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Welcome to the IAS Newsletter

Welcome to the second issue of Junctions, the alumni website for the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program at the University of Washington Tacoma. This yearly publication is intended to connect, reconnect, educate and perhaps even inspire alumni, faculty, current students and staff. One unique aspect of Junctions is that it also serves as an experiential learning space for current and former IAS students interested in web writing and publication. As a result, what you see here has been conceptualized, researched, written, produced and laid out by IAS students and alumni. Special thanks goes to IAS communication concentration recent alum Galen Annest and 2009 graduate Daniel Nash, also from the communication concentration. Galen wrote several of the key articles that appear in this editions, as well as contributed quite a bit of time and effort to editing. Daniel Nash created the visual look of the website and also came up with the title, Junctions, which he believes expresses the continuity of our professional lives and the interdisciplinarity embedded in the IAS program. We hope you enjoy this edition of Junctions, which features articles and updates about what alumni and faculty are up to, how the IAS program is developing, and a special feature on ways in which you, the alumni of IAS, can give back to program specifically and the university as a whole. If you have comments, questions, or would like to find out how you can be involved in the next edition, please e-mail Chris Demaske at



Contributors to Junctions

Publisher: Larry Knopp

Faculty Advisor: Chris Demaske

Editor: Galen Annest

Web Master: Daniel Nash

Contributing Writer: Song Jordan, Melissa Dodge, Kimberly Wynn, Todd Schlaudraff

Special thanks to Scott Pinkston