Econ 476

Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labor Migration
Professor Kar-yiu Wong

 Autumn 2023

Econ 476 - Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labor Migration
Autumn 2023

Classes: TTh 2:30 – 4:20PM, DEN 212

Office: Savery 352

Office Hours: Wednesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Syllabus and Reading List

This course covers important theories of the following three activities of connecting countries: international trade in goods, foreign direct investment, and international labor migration.

 These theories explain why commodities and factors of production move across countries and how they may affect the consumption, production, prices, and welfare of relevant economies. The policy options of the government in regulating the movements of commodities and factor movements are examined.

 The emphasis of this course is on the theories of capital and labor movements internationally. Although trade in goods is also covered, the analysis is on those trade theories that are more related to the movement of factors. There is a different course on international trade, but that is not a pre-requisite of this one.

 Real world examples are explained and used to illustrate some of the theories introduced in this course.


To get a grade in this course, students will have to work on the problem sets (carrying a weight of 10% of the total grade), a mid-term exam (40%), and a final exam (50%).


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Address: Department of Economics, Box 353330, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U. S. A.
Phone: 1-206-685-1859
Fax: 1-206-685-7477

This page was last revised on 09/25/23.