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Faculty Reports


Cynthia Duncan

Cynthia Duncan (Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies) – Duncan’s forthcoming book, Unraveling the Real: The Fantastic in Spanish-American Ficciones, will be available this September. Unraveling the Real provides new theoretical framework for discussing how the fantastic explores both the metaphysical and socially relevant themes in Spanish American fictions. Duncan deftly shows how authors and artists have used this literary genre to convey marginalized voices as well as critique colonialism, racism, sexism, and classism.


Beverly Naidus

Beverly Naidus (Professor of Art) – Naidus has secured a prestigious University of Washington Royalty Research Fund grand to supper her project “Eden Reframed: An Eco-art Project for the Beall Greenhouses.” Through art, permaculture and community collaboration, this eco-art project will remediate part of the Beall Greenhouse historic site on Vashon Island that has been polluted by pesticides and heavy metals, and damaged by decades of dumping.


Cheryl Greengrove

Cheryl Greengrove (Professor of Environmental Science) – Greengrove has received a NOAA grant to assist with her work modeling favorable habitat areas for Alexandrium catenalla in Puget Sound and evaluating the effects of climate change. She will be working as part of a team of investigators. Greengrove, along with IAS Professor Julie Masura and undergraduate students, will do the field work, sample processing, analysis, presentations at scientific meetings and publication of results.


Mike Allen

Mike Allen (Professor of History) – Allen’s book A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror has appeared in the #1 spot on both the bestseller list and the New York Times paperback non-fiction bestseller list.


Michael Honey

Mike Honey (Professor of Labor and Ethnic Studies and American History) – Honey has been selected as the 2010 recipient of UWT’s Distinguished Research Award. Honey is currently the Fred T. and Dorothy G. Haley Endowed Professor in the Humanities. His new book, All Labor Has Dignity, will be released in January 2011.


rob crawford

Rob Crawford (Professor of American and Cultural Studies) – Crawford published an article titled “Torture and the Ideology of National Security” in volume 12, number 1 of Global Dialogue. The article, which can be accessed online, appeared in a special issue of the journal title: Working the Dark Side.”


For more information about faculty and staff achievements, go to the Faculty Staff News webpage.