Frank Abou

Mike Abou

Told to Linda Abou. Length:  19:58
Free translations by Mary Charlie, Edna McCook, Eileen McCook, Mike Abou and Sharon Hargus.  
Translations of English into Tsek'ene by Edna McCook.  
Transcription and word glosses by Sharon Hargus. 
Recorded by Sharon Hargus on a CD recorder.
  1. SH: hǫ 

  2. LA:

  3. 'Umuse,widindèh,shesay.
    maternal uncleyou talk
    'Talk, uncle.'

  4. MA:

  5. Suwehǫ.
    my maternal auntokay
    'Okay auntie.'

  6. 'Ii èhlong time ago,your dad,us,young kid'ulędǫ̀,Porcupine Lake,daddykwùne'èhnùts'ude,all winter.
    and thensà'è dǫ̀ nubakhiniits'òòdahe/she iswhen (in the past)Duch'we munè'babapl.withwe staykhuye
    'A long time ago when we were young kids we stayed at Porcupine Lake all winter.'1

  7. Gwawuts'eh'ìdìdzenaghdùsdetl,Frank George,Jack George,my brother George,brother Charlie.
    therefromfrom backthey started to go home
    'From there they started to go home from back there.'

  8. (Yì)dìdzenaghdùsdetl.
    from backthey started to go home
    'They started back.'

  9. 4sleigh,Marchtime.

  10. Joohdè''ùkoogrocerykalaghut'e.
    herethosets'utsudziiforthey are
    'They came here for groceries.'

  11. 4 sleigh loadjowuts'ehnaghdùslajoo.
    herefromthey started to take backtoo
    'They took back 4 sleigh loads from here.'

  12. Yìdighècanyonlakùnaghnudetl.
    upcertthey went back through
    'They went back up through the canyon.'

  13. Kòòhnuba,'ukòòdǫjustyoung one'ulę.
    in the pastyour fatherback whenkwùdii'uskehe is
    'At that time your dad (George) was just young.'2

  14. LA: *** 

  15. MA: mm 

  16. Himtoodusleighdune'èh(yì)dakhwiiWilson Cabinwuts'ehsǫ,Ruby Creektùnawìsdlàh.
    Didiniijooduts'èhts'ìgè'peoplewithup around therefromuncertthey hauled pl. back up
    'He went with them too from Wilson Cabin (on Finlay) to Ruby Creek.'

  17. Gwudakutl'edèsǫkaghut'è.
    thereuncertnightI don't know whatthey do
    'I don't know what they did there at night.'

  18. Gwa, gwudalanubahurt ujàh,mitsìì'.
    therecertyour dadtàadahis head
    'There your dad hurt his head.'

  19. LA:

  20. 'Uyiila,'iizǫhlakesdììh,hesay,mama...
    thatcertthatonlycertI know it
    'That's all I know, all he (ever) said, his head.'

  21. MA:

  22. Tunk'idììts'utkutl'e'ìghidii,sleighk'eh.
    icehe fell downnightthey say itts'èhts'ìkon
    'They said he fell off the sled onto the ice at night.'

  23. LA:

  24. dogshą?
    tlįįwasn't it

  25. MA: mmm 

  26. LA: 'ùkoo dog team? 

  27. MA:

  28. fractured skull
    mitsìts'ų̀' lhetòn
    'His skull fractured.'

  29. 'Idewu'ǫ̀dzè'laghìda.
    thatthroughcerthe's alive
    'He lived through it.'

  30. LA: mhm 

  31. MA:

  32. 'Ide'iiwuts'ehnawdììgà'iihe go in and out.
    therethatfromit got light
    'After that he went in and out (of consciousness) in the early morning.'

  33. LA: Big Grandma eh? 

  34. MA: No, Grandma down here! Ruby Creek! 

  35. LA: oh. Grandma? 

  36. MA:

  37. Mom and them,all of usPorcupine Lake'uts'ut'e.
    Mama kwùne'uts'inèt'eDuch'we Munè'we are
    'We, including my parents, were all at Porcupine Lake.'

  38. 'ii wu---Gwudzè'wuts'ehjoohdè'nùnaghudèlii 'èhlat'e.
    therefromhereas they came backit is
    'It happened when they were on their way back here.'

  39. Gwudzè't'àhnughadùlhii'ideRuby Creek'idelahe get hurt.
    therebackthey're coming backtheretherecerttàada
    'When they were coming back, at Ruby Creek that's where he got hurt.'

  40. Charlie kwùne'èhCharlie'èhJack George'èhjustthey just left everything there.
    Charlie pl.andandandkwùdii'ide 'ùkoo all ghunawdùsdetl
    'Charlie and Jack George just left everything there.'

  41. 'IiFrank Georgezǫh'idewuts'ehyìdè'è'unujàh.
    thatonlytherefromback therehe went again
    'There was only Frank George left to go back.'

  42. LA: hmm!

  43. MA:

  44. Gwudzejoohdè'kìnaghghdìihtę̀,Jack and Charlie?
    comingherethey brought him downJack 'èh Charlie 'èh
    'Jack and Charlie brought him down here.'

  45. Tlįį'èhjoohdè'kìnaghghdììhtę.
    dogwithherethey brought him down
    'They brought him down with dog (team).'

  46. LA: I know, not even nothing that time eh? 

  47. Hudson's Baywomanyàghuda.
    'emàwiiuncertshe takes care of him
    'A woman at the Hudson Bay store looked after him.'3

  48. Dahlhats'ehmàghghuda.
    wellboththey take care of him
    'They both looked after him.'

  49. 'Idegrandmakǫh'ide,gwuda'iigrandmadìghetus dahmudowacamp'awwìdlàh.
    there'àtsǫǫcamptherethereuncertthat'àtsǫǫaboveon the hillfor himkǫhthey made
    'They made camp for grandma on the hill above (the HBC store).'

  50. Tentyiihstoveèhììt'è'nighniila.
    libàliiundersdohand thingsthey put down
    'They put a stove and stuff in the tent.'

  51. GwaCharlieyàghuda.
    therehe takes care of him
    'There Charlie watched him.'

  52. Gwawuts'ehuncleJack Georgejoo,wooghàndèhtl'a.
    therefrom'ustątoohe left them
    'After that Jack George left them.'4

  53. LA: oh 

  54. MA:

  55. Ruby Creeklhunadalhii,oh'ùkoonuyalelhiiallwuk'idìniilakwùjoo.
    when he reachedthosehe's bringing it backhe put it back on (the sleigh)again
    'He came back to Ruby Creek and loaded up the sled with what he was bringing.'

  56. Lhàwììlhèhgą̀hFrankgwudasuda.
    one timeeveningtherehe's sitting
    'One evening, Frank was sitting there.'

  57. Gwudzè'launcleJackkwùjoonatl'elh.
    therecert'ustąagainhe's coming back fast
    'That's when uncle Jack came back again.'

  58. 'Ii 'èhWilson'èhDaddy'èhyì'ǫ̀dzenughat'às.
    and thenwithbabawithfrom overthey 2 are coming back
    'Wilson and daddy came over.'

  59. Lhunughat'às.
    they 2 returned
    'They came back.'

  60. 'Iimamawoodàdii.
    thatMomshe tells them
    'Then mom told them.'

  61. Oh boy! 

  62. Oh boy!babateh'ine.
    'Oh boy poor dad.'

  63. Kwalaearly morning,what timeearly morningdèehyà.
    finallycertnawdììgà' dekuwaduzii sǫuncerthe left
    'Then early in the morning, he left.'

  64. LA:

  65. ma

  66. MA:

  67. Old mannèessįį.
    KwùląI told you
    'I told you the old man.'

  68. LA: oh. 

  69. MA:

  70. Kwakhiniizǫhgwudaleft,me,Wilson.
    'Only Wilson and I were left there.'5

  71. 'Ii 'èhUncleJack Georgekwayì'ònèFrog Riverts'è'khughànujàh,UncleJack Aboukwùneka.
    and then'ustąfinallyoverTehkahje twè'tohe left us and went back'ustąpl.for
    'Uncle Jack George left us for Frog River for uncle Jack Abou and them.'

  72. "Keghoodììhii,"'èhnii.
    let them know about ithe said
    "'Let them know about it," he said.'

  73. 'Ii 'èhuncleFrank'idnììzǫ̀'.
    and then'ustąhe got mad at
    'Then he got angry with uncle Frank (George).'

  74. "Jodewuts'ehwoo'èhnudindah.
    herefromwith themyou go back
    "'Go with them from here.'

  75. 'Id(e)Chicken Cabinwuts'è'nawoodinlèh.
    theretotake them back
    'Bring them to Chicken Cabin.'

  76. Tigheh'ine."
    poor them
    'Poor them."'

  77. Gwawuts'ehlamamaonesleighnudùstǫ,anduncleFrankjoolhìghè',kwùlayìdìdzebabak'èh.
    therefromcertmomlhìghè'ts'èhts'ìkshe brought back'ustątooanotherfinallyfrom backdadfollowing.
    'From there, mom bring one sleigh, and uncle Frank too, following dad.'

  78. GeeObo Lakewuts'ehTallow creek,Tallow mountainyiihgwudzè'lakhwùdè'tii'udèdlahlǫ̀.
    Duch'we munè'fromundertherecertthenteahe made himselfhad
    'He had made tea there at Tallow Creek under Mount Tallow.'

  79. Long wayholy!
    'It's long.' LA: ma gàh? MA: dad, Frank Abou \gll Gee, gwa wuts'eh gwa ts'iihtets gwuda. there from there we slept there \glt 'Gee from there we slept there.'

  80. Next daylakhwùdè'Chicken Cabinlhuts'adùlhlatelhèhgą̀h.
    lhèh dzenecertthenwe reachedevening
    'We made it to Chicken Cabin the next late evening.'

  81. Gwudajookeep going 'ujahlǫ̀.
    'There too he had kept going.'

  82. Obo Lakewuts'ehFinlaydàdets'e'ehtuneniigwudzè'ghutę̀'ìì.
    Duch'we munè'fromabovetrail goes straighthe calls itthereuncerthe slept
    'From Obo Lake he camped above the Finlay.'

  83. Gee'ii tl'ǫhmu'ahè',big snowshoesladèt'ę.
    and thenhis snowshoe'ah chowcerthe has
    'He had big snowshoes.'

  84. 'Ùkoomom"'ùkoosu'ahè'gòòlii"nii.
    thosemamathosemy snowshoeinsteadshe says
    'Mom said "here are my snowshoes instead" (offering them).'

  85. "Khà'dòòwiigood enough,"'èhnii.
    forget ittheseshòwà'he said
    "'These are good enough," he said.'

  86. GwudaFinlaydàdeka'utunegwudzè'ghutę̀'.
    thereabovetrail comes outtherehe slept
    'He slept above the Finlay where the trail comes out.'

  87. 'Iiwuts'ehnext daykwùlasayìdè'è dùs'ǫgoWilson cabin,uncle Amoswǫhlhayalh.
    thatfromlhèh dzenefinallysunit setthereuncerttohe reached
    'Next day when the sun was going down he came to Wilson cabin and uncle Amos.'

  88. 'Ideuncle Amos'uyèhnii,ya nèeht'èkudìinya'unt'a?
    thereuncerthe told himwhyyou go foryou are
    "'What are you coming for?

  89. Kwudasǫnidòòwè.
    must behe's gone
    'He must be dead by now," he said.'

  90. 'Ide gòòlii,yèhnii.
    nonethelesshe told him
    "'Nonetheless," he told him.'

  91. 'Iikètl'àhtiizohyugàhghudǫkeep going.
    thatjustteaonlyby himhe drank'unujàh
    'He just drank tea with him and kept going.'

  92. Sakwùlatse'įįhdzè'da'ąhiilakwa.
    sunfinallymountainbehindthereas it's going incertfinally
    'The sun was going behind the mountain.'

  93. LA:

  94. Yìtsè'èkùna(d)alh?
    downhe's coming back
    'He's coming back down?'

  95. MA: mhm, yeah' 

  96. LA:

  97. Sidììnts'ughǫ?
    do you understand me
    '(To SH) do you understand me?'

  98. SH: ǫ


  99. Oh boy,mudzèè'nùtsut,how farlaonenight.
    'ooh'unehis heartit's strongkuwaduziilhìghè'kutl'e
    'He's got a strong heart to make it that far in one night.'

  100. Next dayk'ahsleighduk'u----sleighk'eh'iidusudadugàlè' 'èh,howwet snowtoo.
    lhèh dzenenot events'èhts'ìkts'èhts'ìkonthathe sits upon his own two feetya 'èhyus tsulè''èh
    'He didn't even sit on the sleigh but he was walking by himself in wet snow too.'

  101. LA: grandma ... 

  102. MA:

  103. K'ula witsį̀į̀'

    Tough going, yeah.

  104. LA:

  105. Sutwè' how you say that? 

  106. Suba eh I couldn't talk very good, but thats what grandma always say eh? 

  107. SH: hmm 

  108. MA: yeah' 

  109. LA:

  110. My dad isso...,'ùkoosnowshoeseht'e'ah?

    'Yeah, that's my dad he's a good worker.'

  111. MA: yeah 

  112. LA: my dad is oldest one. 

  113. MA:

  114. 'Iiwuts'ehjo'ut'e.
    therefromuncertherehe is
    'From there he stayed here.'

  115. Gwayugàat'e.
    therehe stays with him
    'He stayed with him.'

  116. Charlieyuwǫh'utsughìì.
    uncertfor himhe's crying
    'Charlie cried for him.'

  117. Yuk'ànehtą.
    he's looking at him
    'He looked at him.'

  118. "Kha',k'ahsudowa'uwììht'adina.
    forget itnot evenfor meit's as you say
    "'It's not so good for me.'

  119. 'Udoodinii.
    notyou say
    'Don't say (that).'

  120. 'Ùkootoosudowakunyah."
    thosewaterfor meyou fetch
    'Go and get me water he told him."'

  121. 'Ùkootoo'èhììt'è'kwayugàhanythinggwayugàhsehlha.
    thosewaterand thingsfinallyby himdedathereby himhe leaves them
    'He left water with him.'

  122. 'Iidaddy'ùkoo'utsigǫ̀'katsìdlatehmè't'àhyèhlha.
    thatuncertbabathosedried meatlittle bitpacksackinhe keeps it
    'Daddy had a little dried meat in his pack.'

  123. 'Ùkooyudowa 'ulàh.
    thosehe gives him
    'He gave it to him.'

  124. 'Ùkooghutsèdìì.
    thoseuncerthe ate
    'He ate those.'

  125. Gwudzè'khwùdè''atsedìì.
    thereuncertthenhe ate something
    'That's when he ate.'

  126. 'IiCharlieyuk'ànehtą.
    thatuncerthe looks at him
    'Charlie looked at him.'

  127. "Daddy,'iiwuwǫhladissįį.
    babathatbecause of itI say
    "'That's why I said that.'

  128. 'Udoo'utsuts."
    nothe eats anything
    'He don't eat."

  129. 'Ii 'èhdaddy'ùkoo,yìdighèstoredzè'jooyudowanùsuya.
    thenbabathoseup'ookèt deattoofor himhe made a round-trip
    'Then daddy made a trip up to the store for him.'

  130. 'Ùkoo,what he figure good'ùkooallyuwǫhlhunalelh.
    thoseya 'ute'ethoseto himhe brought back
    'He brought back for him what he figured would be good.'

  131. Gwudakhwùdè',next daysayìdighè ghu'ąlhiiCharliekudii.
    thereuncertthenlhèh dzenesunit's going upuncerthe calls out
    'Next day when the sun came out he called out to Charlie.'

  132. "Khwudighe,sudowasè' nawinlèh.
    older brotherfor mestraighten up
    "'Brother, make the bed for me.'

  133. Ts'iihdighènìsinhtèh."
    straight upplace me
    'Sit me up straight."'

  134. Yudowagwats'ùdè'yudowasè', sè' yudowawìdlàhbedk'eh.
    for himthereblanketfor himhe straightenedon
    'He straightened the blankets for him on the bed.'

  135. Yenèhda.
    he made him sit
    'He made him sit up.'

  136. Yugàhsuda.
    by himhe sits
    'He sat with him.'

  137. 'Iiold manwuts'è',woots'è'nùzut.
    thatuncertkwùląfacing themhe stands
    'The old man stood facing them.'

  138. "Kwùlathreemoredaysla(nukhu)ghàndasdalhet'è',"yèhnii.
    finallytadut'edzenecertI'm leaving you pl.emphhe told him
    'He said, "I'm leaving you in three days time.6

  139. "Kwùsǫshòwawnt'è'ìì.
    must beyou'll be fine
    "'You'll be all right.

  140. 'Ùkoo'anh'įį'idezǫh'ididììnt'èh,"yèhnii.
    thoseyou havetherejustyou tryhe told him
    "'Whatever you have, just keep trying," he told him.'

  141. 'Ii 'èhsǫ,Charlie"oh boydaddyI hope"èhnii.
    and thenuncertuncert'ooh'unebabayaànohe said
    'Then Charlie said, "oh boy daddy I hope so."'

  142. "Have will power.'Udoodinii.
    'udoo 'udidinziitnotyou say
    "'Have will power. Don't say (anything negative).'7

  143. 'Ii 'èhgwudakhwùdè',kwa2daysuwìjàhìì,'ùkooducksmudowa'òòs'òònii.
    and thenthereuncertthenfinallylhekwudut'edzenepassedthosetsitsfor himlet me shoot
    'It's been 2 days so I'll shoot ducks for him.'

  144. Mugàhsinda.
    with himyou stay
    'Stay with him.'

  145. Yìdighèwooghàdèehyà.
    uphe left them
    'He went up and left them.'

  146. 'IiFoxdigheduyaziik'e'ii'òòn.
    thataboveuncertcow and calfhe shot them
    'Just above the Fox, he shot a calf and cow moose.'

  147. 'Ii 'èhtwo ducksjook'e'ii'òòn.
    and thentsits lhekwudut'etoohe shot them
    'And he killed two ducks too.'

  148. Oh,big packwoowǫhlhunagelh.
    khelh chowto themhe packed back
    'He packed back a big pack to them.'

  149. 'Ii 'èhGrandma,"'oohsunàzędewuts'eh'anh'ą?"
    and then'àtsǫǫohmy son-in-lawwherefromyou get it
    'Grandma said, "oh son-in-law where did you get these?"

  150. "'Idenùdèhyalas'įį,Grandma."
    therethey standI have them'àtsǫǫ
    "'They were standing there grandma," he said.'

  151. Yeah.

  152. LA: 'Àtsǫǫ chow?

  153. MA: Yeah.

  154. Ye',kooyèk'ahyèdawǫhneoodliia.
    heyaround therenot evenanythingforit's expected
    'No one thought there was anything around there.'

  155. Gwudakakhwùdè'morehe eat good.
    'That's when he was eating a little better.'

  156. 'Ii 'èhdut'àhyèhda.
    theninside his ownhe put him
    'Then he put himself beside him (under same blanket).'

  157. Yìdǫ̀ǫ̀wììsutè~.
    behind thereuncerthe sleeps
    'He slept behind him.'

  158. Early morning,sadii"daddyteakwudisdii,daddy,dusbùt."
    maybe he saysbabalìdiiI'm thinking aboutbabaI'm hungry
    "'I want tea daddy, I'm hungry."'

  159. 'Ii 'èhCharliekooyenidììtl'ayudowa.
    thentherehe jumped upfor him
    'Then Charlie jumped up for him.'

  160. 'Ùnò'khiniitits'eh'ine.
    pooruswe're poor
    'Poor us.'

  161. Ruby Creeklhuts'adùlh.
    we reached
    'We came to Ruby Creek.'

  162. LA: Hmm.

  163. MA:

  164. Frank Georgehelp 'ukheh'įį.
    'Frank George helped us.'

  165. 'Ii 'èh'idewuts'ehkeep agoing ts'ulęzǫhWilson Cabinla'umuse Amoskwùneghǫhlhuts'adùlh.
    and thentherefromkats'ut'euntilcertUncle Amospl.towe reached
    'From there we just kept going until we came to uncle Amos at Wilson Cabin.'

  166. 'IiRuby creek,'ùkoogroceries,maybe over 300-, 400-poundgrocerygwasula.
    thatthosets'utsudziits'utsudziitherethey are
    'There were about 300 or 400 pounds of groceries there.'

  167. Gwa'ùkooèhììt'è'kètl'àh,kètl'àhmuts'ehwe take what we wantandthat'sit.
    therethoseetc.justfrom itya mukayts'iniizunii ts'ììhchoot.
    'We just took what we needed from it.'

  168. 'Iilagwudze`'ts'ehlha.
    thattherewe leave them
    'Just left it there.'

  169. 'Iilakwagwudzè'daddykhunèeh nadalh,dahCharlie'èh,Frankjoowoo'èh.
    thatcertfinallytherebabahe came to meet uswellandtoowith them
    'Then dad met us there, with Charlie and (uncle) Frank.'

  170. LA:

  171. Babagoodnukhìghidii?
    daddyshòwooht'ethey tell you pl.
    'They told you Dad is fine.'

  172. MA: Yeah.

  173. "Oh,mum,shòwooht'e.
    'oohmamahe's fine
    "'Oh mom, he's all right.

  174. 'Udoodahnii."
    notyou pl. say
    'Don't say anything."'

  175. Kwùlashòwadàht'į̀į̀lhe'iiwǫhgomàndèesja."
    finallyhe'll be okaythatbecause ofthereI left him
    'He's going to be okay so I left him."'

  176. Uncle Amos couldn't believe it.

  177. 'IdelakwauncleAmosjoowoo'èh'ujàh.
    therecertfinally'umusetoowith themhe went
    'Then uncle Amos too went with them.'

  178. Yìdè'ètsà'kunaghdùsdetl.
    backbeaverthey went back for
    'They went back up for beaver.'

  179. LA: Grandma come back down this way?

  180. 'Àtsǫǫjoosdè'nudèhja?
    grandmahereshe came back
    'Did Grandma come back down here?'

  181. MA:

  182. All'ùkoojoohdè'alllhunukhughalelh.
    thoseherethey brought us back
    'They brought all of us down here.'

  183. LA: hmm

  184. MA:

  185. 'Ii 'èhgwudamugàh, mugàhwe stay.
    thenthereby him'uts'iiht'e
    'We stayed by him there.'

  186. 'Ii 'èhoh boy,dunetrap'èhnidòòwè.
    then'ooh'unepeopleyhèlhwithare gone
    'Everybody's out trapping.'

  187. Lhàwilìì,"'ushidleyìdakhwììlhoowe kats'oot'è'ii."
    out of nowhereyounger brotherup around therelet's go fishing
    'Once he said "brother, let's go fishing up there."

  188. "You okay?"
    "'Are you okay?"'

  189. "Yeah,shòwast'e.
    ǫI'm okay.
    "'Yeah, I'm fine.'

  190. Sitsìì'shòwooht'e."
    my headit's fine
    'My head is okay."'

  191. Gwudzè'Fox river,ducks,'ùkooducks,'ùkoofish,gee'ùkoograylinglotsthat time.
    'There were lots of ducks and fish, including grayling, in Fox R. at that time.'

  192. Gee,maybe30tùsulà.
    uncerthe landed them
    'He caught about 30.'

  193. Ah,'ùkoofishtliin 'uts'eh'įį.
    thoselhoowewe cleaned
    'Then we clean the fish.'

  194. "Yanàwzehts'una?
    whatis making noise
    'He kept asking me, "what's making that noise?"'

  195. K'ah'udìnts'ugha?"nusididii.
    not (Q)you hear anythinghe keeps telling me
    'Don't you hear anything?' he was asking me.

  196. No.

  197. 'Udoo yèdadìsts'ugh.
    nothingI hear
    'I didn't hear anything.'

  198. 'Iifishzǫhwǫhtsunèsus(da).
    thatlhooweonlywithI'm busy
    'I was busy with the fish.'

  199. 'Uska lesomethingkhuts'è'k'ìni'į̀į̀h'oodidlii.
    boyya sǫto usit's sneaking aroundit sounds like
    'He told me, "boy, it sounds like something is sneaking towards us."

  200. 'Uyii.25-.20gwasehtǫ.
    thattherehe has it
    'He had the .25-.20 there.'

  201. 'Uyiinadììtǫ'ii tl'ǫh"'ooh'ushidlediik'ànhtą,"sèhnii.
    thathe picked up againand thenohyounger brotherthislook at ithe told me
    'He picked up the .25-.20, and said to me "brother, look at this."'

  202. 'Iiwolfkhuts'è'nèh'įįgatyiih.
    thatch'iiyonè'to usit sneakedtreeunder
    'There was a wolf hiding under the tree.'

  203. LA: 'Ii zǫh la I don't know what ... 'ùghudii 'ùkoo wolf.

  204. MA: yeah

  205. LA: how they call it?

  206. MA:

  207. Ch'iiyonè'

  208. LA:

  209. Ch'iiyonè'eh?That'stheone,'uyiila'udoomesdììh.
    wolfthatcertnotI know it
    'Ch'iiyonè, that's the one I don't know.'

  210. MA:

  211. 'Ii, 'iigwudayìs'òòn.
    thattherehe shot it
    'He shot it there.'

  212. Yìs'òònii tl'ǫhyitsìì'zǫh'ediihch'il'ii tl'ǫhgwudayuk'ehsuk'edidùsla.
    he shot it andits headjusthe skinned itand thenthereon ithe loaded up the fire with wood
    'He shot it and skinned out the head out and then he a made big bonfire on top of it.'

  213. Taàmah wǫhallmuk'ets'idiihlhut.
    by the shorekwùlawe burned it
    'We burned it all by the shore.'

  214. Mitsìì'Hudson's Baywǫhlhuna'ąlh.
    its headtohe brought back
    'He brought the head back to the Hudson Bay store.'

  215. Kwa no time yughǫh he put tag and he dry him. 

  216. He give him twenty five dollar. That time la bounty ulę? 

  217. LA: mmm 

  218. MA: 25 dollar only. 

  219. "Boy!George,kwùlashòwanunjàh.Goodboy."
    finallyyou're well again
    "'Now you are well again George.'

  220. Dah'uyiithat store man anddughupànè''èhboy,they just,wawute'e.
    wellthathis wifeand'oohk'ulathey're happy
    'The storeman and his wife were happy.'

  221. Gwudzè'ladaddygwudzè'yì'ònèYahayaghidiiwa'ònègwudzè'thatToo Dudzè''ìghidii,too gàh.
    therecertbabathereoverthey callpast itthere'uyiiDriftpile R.they call itriver
    'Daddy was over at Driftpile R., past Yahaya.'

  222. Gwudzè' la--- 

  223. LA: I see that kind of show, too dudzè.... 

  224. MA: mmm 

  225. LA: What you call that? Too dudze, white man way they called it Turnagen? 

  226. Not Turnagen. 

  227. MA: something like that 

  228. LA: Gwudzè' la I see that kind of thing over there Too Dudzè' I hear about the place, 

  229. MA:

  230. Gwawuts'ehgwudzè'wuts'ehlakwùla,gee,June 4dzè'lajoohdè'kìnaghdììdetl.
    therefromuncerttherefromcertfinallythencertherethey came back
    'From there, then from there they got down here on June 4.'

  231. Gee,lots of beaver.
    k'ulatsà' nùstlǫ
    'There was lots of beaver.'

  232. 'Iijooshòwaghujàh,yì'ǫ̀dzedunedzah moodidugetne,yì'ǫ̀dzenadùlh,dah'uyii,Jack George,uncle Perry kwùne.
    thattoothey did wellfrom overpeoplewho do badly in the bushfrom overthey're coming backwellthatUncle Perry and his family
    'They did good because some people were coming over who were running out of provisions like Jack George, uncle Perry and them.'

  233. Yì'ònèSkookplacewuts'eh'ùkwùnejoosave 'ughnììlàh.
    over therekǫhfromtheytoothey saved
    'From Skook's place they also saved them.'8

  234. LA: hmm! 

  235. MA:

  236. 'Ii 'èhgwaRuby Creekjoo'ùkoolots of groceries,'ùkooshòwaghiiht'e.
    and thentheretoothosets'utsudzii nùstlǫthosethey're okay
    'They had lots of groceries in Ruby creek so they were all right.'

  237. Gwudzè'lakhwùdè'joohdè'lhunts'a---tunughadulh.
    therecertthenherethey came back from bush
    'Then they made it back down here.'

  238. 'Iila'iibabamoonejidiidune.
    thatcertthatdaddyhe's powerfulperson
    'Dad is good at it, he plow the wet snow all way down and never gave up.'

  239. 'Udoodunekuwaduziione night trip'awuleh,yustsulè','iize,holy.
    notpersonlong onehe could makesnowwetslush
    'Nobody could make a one night trip in the wet snow and slush.'

  240. Yustsulè''inah'us'ii tl'ǫh,'udidèdlahii.
    snowwethe's taking stepsandhe's powerful
    'He's walking with wet snowshoes and he's pretty good at it.'

  241. Kooyekwudisdiidasome timek'ulawits'usdune.
    thereI thinkwhenlhatahdaratherI don't like it
    'When I think of all this I don't like it.'

  242. LA: me too 

  243. MA:

  244. 'Iitl'ǫhdawsdèhajoo?
    andthenwhat can I dotoo
    'What can I do?'

  245. Siniijookwasubackè'k'ehoh boynadnuszut.
    metoofinallysudehfromI'm suffering with things
    'I suffer with my back too.'

  246. 'Ide gòòlak'udàzǫhnukhugàh(ghìsda.)
    nonethelessstillwith you pl.I'm alive
    'Even so I am still living with you.'

  247. LA: Remember the bull moose story?< 

  248. MA: mm yeah. 

  249. Kwùla'udiidòòwè.
    finallythere's nothing
    'That's it, nothing more.'

  250. SH: musii 


  1. ts'òòdawa ts'ulę dǫ̀ 'when we were kids'
  2. 'uske 'boy'
  3. Bill Houston's wife
  4. 'ustą 'my paternal uncle'
  5. 'uts'iiht'e 'we are'
  6. MA actually says khunughàndasdalhe.
  7. 'udoo 'udidinziit 'don't stop'
  8. Skook had a store there.