New Ph.D. Students Join iUTS

iUTS New Students

iUTS welcomes new Ph.D. / MS Research Students: Ms. Shakiba Naderian, Mr. Soheil Kesharvarz, and Mr. Xin Wang. They come with strong background in transportation, AI/Computer Sciences, Statistics/Applied Math, and will add more to iUTS research, education, and outreach activities. Welcome them All!

Qiangqiang Guo Defended His Dissertation Research!

Dr. Qiangqiang Guo (bottom) and His Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Nathan Kutz (top left), Dr. Jeff Ban (top right), Dr. Hussain Aziz (middle left), Dr. Yinhai Wang (middle right)

iUTS Ph.D. student Qiangqiang Guo successfully defended his dissertation research on “Multiscale Signal-Vehicle Coupled Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles” on August 15, 2022. He has joined Google Map for his next journey. Congratulations to Dr. Guo!

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