The Public Historian

Histories and Technologies: Method, Ethics, and Controversies in Historical Research A Thematic Issue of The Public Historian

The Public Historian, a journal of the public history profession, seeks proposals for articles relating to the use of new technologies in historical research around the world. Virtually every day brings still more evidence that historical research is being revolutionized by the application of technologies such as DNA analysis, forensics, GIS, new conservation techniques, and so forth. Yet, as the continuing controversy over Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings shows, technology alone may not give us the historical answers we seek.

Contributions to this special theme issue can address an array of topics, from applications of technology to historical problems to the impact or innovative use of technology in public history media (exhibits, film, websites, etc.) What are the legal, ethical, epistemological, and educational effects of new technologies? What mysteries have been solved? What interpretations have had to be re-examined? Where lie the promise and pitfalls of these new technologies for historians? The editors also invite articles with a historical perspective, those that assess the impact of once-new technologies (computing, audio and video technologies, microfilm, conservation technologies) on historical research, understanding, and interpretation.

Proposals for articles and nominations of books/films/websites/exhibits for review are welcomed. For our submission guidelines and editorial policies, please refer to our website, or contact the managing editor.

Articles in two formats will be considered: brief "reports from the field" (10 pp. typed, double-spaced maximum) and expanded articles reporting new research and analysis, usually 25-40 pp. typed, double-spaced). For either format, please submit a one page description of the scope and findings of the essay, along with a CV and your complete contact information (name, title, position, work address, home address, telephones, fax, email?) by November 15, 2002 to:

Lindsey Reed
Managing Editor,
The Public Historian

Department of History
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9410


(posted 8/15/01)

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