Integrated Urban Forest Assessment Geoportal
This site is hosted by Dr. L. M. Moskal's Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory at the University of Washington

Green Cities Research Alliance Urban Natural Resources Stewardship: sustainable cities through science, policy, and citizen action


This project is driven by a partnership between Dr. Moskal's, RSGAL and the Green Cities Research Alliance.

UW IUFA Discussion Board


UW IUFA datasets are available on the IUFA site. Partners can obtain login information from


Bata release of 2002 and 2009 Seattle Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) Landuse/Landcover (LULC)


UW Libraries Aerial Photographs UW access restrictions King County GIS Orthophotography Access restrictions WA Imagery Portal Washington state air photos WAGDA - Washington State Geospatial Data Archive UW access restrictions RTI - Rural Technology Initiative Pack Forest GIS data ESS - PRISM Spatial Data Servers USGS EarthExplorer (not all data is free) USGS Seamless Data Source - free geospatial data sets, DOQQ, DEMs, national & global USGS National Map Viewer - similar to above USGS LiDAR - find & download free LiDAR data Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium - same as above but for Puget Sound • Old USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVIS) Global coverage, Satellite and Aerial Imagery New USGS Search Map WIST linked Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF)• USDA Geospatial Data Gateway • NASA WIST Data Search• Phenology Data for USA • AVHRR Data USGS LiDAR WA State Orthimage Portal

We share large datasets with our partners through the UW RSGAL Pogoplug link to tutorial here. Or go to RSGALpogoplug

Mendeley Project Related Publications

NEW: LiDAR & NIR (1 meter) OBIA LULC of Seattle Created by Dr. Moskal's RSGAL in 2011

  • City
  • County
  • State
  • Regional
  • Federal
  • Other

This data are available to through WAGDA to UW RSGAL IUFA research partners only, contact us to request the data

City of Seattle

  • GIS Data Center
  • GIS Data Download
    administrative (zip codes, shoreline, municipal boundaries), census, community services (boat ramps, churches, command centers, environmental education centers, emergency operations centres, fire districts, piers, landscapes, hospitals, libraries, liquor stores locations, play areas, police precincts, P-patches, private schools, public art, public schools, retirement residences, swimming areas, theaters), neighborhood boundaries (neighborhoods, manufacturing centers), transportation (roads, bike routes, bridges, park and ride, school walking routes, traffic signals), terrain (contours, streams, geology, riparian corridors, park lands & greenspace, flood hazards, trees, wetlands areas), utilities, and more.
City of Tacoma
  • GIS Data Center
  • GIS Data Download
    administrative (zip codes, shoreline, municipal boundaries), census, community services (boat ramps, churches, command centers, environmental education centers, emergency operations centres, fire districts, piers, landscapes, hospitals, libraries, liquor stores locations, play areas, police precincts, P-patches, private schools, public art, public schools, retirement residences, swimming areas, theaters), neighborhood boundaries (neighborhoods, manufacturing centers), transportation (roads, bike routes, bridges, park and ride, school walking routes, traffic signals), terrain (contours, streams, geology, riparian corridors, parklands & greenspace, flood hazards, trees, wetlands areas), utilities, and more.

City of Bellevue

City of Marysville

City of Bainbridge Island

City of Mercer Island

NOTE: Not all Cities maintain a GIS website, but may have GIS data if contacted directly. Access is restricted, but IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

This data are available to UW RSGAL IUFA research partners only, contact us to request the data

King County (additional access restrictions to some data)
  • GIS data center
    Summary: administrative (i.e. zip code boundaries, school locations, points of interest, jurisdictional boundaries, counties, zoning, parcels), census data (public health indicators for neighborhoods), environmental (wetlands, erosion hazards, areas susceptible to groundwater contamination, invasive species, aquifer recharge areas, environmental conditions, seismic hazards, geology, water types, sensitive areas, noise contours, agriculture), hydro (floodplain data, waterbodies, groundwater sources, salmon data), public safety (fire/ police stations, hospitals, public health clinics, patrol areas), recreation (parks, trails, facilities, community areas), topography (contours at different intervals), transportation (bridges, roads, metro, landmarks, park and ride, etc.), utilities (storm water & wastewater facilities, pipelines), & multiple dates of aerial imagery, and more.

Pierce County

  • GIS data center
  • GIS data download
    administrative/political (school locations, zip codes, zoning, jurisdictional boundaries, counties, zoning, cities, districts, urban growth boundaries), census data, environmental (soils, snow, wetlands, wind event, volcanic hazards, salmon habitat conservation, steep slopes, open space corridors erosion hazards, oak presence), hydro (groundwater, waterbodies, flood hazards, WRIA), public safety (fire/ police stations, hospitals, patrol districts), recreation (trails, parks, facilities) transportation (roads, ROW, park and ride), & multiple dates of aerial imagery, and more.

Snohomish County

  • GIS data center
    Summary: administrative (zoning, urban growth boundaries), likely additional GIS data if you contact the county directly. Access is restricted, but IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

Thurston County

  • GIS data center
  • GIS data download
    administrative (zoning, urban growth boundaries, county boundaries, fire districts), contours, environmental (noxious weeds, solids, steep slopes, wetlands, watersheds), hydro (waterbodies, flood areas), recreation (parks, trails, ), utilities (pipelines), and more.

WAGDA - Washington State Geospatial Data Archive hosted by the University of Washington Libraries

    Access is restricted, but IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

    Photography - These are links to color orthophotography hosted by WAGDA and on CD-ROM in the Map Collection.

    Elevation - There are links to various types of elevation data here including USGS DEMs and Lidar data.

    USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs) - These are scanned and georeferenced versions of USGS 1:24000, 1:100000, and 
    1:250000 topographic maps for use in GIS software.

    Census - Links to Census data, third-party Census products, and help utilizing Census data within a GIS Project.

    Washington State Parcel Database - Links to Washington State Parcels Working Group from whom a parcel database covering the entire Washington State can be requested by UW students/faculty but not hosted online.

    Satellite Imagery - Links to satellite imagery hosted on UW Servers and by external parties (mix of fee & free).

WA Department of Natural Resources

  • GIS data center
  • GIS data download
    Aquatic data (e.g.. nearshore habitat, ownership, geographic, kelp monitoring), Cadastre (e.g.. Boundaries, DNR parcels, legal description township, township subdivisions, DNR Districts, Public Lands), Climatology (rain-on-snow), Elevation, Forest Disturbance, Forest Practices, Geology, Hydrography, Natural Heritage (Oaks and Grasslands, Rare plant and high quality ecosystems), Soils, Transportation, Wildfire and Prevention (e.g.. Fire stats, High risk communities, Fire Districts).

WA Department of Health

  • GIS data center
  • GIS data download
    Hospital locations, Local health jurisdictions, Pharmaceutical companies, Facilities (Rural health clinics, Community and Migrant Health Centers, Blood Centers, Nursing Homes, Adult Family Homes, Boarding Homes, Daycares), Farmers Markets, Biotoxin Closure Zones, Recreational Shellfish Beaches, EMS Stations, Fires Stations, and Aquifers and more.

WA Department of Ecology

  • GIS data center
  • GIS data download
    Water quality, Geographic boundaries, Land Use (e.g.. dairy farms), Drift cells, Ecology Monitoring Stations, Air quality maintenance areas, Facilities, FEMA, Geographic locations, Hydrology, Lakes, Wetlands, Monitoring sites, Air Quality (e.g.. ozone, particulates), Rivers, Shorelines, WA Resource Inventory Areas, & Water well logs.

WA Department of Fish and Wildlife

WA Department of Transportation

  • GIS data download
    Transportation Features (e.g.. Airports, Runways, Transportation projects, Highways, Ferry terminals, Park and Rides), Political and administrative features, historic aerial photos of the region for purchase.

WA Department of Revenue

  • GIS data download
    Tax rate data, Forest taxes, Sales tax jurisdictions boundaries, Property tax districts etc.

WA Orthoimagery (NAIP)

Data for Other States

WAGDA - Washington State Geospatial Data Archive hosted by the University of Washington Libraries also contains some regional datasets.

    Access is restricted, but IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

    Photography - These are links to color orthophotography hosted by WAGDA and on CD-ROM in the Map Collection.

    Elevation - There are links to various types of elevation data here including USGS DEMs and Lidar data.

    USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs) - These are scanned and georeferenced versions of USGS 1:24000, 1:100000, and 
    1:250000 topographic maps for use in GIS software.

    Census - Links to Census data, third-party Census products, and help utilizing Census data within a GIS Project.

    Washington State Parcel Database - Links to Washington State Parcels Working Group from whom a parcel database covering the entire Washington State can be requested by UW students/faculty but not hosted online.

    Satellite Imagery - Links to satellite imagery hosted on UW Servers and by external parties (mix of fee & free).


  • Puget Sound River History Project - Historic airphotos of Puget Sound
  • Hood Canal - Dissolved Oxygen Program - Access Restrictions
    Puget Sounds LiDAR DEMs, hydrogeology, bathymetry, Canada DEMs, AVHRR & MODIS satellite time series. Access restrictions. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium

    Access restrictions. You must be a member of the consortium to have access to this data. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

Puget Sound Regional Council

    Census data, population and housing estimates, residential building permits, household survey activities. Most of this data is not easily downloadable and may require working directly with the PSRC and/or digitizing data manually. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

PNW Center for Geologic Mapping Studies - Geologic data for Puget Sound

  • GeoData Geoportal
    Extensive GIS data resources at the national level. Part of the EGOV initiative to provide access to governmental geospatial data.

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • USDA Data Gateway
  • NRCS Soils Data Mart - SSURGO
    Watershed boundaries, elevation, ortho imagery, geographic imagery, Land Use Land Cover (LULC), precipitation, climate data by state, soils.
US Forest Service (USFS) Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
  • BLM Internet GIS Sites
  • GIS Data Download Oregon & Washington
    Administrative (BLM lands, districts, resource areas, grazing allotments & pastures, northern spotted owl critical habitat, wild and scenic river corridor, & wilderness areas) facilities (abandoned mines, roads trails, recreation sites), land status (BLM easements, ROW, surface rights, & Oregon Trail), landscape cover (forest cover/ operations inventory, vegetation mapping, digital imagery), reference data (aerial photograph fligthlines, air photos, DRG), special management areas (areas of critical environmental concern, wilderness characteristics, resource management) species occurrences (forest seed zones, known spotted owl activity centers, & weeds) terrain (digital elevation models), treatment (aquatic restoration activities), water (hydrography lines, points, waterbodies), & wildfire (fire history).

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Ecoregions
  • National Geospatial Program
  • Environmental Justice Geographic Assessment Tool
    Ecoregions across the US, toxins release inventory by neighborhood, facilities, enforcement and compliance, air emissions, pollution, hazardous waste sites, cleanups, cancer risks, radon, UV index, stream flow, ozone levels, total maximum daily loads, list of impaired waters, nonpint source pollution, wetlands - Most of this data are not easily downloadable and may require working directly with the EPA and/or digitizing data manually. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at
National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
  • Spatial Trends in Coastal Socioeconomics (NOAA)
    Place-based management programs, time-series demographic data, marine recreation, floodplains, watersheds, political.
  • C-CAP Land Cover Data (NOAA)
    Pacific Coast Land Cover database. Similar to the USGS NLCD LULC. Does not cover the east side of the Cascades. They also provide change analysis data from 2001 to 2006. Pixel resolution is 30 meters.
US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • Spatial Data Branch
    Not much easily downloadable from their website for Washington State, but personal inquiries to local district for specific data could turn up additional data sources. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
  • USFWS Geospatial Services
  • National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
    Critical habitat, coastal barrier resources system, USFWS ecosystem regions, landscape conservation cooperatives, migratory bird conservation, National Wildlife Refuss System (trails, roads, boundaries), office locations, regional boundaries, & National Wetland Inventory.
US Census Bureau - census information US Geological Survey (USGS)
  • USGS Seamless Data Source
    The USGS uses several data portals to provide data. We recommend starting with the USGS seamless data source for gis data and GLOVIS for imagery. The National Map Seamless Server provides elevation data, transportation data, NLCD land cover land use data, vegetation growth averages, congressional districts, surface temperatures, arsenic in groundwater, principal aquifers, groundwater climate response network, dames, alluvial and glacial aquifers, streams, & sea surface temperatures.

University of Washington Centre for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) - List of GIS data and resources including workshops for UW students affiliated with CSDE.

University of Washington Rural Technology Initiative (RTI) - Landowner data, forest data, statewide Landsat imagery

University of Washington Earth and Space Sciences (EES) Raster Data - Raster data resources hosted byGeomorphological Research Group

University of Washington Pack Forest GIS Data - GIS data for UW Pack Forest. Access restrictions. IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

NatureServe / GIS Data Center - Data relating to natural heritage programs. Lots of information regarding rare and threatened species and threatened ecosystems

Global Land Cover Facility - Products derived from satellite imagery

Socioeconomic Data and Application Center (SEDAC) - Lots of demographic data, national and global.

UN GRID Africa GeoPortal

GEO Portal

ESRI ArcGis Geoportal Extension Add-on

UW Libraries Aerial Photographs UW access restrictions

IUFA partners may contact UW to discuss help options with this at

University of Washington, College of the Environment, School of Forest Resources  
Anderson Hall 302, Box 352100
Fax: 206.685.0790
Seattle, WA 98195-2100