Feilong Wang Defended His Dissertation Research

iUTS Ph.D. student Feilong Wang successfully defended his dissertation research on “Data Poisoning Attacks in Transportation and Infrastructure-Enabled Defense Methods” on February 02, 2023. He will be a postdoc researcher of iUTS. Congratulations to Dr. Wang!

Dr. Feilong Wang (bottom) and His Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Yuan Hong (top left), Dr. Jeff Ban (top right), Dr. Ed McCormack (middle left), Dr. Bill Howe (middle right)

Rong Fan Defended Her Dissertation Research

iUTS Ph.D. student Rong Fan successfully defended her dissertation research on “Commuting Service Platform: Concept, Method, and Analysis” on December 05, 2022. She has joined Uber to start her next journey. Congratulations to Dr. Fan!

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