague,

We would like your assistance in informing your constituents about our new online panelist database called Prism. Potential panelists can now go to and complete a simple form which allows them to sign up to become panelists in the future. Even if they are currently in our existing database for panelists, they should complete one of these new forms. Unfortunately, we are not able to download our current database into the new system. We will continue, however, to use both databases for some time to come to ensure that we are drawing from the widest pool of experts available to us. The new Prism database has the virtue of easy online completion as well as the capability of online updating in the future.

We would be very grateful if you would include a notice in future newsletters or mailing to your constituents about this development. The form can also be accessed via our website ( and the url will appear in upcoming NEH publications. We thank you for your assistance.

John W. Roberts
Deputy Chairman
National Endowment for the Humanities

(posted 6/08/01)

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