Established in 1974, the Journal of Japanese Studies features original, analytically rigorous articles from across the humanities and social sciences, including comparative and transnational scholarship in which Japan plays a major part

Lazarus 44:1


Folk Performance as Transgression: The Great Dengaku of 1096

In 1096 a series of dengaku performances, consisting of boisterous music and dance that originated in rural rice-planting rites, erupted in the Heian capital.  Courtier reactions varied: some predicted the downfall of the realm while others joined the festivities, but all agreed it was an extraordinary phenomenon.  Scholars have often viewed the event as a popular movement that succeeded, or failed, in occupying elite spaces in the capital and changing the trajectory of performance history.  This article instead argues that dengaku created charged spaces of transgression in which social identities and cultural forms were negotiated.

Volume 44, Number 1 (Winter 2018)
© 2018 Society for Japanese Studies