Call for Papers: Science and the Developing World

An Online Symposium: Science and the Developing World: Past, Present, and Future

Sponsored by SCIENCEWEEK

1. Closing date for submission of papers: 15 December 2001.
2. All papers to be published on the SW website January 2002
3. Online access to the symposium will be completely free.
4. Papers: Maximum length - 2500 wds. Language: English
5. Both new and previously published papers are acceptable.

Send papers via Email to: Dan Agin, PhD ScienceWeek

Please note: All material must be sent by Email as plain ASCII text. Please convert any wordprocessing formats to plain text. We will format your paper for the SW website. Hypertext inclusions of images and graphics on other sites are acceptable. PDF files are not acceptable. Printed or typewritten papers are not acceptable. The following Online Symposia are also in preparation:

  • Perspectives on Brain, Mind, and Behavior (closes 15 Jan)
  • Perspectives on the Origin of Life (closes 15 Jan)
  • Revolutions in Physics: Past, Present, and Future (closes 15 Feb)
  • Biotechnology and Chemistry in Future Agriculture (closes 15 Feb)
  • Medical Therapies in a Diverse World (closes 15 Mar)

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