Main Spotlight on IAS Alumni Features Alumni Shorts Faculty Reports From The Top Important Links

Alumni Shorts

Several of your past colleagues have written to UWT to let us know what they’ve been doing since graduation. If you’d like to see your name here in our next issue, please e-mail your information to Chris Demaske at



Teresa Swick Hansen (International Relations-Asia) recently completed her work as a member of the Skagit County Citizens Task Force on Climate Change and Sustainability. The County Commissioner approved the task force’s plan, which outlines how Skagit County will reduce its carbon footprint. Swick has now turned her attention to the Skagit watershed, and was elected to serve on the Board of the Skagit Conservation Education Alliance. The alliance is a non-profit organization that works for the conservation of water quality and watershed functions.


Wendy M. Brown (History) started her own photography business. She specializes in weddings, portraits, and events, and has a website to showcase her work. Her photography is also on display at Seattle’s Café Soho. To view Brown’s work, visit


Gregory Steven Wood (American Studies) moved into the private sector of security after a 16-year career with the Auburn Police Department. Wood is now a Group Assets Protection Team Leader with Target Corporation, and is responsible for safety, security, and risk management operations for 65 Target stores. He is married to Gracene Wood with whom he has three children.

Mary Patricia Bowlby (American Studies) was hired in February of 2010 as Executive Director of Job Carr Cabin Museum in Old Town, and was selected to serve on the UWT Alumni Council.


Debbie Lyn Rogers (Self and Society) is living in Tacoma and working as a Clinical Supervisor at Catholic Community Services, Family Preservation.


Ryan Long (IAS) was hired by the U.S. Department of State in September of 2009, and started his first assignment in Lagos, Nigeria. Long is currently living and working in Lagos as a Vice-Counsel, and will complete a two-year tour in this position.


Howard Maxwell Tritt (Environmental Studies) graduated from Florida International University (Miami) with a Masters of Science degree in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Natural Resource Management.

Malinda Janelle Besset (Self and Society) is a Head Start Director. She is living in Renton with her new baby girl, who was born on November 11, 2009. 


Carmela Ann (Amador) Fortin (Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies) is now happily married to Matthew Fortin (IAS 04). She lives in Seattle with her husband and son and works for Microsoft.

Kristin Marie Bagby (Politics and Values) just transferred from the U.S. Coast Guard Honor Guard in Washington, DC to the USCG Maritime Safety and Security Team in New York City. Bagby loves the city and her new job.

Daniel M. O’Donnell (Environmental Science) joined the Rocke Law Group, PLLC, in Seattle and is an associate attorney with a primary focus in civil litigation.

Marion G. Dumont (History/Environment) is a doctoral candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, Calif. She is currently working on her dissertation, which focuses on the feminist cultural- historical study of human relationships with the land of Pleasant Valley in western Montana. Dumont also became a grandmother on January 11, 2010.
Evelyn Helen Ysais (General Studies) is living and working to rebuild the Mississippi Gulf Coast after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Ysais is a Regional Housing Authority caseworker, and helps families that lost their homes find new ones.


Desiree Marie (McElroy) Gaffney (Self and Society) is working as a Program Therapist for Comprehensive Mental Health Center. She recently celebrated her one-year anniversary and the purchase of a new home.


Briana Ray (Bergeron) Emery (Self and Society) was married in 2007, and welcomed a baby girl in August 2009. She currently works for Starbucks Coffee.

Michelle Marie Bessette (Psychology) is awaiting the publication of her short story titled “Excess Baggage” in the upcoming book, “Reflections from Women.” To read more about the publication, visit

Jamie Caitlin Larson (American Studies) received her Masters of Secondary Education in 2009. She then obtained her Teaching Certificate for Social Studies in Washington State, gave birth to a son in 2009, and is in the process of purchasing a new house.
Whitney Rhodes (Political Economy) was recently elected as the Downtown Merchants Group President.


Brittani Ann (Hoeks) Dinsmore (Political Economy) is living in Seattle and working in the marketing and PR office for Eden Advanced Pest Technologies. She was married last summer, unfortunately, to a Cougar…

Kayomi Wada (Media and Culture) was accepted into the PhD program at UW Seattle for History and received the J.C. Smith Fellowship. He also received the the “Golden Circle Award” from the Organization of Chinese Americans-Greater Seattle Chapter for his work in promoting Asian American Studies.


Dana Nicole Haley (Arts, Media and Culture) is living in Maui and working as an artist as well as playing live music. Haley has plans to put together an ecological art project.

Ashley Marie (Nepela) Carle (Environmental Science) opened a business with her husband in Orting, Wash. In addition to the new business, Carle is employed with Washington State’s Department of Ecology in the Marine Monitoring Unit. She works with a team to monitor the health of the Puget Sound’s coastal sediments and waters. Carle loves her position with the MMU and is looking forward to her future.