Past HIV Prevention Projects

Sex Check Project

    PI: Roger Roffman
    Co-Investigator & Research Director: Joe Picciano
    Clinical Director: Denise Walker
    Co-Investigator: Fred Swanson, Gay City Health Project
    Co-Investigator: Robert Wood, HIV/AIDS Control Program, Public Health, Seattle and King County

    Funding Source: National Institute of Mental Health Grant No. 1 RO1 MH/HD62976.

    Start/End Dates: June 2002 through November 2005

    Description: In this randomized controlled trial, a brief telephone-delivered HIV-prevention intervention for men who have sex with men will be evaluated. Over an 18-month period, 356 individuals will be enrolled in the study, with each individual receiving either a 3-session motivational enhancement intervention, or a 30-minute educational intervention. All participants will be followed-up for a one-year period.

"Community Intervention to Reduce AIDS Risk Behavior" (1997- 2000).

    PI: Jeffrey Kelly, Medical College of Wisconsin
    Co-Investigator: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: NIMH Grant MH42908.

"Brief Phone Intervention to Prevent HIV" (1997-1998).
    PI: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Grant No. R18/CCR015252-01.

"Phone Counseling in Reducing Barriers to AIDS Prevention" (1991-1996).
    PI: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: NIMH Grant MH46792.

"Community Intervention to Reduce AIDS Risk Behavior" (1993-1996).
    PI: Jeffrey Kelly, Medical College of Wisconsin
    Co-Investigator: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: NIMH Grant MH42908.

"Relapse Prevention in AIDS Risk Reduction" (1988-1991).
    PI: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: NIMH Grant MH44099.

"Community Intervention to Reduce AIDS Risk Behavior" (1990-1993).
    PI: Jeffrey Kelly, Medical College of Wisconsin
    Co-Investigator: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: NIMH Grant MH42908.

"Relapse Prevention Training as a Means of AIDS Risk Reduction" (1986-1989).
    PI: Roger Roffman
    Funding Source: Contracts with Seattle-King County Department of Public Health.

909 NE 43rd St #304, Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: 206-543-7511 Fax: 206-685-8739