Emily Grason
Doctoral Student

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Photo of Emily Grason

I am interested in understanding ecological interactions through the lens of non-native species. Species introductions often cause noticeable disruptions to community function and provide "natural" systems on which to test hypotheses about how species respond to novel selective forces. For instance, in co-evolved communities, in co-evolved systems, predators can have population and community effects both through consumption and intimidation of their prey. However, when either the predator or the prey is an introduced species, recognition of either a novel food source, or a novel predatory threat may not occur. This can cause unpredictiable and unstable community dynamics. However, in some invaded systems, predators do appear to recognize novel prey, and vice versa. This raises the question of whether this recognition occurs via plasticity or adaptation.

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Emily Grason's Publications:

Grason, EW, Miner BG. 2010. Non-consumptive effects in a marine food chain with both native and invasive species. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

Grason, EW, Miner BG. 2009. Non-consumptive effects in a marine food chain with both native and invasive species. Western Society of Naturalists.

UW Biology | University of Washington
Created by Lee McCoy, Updated by Jerome Tichenor, March 19, 2013