Qiangqiang Guo receives First Place in Student AI Competition organized by ASCE

Qiangqiang Guo, a fifth year Ph.D. student of iUTS, led a student team (Ohay Angah, Zhijun Liu) to win the First Place in the Student Research Competition on Artificial Intelligence Enabled Next Generation Transportation Systems, organized by the Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Committee of ASCE Transportation & Development Institute. His work, titled Hybrid deep reinforcement learning based eco-driving for low-level connected and automated vehicles along signalized corridors, focuses on applying RL methods for AV control to save energy and improve safety. The paper has been published by Transportation Research Part C in 2021: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0968090X21000164.

Congratulations to Qiangqiang and the team!

iUTS receives new NSF grant

A new NSF grant was awarded to iUTS to develop new privacy protection methods for connected vehicles (CV) and V2X data. The award will be a joint collaboration between UW and privacy/security experts at IIT. See here for more detailed information about this award.

iUTS Research related to Covid-19

iUTS has conducted Covid-19 related research since early 2020 on (i) mobility impacts on multimodal transportation systems, (ii) surveys/focus groups on travel/commuting needs, challenges, and new patterns (especially for essential workers) during and post the pandemic, and (iii) mobility-based transmission models to help predict Covid fatalities. More details of the research can be found from the following media/news reports.

  1. UW News (Jun. 01, 2021), Regional survey reveals work, leisure habits during the pandemic (https://www.washington.edu/news/2021/06/01/regional-survey-reveals-work-leisure-habits-during-the-pandemic/)
  2. Mirage News (Jun. 02, 2021): Regional survey reveals work, leisure habits during the pandemic (https://www.miragenews.com/regional-survey-reveals-work-leisure-habits-569742/)   
  3. MyScience (Jun. 02, 2021): Regional survey reveals work, leisure habits during the pandemic (https://www.myscience.org/en/news/2021/regional_survey_reveals_work_leisure_habits_during_the_pandemic-2021-washington/)  
  4. UW CEE News (Jan. 12, 2021): A mobility informed COVID-19 transmission model (https://www.ce.washington.edu/news/article/2021-01-12/mobility-informed-covid-19-transmission-model); paper preprint: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.25.20162016v1
  5. COVID-19 infection modeling and prediction, Times Union (https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/RPI-researcher-uses-simple-formula-for-chemical-15667043.php)
  6. CDC on COVID-10 Forecasts: Death (October 21, 2020), RPI-UW Model is one of the models that contributes to the CDC Ensemble Model to forecast COVID-19 deaths: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/forecasting-us.html
  7. RPI News (October 21, 2021): COVID-19 Model Inspired by Gas-Phase Chemistry Predicts Disease Spread: https://news.rpi.edu/content/2020/10/21/covid-19-model-inspired-gas-phase-chemistry-predicts-disease-spread
  8. UW News (May 22, 2020): UW research team seeks campus input with survey on coronavirus mobility impacts:  https://www.washington.edu/news/2020/05/21/uw-research-team-seeks-campus-input-with-survey-on-coronavirus-mobility-impacts/?utm_source=UW_News_Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=UW_Today_row&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTldFeE9ETXdNekk1WWpZNCIsInQiOiJBSVpkK2JcL0Y5Z2dDR3Arall3T1llK0RmM2praWZjZzl5MjN1ckNnTTJnVVBjYkh6cmNcL3g1Vm5ncUEraGVQbEx0c3VVZDBIUHF4SlR6UTB1REV0WVdBdTE2NXN4Q3JCQm4xSFlhOXI0NUxielR4QVdlOHlKbEJheVpFRnJ6SWY0In0%3D
  9. C2Smart, NYU (May 5, 2020): COVID-19 Transportation Data Dashboard and White Paper Issue 2: https://c2smart.engineering.nyu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Whitepaper-Issue-2.pdf.

Ohay Angah and Feilong Wang Joined iUTS

Ms. Ohay Angah and Mr. Feilong Wang  joined iUTS as Ph.D. students. Ohay is interested in multiscale transportation system simulation and control, and Feilong is interested in transportation big data and cybersecurity. Welcome to both Ohay and Feilong!

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