Developing Game-Themed Applications with XNA

Abstract and Biography of Kelvin Sung

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Abstract of the Workshop:This workshop is designed specifically for students and software developers who are interested in developing computer video-games but have no background in computer graphics or games. The workshop will:

The main goals of the workshop are to understand the programming model for, approaches to, and actually design and implement a 2D game. The coverage of XNA and XNA framework will be at a very high level and will be extremely brief.

Brief Biography of Kelvin Sung: Kelvin Sung is an Associate Professor with the Computing and Software Systems at University of Washington Bothell (UWB). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992. His background is in computer graphics, hardware and machine architecture. He came to UWB from Alias|Wavefront (now part of Autodesk) in Toronto, where he played a key role in designing and implementing the first version of Maya Renderer. He also co-designed a patented motion blur algorithm. Images generated based on that algorithm can be found in movies including Independence Day and Wing Commander. Before joining Alias|Wavefront, Kelvin was an Assistant Professor with the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. Kelvin's research interests are in studying the role of technology in supporting human communication. Most recently, funded by National Science Foundation and Microsoft Research, Kelvin’s works are related to teaching and learning of computer graphics ( The Top-Down approach to teaching computer graphics) and foundational concepts in programming based on computer games (Game-Themed Programming Introductory Programming  Project).

This document and the related materials are developed with support from Microsoft Research Computer Gaming Initiative under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871, and 16531.