Grizzly story

Mike Abou

Recorded at Mike Abou's house. Told to Linda Abou. Length of
recording: 26:25. (Originally recorded on cassette tapes Sek 01-4A and
01-4B.) Some noise from people talking in the next rooms can be heard
on some parts of the recording.  The Tsek'ene translations of English
words and phrases used by Mike were provided by Mary Charlie, Edna
McCook and/or Eileen McCook.
  1. MA: I forget what year was it. I think it was '56, '57? I'm pretty sure it was '57. You know, well

  2. 'Ii èhdaddy and uswe were beaver trappingback north,eh.
    and thenbaba 'èhtsà' kats'ut'egòòhdè'è
    'We were trapping beaver with Dad back north.'

  3. And for some reason this time, oh we got too much load.

  4. We got too much beaver anyway, too much.

  5. Too muchts'ehkìlh.
    tììyè'it's heavy
    'It was too heavy.'

  6. Tsà'zùsts'ehkìlhii'èh27èt'è'kints'idììdetl,May27.
    beaverskinwhich is heavywithwe came back
    'We came back on May 27th with heavy beaver skins.'

  7. LA: come back that way?

  8. MA: mmm

  9. 'Ii èhUncle Amosdusideh'ą,"Alec'èh'ìdighèBower Creekdzè',1 weekgwudzè'gòòlant'e"sèhnii.
    and thenhe asks mewithupToohts'a ts'elę̀'therethereeven it ishe told me
    'And Uncle Amos asked me, "(stay up) at Bower Creek with Alec at least one week".' %

  10. "Hǫ"'ìdissįį.
    okayI tell him
    "'Okay," I told him.'

  11. Gee,'udoowukaynuszun.
    notI want to
    'I didn't want to.'

  12. Finally I give up. "Okay."

  13. Kwùlawèh---mu'èhyìdighèjowuts'ehBower Creeklhuts'a'às.
    finallywith himupherefromToohts'a ts'elę̀'we 2 reached
    'Finally he and I reached Bower Creek from here.'

  14. We make raftjoo'uts'idèdlàh.
    toowe made ourselves
    'We made a raft too.'

  15. Yìnònèyàts'uskę.
    acrosswe went across by boat
    'We crossed.'

  16. YìdighèBower Creekgàhts'atę̀'.
    upToohts'a ts'elę̀'atwe slept
    'We slept up at Bower Creek.'

  17. 5 mile'èhniiwudighesome place but nothing.
    he saidabove it
    'He said some place above 5-mile but there was nothing.'

  18. Watergetting too much up.
    Tookwùla yìdighadììlh.
    'The water is getting too high.'

  19. 'Ii 'èh'iiwuts'ehnext dayBillKǫhlhuts'a'às.
    and thenthatafter itCampwe 2 reached
    'And then the next day we came to Bill's camp.'

  20. "Oh bro,gwudzè'latsek'ehtsà'nùstlǫghidii."
    therecertmountainonbeaverthere are manythey say
    'Oh, bro, they say there's lots of beaver on the mountain.'

  21. Gwudzè', gwudzè'tùts'idùs'ats.
    therewe 2 started to go uphill
    'We started up there.'

  22. Geesummitwiyiihkhidighebear,sąsdusuda,willowtàh.
    dotiiyebelow itabove usblack bearit's sitting upgòòleamong
    'Above us below the summit a bear was sitting up next to willows.'

  23. "Alec,didiisąsk'ànhtą,"'ìdissįį.
    thisblack bearlook at itI tell him
    'I said to Alec, "look at this bear."'

  24. Gwudzè'wuk'ànehtą.
    therehe looks at it
    'He looked over there.'

  25. Open placekìiya.
    he came out
    'He (Alec) came out in an open place.'

  26. "Bro, bro."

  27. "Ya?"

  28. "'Iimudakhwiiopen placewuk'ànhtą."
    thatabove itlook around
    'Look around up there around it.'

  29. "'Oo,supanè'muk'ànhtą."
    ohmy friendlook at it
    'Look, friend.'

  30. Dlèzhe'iihts'è' tadut'elatsaskùduget.
    grizzlysixcertrootis digging out
    'Six grizzly digging roots.'

  31. Geegrizzlydùnèet'a?
    dlèzhehow many are there
    'How many grizzly?'

  32. 'Iiwuts'ehyìdighècreekgàhts'a'às,wutl'ùssummitwuts'è'.
    thatafter itupts'elęalongwe 2 are goingmuddotiiyetowards it
    'After that we went up the creek, muddy towards the summit.'

  33. Geegwudzè'grizzlytunekòòwà'ą.
    theredlèzhetrailextend down in area
    'There were lots of grizzly trails there.'

  34. Gwudzè'mek'elook'ehwe keep going.
    therehis trail in snowontùts'a'às
    'We walked on his trail in the snow.'1

  35. LA: there's snow?

  36. MA: yeah

  37. Yustùnè'ǫk'udà'.
    snowit's piled upstill
    'deep snow'

  38. Gwudzè''iitsek'ehsummit'uyiihard going wìlę.
    therethatmountainondotiiyethat'udawdèdlah gwudzè' ts'a'àsii
    'It was hard going on top of that mountain.'2

  39. Late eveninggwudaBeaverKǫh'èhniilhuts'a'às.
    nùdiihkhetlgwudatsà'houseit's calledwe 2 reached
    'We came to Beaver House late evening.'3

  40. Onezǫhk'ànustą.
    lhìghè'onlyI see it
    'I only saw one.'

  41. 'Uyiizǫhsis'òòn'iitl'ǫhtoo muchtunnitsį̀į̀'ii'èhgwadalulh.
    thatonlyI shot itandthentììyè'icewhich is badandthereit's floating
    'I shot that one but there was too much bad ice and it just floated there.'

  42. Mewitsį̀į̀'.Too late.
    to hell with itnùdiihkhetl
    'To hell with it.'

  43. Wadighekǫh'awts'idèdlàh.
    above itcampwe made it
    'We made camp just above there.'

  44. Alec,tent,gatyììhtentjooduts'us'ǫ.
    ts'ììsaspruceunderlibàliitoowe have it set up
    'We set up the tent under a spruce.'

  45. K'ula'uwute'ekǫh'awts'idèdlàh.
    rathernicecampwe made ourselves
    'Gee nice, 'uwute'e, good camp.' %MC: k'ulawute'e 'it's very nice'

  46. 'Uts'atsèt'iitl'ǫhhe lay down,tììyè'tired.
    we ate somethingandthentèledèhdatooma tiiyawììht'e
    'We ate and he lay down, too tired.'4

  47. 'Ùkootlįįjoo'įįhnadzeother side the firekoowoots'ìstl'oǫ.
    thosedogtooon both sideskwùn nosdè'we tied them
    'We tied up the dogs on each side of the fire.' %MC: [ùkoo tlį joo įhnahdze kwùn dasè' koots'ùstl'oǫ]

  48. 'Ii 'èhmesdęhdzè'nunèestę,didiniijoo.
    and thenturning away from himI went to sleephetoo
    'Then I went to sleep turning away from him, him too.'

  49. 'Udookawììht'ekwudisdii.
    notit is thusI'm thinking
    'I wasn't thinking about anything.'

  50. Nunèestę.
    I went to sleep
    'I went to sleep.'

  51. Koodehlììdunenisidììhdlat.
    suddenlysomeonehe yanked me up
    'All of a sudden someone pulled me up.'

  52. Sukè'dughatlah.
    my feethe grabbed
    'He was grabbing my feet.'

  53. "Bro, bro".

  54. Boygwudzè',suchǫh dagwudzè'I grab, I got my gun in my hand.
    therein my sleeptheresi'òònà' dughastlah
    'Being half asleep I grabbed my gun.' %[suchǫh da uwìht'e la su'oònà' daghastlah]

  55. "Listen",he tell me.
    "'Listen," he told me.'

  56. Gee,'ùkootreemove aroundthemrootskhiyiih,'ùkoorootskat'e.
    thosegatnùghudah'ùkootsasunder usthosetsasis doing
    'Look at those trees moving. Look at those roots moving.'

  57. Them 2 big treesyiihlats'u(t'e).
    gat yiih lhekwudut'eundercertwe are
    'We were under those 2 big trees.'

  58. Brush'èhììt'è'fall down on our tent.
    'uletc.khulibàlè' kaghe nudìstl'iit
    'Brush and stuff had fallen down our our tent.' %alternatively khukǫh nawunila

  59. Herethatboogey-man'ìghidii'iisat'e.
    'uyiisèhnììhjethey call himthatmaybe it is
    'Maybe it was what they call that boogey-man.'

  60. Herehe make awful noise,ohboy.
    K'ula nàwzuts'unii 'èh lat'e
    'It was an awful noise.'

  61. Kwùdiioh boyfrom thereI couldn't sleep
    just'ide wuts'eh'udoo nunoostę̀'ii ywàwììht'e
    'After that I couldn't sleep.'

  62. Kwùlanudnustęhdakwùlahe pull me.
    finallyI go to sleepwhenfinallynusidììdloos
    'He kept pulling me every time I started to go to sleep.'

  63. Oh boypretty soon"nùlhidnasgwulhe"I tell him.
    kwùlaI'll hit you good'ìdissiį
    'I'm going to hit you pretty soon.'

  64. "I'm tired, I want to sleep.

  65. Ya 'èhanythingwatch'unhsuna"'ìdissįį.
    whyyou always doI told him
    'How come you always watch for/keep track of things," I told him.'

  66. (Ya kayèdak'àninhtą?
    whyanythingyou look at
    'Why do you watch everything?')

  67. Kwùjook'ahkoohI fall asleep.
    'I had fallen asleep again.'

  68. HereIhear.22.
    'Ii 'èh'òònadììsts'ugh.
    'Then I heard a gun.'

  69. He shooting up them tree.
    'ùyii gat ghà'u'òòn
    'He was shooting up in the tree.'

  70. Then,I hear that thing,just likewind'oodidliiyìnònèwuts'è'.
    'ii 'èh'uyii dììsts'ughnùts'iiit sounds likeacrosstowards it
    'It sounded like it was windy across there.' %yìnònè nàts'i oodudli ['sounds like']

  71. Khutaànohgeesharp mountain,tse dzèh'ukadììht'e.
    across from uscliffit looks funny
    'Across from us there was a sharp mountain, a funny looking cliff.'

  72. Box'èht'ekidii'ǫ.
    it looks likeit sticks out
    'It was like a box sticking out (from the side of the mountain.).'

  73. Gwudzè'wuts'ehladììsts'ugh.
    therefrom itcertI heard it
    'I heard it from there.'

  74. Gwudzè'wuts'è'lalast time'undidii.
    theretowards itcertit makes noise again
    'The last time I heard it was over there.'

  75. Maybe'idedasǫmukǫh'ììsą.
    thatmaybeits homemaybe
    'Maybe that's where its home is.'

  76. "Kwùsǫ'uyiibeaverghudughìì,"sèhnii.
    probablythattsà'he ate it uphe told me
    "'He probably ate that beaver," he said to me.'

  77. "Shòwà'"'ìdissįį.
    sureI told him
    "'Sure," I told him.'

  78. I,laydownagain.
    'Finally I lay down again.'

  79. 'Akǫ̀'kìnawdnàt'į̀į̀lhiioh yeah,yìtsè'è,geenuwùstun.
    as soon asit's getting lightdownhillit's frozen up
    'As soon as it was getting light I got to it.'5

  80. Holy, just like that (pounds floor)

  81. 'Ah'ędii'ìtsè'ècreekgàhdèestl'a.
    snowshoewithoutdownts'elętoI ran forth
    'I ran down to the creek without snowshoes.'

  82. 'Iidunegwasutę.
    thatguytherehe's sleeping
    'The guy was sleeping there.'

  83. Way downcreekgàhk'èstl'eh.'Udiidòòwè.
    gòòhtsè'èts'elęatI'm running aroundthere is nothing
    'I was running around way down at the creek. There was nothing.'

  84. I know.Yì'ònèwilę̀.
    kesdììhover thereuncertthere is
    'There must be something over that way.'

  85. Yì'ònètsà'wilę̀kwudisdii.
    over thereuncertbeaverthere isI'm thinking
    'I thought there might be beaver over there.'

  86. T'àhkwudnììstl'a.
    backI turned around and ran
    'I ran back.'

  87. Gwaslidekaghe'usba3nùdèhyasidighe,old housethat closesidighe.
    therewutladiiongoattadut'ethey're standingabove me'uyii kǫh wich'ilagàhabove me
    'There were 3 goats standing above me on a rock slide, as close as that old house above me.'6

  88. Gwamutsehlhinsustl'a.
    thereahead of themI ran past
    'I ran past them.'

  89. 'Idewiihtè'gwudzekǫhwuts'è'I hear 3 shot3 fast shot, holy.
    thenexactlyherehousetowardsbokh widii dììsts'ugh
    'Just then towards the house I heard three fast shots.'7

  90. I knowmuk'ediigèdiidasadii.
    it came to himwhilemaybe he's making noise
    'Maybe something came to him.' %MC: sentence should start with kwùsǫ

  91. Couldn't be that stuffkwudisdii.
    I'm thinking
    'I thought it couldn't be that stuff.'

  92. But I could hear that screaming noise.
    'ii duzulhii dììsts'ugh
    'I heard that screaming.'8

  93. I know that guy,oh boy.
    'ii dune mesdììh
    'I know that guy.'

  94. 'Uyiibeaver'iitunnusutuniik'ehI pick him up.
    thattsà'thaticewhich is hardonnidììhtę
    'I picked up that beaver on the hard ice.'

  95. Gwudzè'muts'è'nastl'elhiijoogwudazǫhsuda.
    thereto himas I'm running backtootherejusthe's sitting
    'I ran back to him there and he was just sitting there.'

  96. Mitsìì',mitsììghà''èhììt'è'wutl'ùs zǫh'ulę.
    his headhis hairetc.muddyhe is
    'His head, hair and stuff were covered with mud (or ashes).'

  97. 'Ùkootlįįsuk'àghnehtą.
    thosedogthey're looking at me
    'Those dogs were looking at me.'

  98. Boyk'ulalafinish 'usjàh,dlòwk'èh,ohboy.
    almostI diedlaughteron account of
    'I nearly died from laughing.'

  99. LA: how come?

  100. MA: I don't know.

  101. 'Iibig, broken branch,everythingkwuyak'ìdèya.
    that'ul chow lhetòniiaround thereit's lying all over
    'Big broken branches were lying all over.'

  102. 'Uyii---

  103. I don't know maybe that thing maybe hit him I don't know, maybe

  104. Pretty nearkwùnk'ehnàats'utììsą.
    k'ulafireonhe fell downmaybe
    'Maybe he nearly fell in the fire.'

  105. 'Iiwutl'ùsall over'iifire place,kwundììhk'ǫ̀'wiihtè'.
    thatmudthatkwùn k'èhfireit burnedjust when
    'There was mud all over the fire just when he was making fire.' %MC: wiihtè' means 'just when' here

  106. Gee"ya 'èh,ya kasughàdiintl'a"sèhnii.
    whywhyyou ran off on mehe told me
    "'Why did you run off on me?" he asked me.'

  107. "Beaverka last'e.'Udiidòòwè.
    tsà'I'm looking forthere's nothing
    "'I was looking for beaver but there's nothing.'

  108. Yìtsòòdala'usba3nùdèhya.
    down therecertgoattadut'ethey're standing
    'There were 3 goats standing around down there.'

  109. Mewitsį̀į̀'.
    to hell with them
    'To hell with them.'

  110. Yì'ònats'oodehii,khudii."
    let's get over therehurry
    'Let's get over there, hurry."'

  111. 'Ùkookhitiiyè''èhììt'è'justwutl'ùs zǫh'ulę.
    thoseour teaetc.muddyit is
    'Our tea and stuff was just full of dirt.'

  112. (end 01-4, A; begin 01-4, B)

  113. SH: hǫ

  114. Geeoh boyk'ulalakwa'ònèts'idùs'ats.
    almostcertfinallyoverwe 2 went forth
    'We walked over there.'

  115. Yì'ònèts'atl'elh.
    over therewe're running
    'We were running over there.'

  116. Summitk'oowìì'ątadįįdzeyhìsanii'ą?
    dotiiyeit goes overin the middlelittle hillit sticks up
    'On the summit there was a little knoll sticking up?'

  117. LA: mhm

  118. MA:

  119. 'Iimugàhdeepcreek'iièhkhits'ìs'uneyìdahdzeslidekìnà'ììtlahii.
    thatalong itts'elęthatwithon our sidefrom abovethey slid down
    'On our side of the deep creek a couple of avalanches had slid down from above.'9

  120. 'Iiwuts'è'ts'a'àswiihtè'I hear a bull moose
    thattowards itwe 2 are walkingjust thendeyǫ̀' dìists'ugh
    'We were walking along there when I heard a bull moose.'

  121. I stop.
    'I stop.'

  122. Suk'èhlaghuyalh.
    behind mecerthe's walking
    'He's walking behind me.'

  123. "Khudant'e"I tell him.
    hurry up'ìdissiį
    "'Hurry up," I told him.'

  124. "Bull moosedììnts'ugh"I tell him.
    deyǫ̀'you hear it'ìdissiį
    "'Hear the bull moose."

  125. "Chief,gee bro,how the hell gee,how come May timelììbull moose'udii?"sèhnii.
    mistakenlydeyǫ̀'it's making noisehe said to me
    "'Why is a bull moose making noise in May?"'

  126. "'Isǫ,khudant'e."
    I don't knowhurry up
    "'I don't know. Hurry up."'

  127. Gwudzè''ìnònènaydis'į̀į̀h.
    thereacrossI'm looking around
    'I was looking around across there.'

  128. Gwasugàhnìniiya.
    therebeside mehe walked and stopped
    'He came along beside me'

  129. "Oh bro,"he say,"look."
    "'Oh, bro," he said, "look."

  130. 'Iibull moosekooyakùdèhgèt.
    thatdeyǫ̀'thereit came out
    'That bull moose over there came out (of somewhere).'

  131. He still far away,about from here,graveyard that far.
    k'ulàzǫh widniihsàt
    'He was still far away, about as far from here to the graveyard.'

  132. Khutaànohwuts'è'kwuyakùdèhgèt.
    across from ustowards itthereit came out
    'It crawled out across from us over there.'

  133. "Geeya 'èhkuda'ukadììht'a"Alec'ìdissįį.
    howmooseit looks funnyI tell him
    "'Gee what a funny looking moose," I told Alec.'

  134. "Ya ghǫha?"sèhnii.
    whyhe told me
    "'Why," he asked me.'

  135. "Look,how comedaduz'ii tl'ǫhdudnachow.
    how long it isandhow big it is
    "'Look how long and big it is.'

  136. 'Ii tl'ǫhhow comeboy, that's---"
    'And then how come---"'

  137. "That's moose,"sèhnii.
    kuda looht'ehe told me
    "'That's a moose," he told me.'

  138. Then he keep,he hit that little timber,tahgwudzè'.
    ts'ùdle tah tunugètamongthere
    'Then it went into the little timber.'

  139. Khuts'è'èsgoòh,koodehlìì'uyiitimberlǫhgwudzekhuts'è'èsgoòhkùdèhtl'a.
    towards ussuddenlythatts'ùdleendheretowards usit ran out
    'Suddenly it ran towards us out of the end of the timber.'

  140. He just go like that, holy.

  141. Oh boy'ìdighèslide'iiwuk'ànustąslidenìnatlichde?
    'ooh'aneupwutladiithatI'm looking at itit slid to a stopwhere
    'I was looking up on the slide where it had stopped.'

  142. LA: mhm

  143. MA:

  144. 'Uyiisnow driftmaybe tree top high,straight down like that.
    thattse biijegat tsìdalà' daduzts'iihywè kawììht'ede
    'That snow drift was maybe as high as the tree top.'

  145. Miyiihdzè'kawììht'e?
    below itit is
    'It was below it?'

  146. LA: mhm

  147. MA:

  148. 'Uyiimitsìdahjustfloor'uwììht'e.
    thaton top of itk'ulait looks like
    'It was just like a floor on top.'

  149. Gwudanìts'inatl'a.
    therewe ran and stopped
    'That's where we ran to.'

  150. Kwa'idela'iikǫhthat farkhuts'è'.
    finallytherecertthathousekuwaduziitowards us
    'It was as far away from us as that house.'

  151. 'Iicreekmugàhnarrowwìlęyìnòdze,khuts'è'.
    thatts'elębeside itthere isfrom acrosstowards us
    'There was a narrow space between us and the creek.'

  152. Howhe knowgwudats'ut'e.
    dèkusk'ehdzekedììhatherewe are
    'How did it know we were there?'

  153. How he know, that's funny, I don't know, I couldn't figure out.

  154. And how farjoo.
    'And how far (away we were) too.'

  155. How he know we're coming and he's way other side. Why he do that I don't know.

  156. Boy'idelamèts'izinììhkhę.
    therecertwe started to kill it
    'We started to kill it.'

  157. Give er hell, give er hell.

  158. LA: you guys see it's not moose?

  159. MA: yeah.

  160. Yamoose'ukadìiht'à'.
    whatkudait's funny looking
    'Yeah what kind of moose is that?'

  161. Kwatsinè'khiyiihmaybe from here that tree that closekhiyiih.
    finallybelow usbelow us
    '(It was) below us maybe as close as that tree.'

  162. Them days they got them .30-.30,them UMC hard point,and them DCC all'ùkoo.
    'Those days they had .30-.30 (and a certain kind of shell).'

  163. 10supocketè'siihlhabeaverdowa.
    sulùboshè'I keep themtsà'for
    'I had about 10 of them in my pocket.'

  164. Soft point'èhsoònats'eh'įį.
    withwe couldn't do it
    'We couldn't do it with soft point shells.'

  165. Yeah try him like that.

  166. Na'.
    'Here, take it.'

  167. ItellhimI give him three.
    tadut'e nàniisla
    "'I gave you three."

  168. Onemugònè'jodewukalatry.
    lhìghè'his armherefor itcert'usjàhìì
    'I'm trying to shoot his arm.'

  169. Joosdè'lììlhetòn.
    herejustit's broken
    'It just broke here.'

  170. Nùtl'aghdazùs,oneside.
    buttocks went down
    'His bum went down on one side.'

  171. 'Idegòòlathree legs'èh
    thereeven sotadut'e muts'unè'withghugwulh
    '(It only) had three legs.'

  172. Here, him too he shoot.

  173. Bugger he got this side arm off, eh.

  174. Then he got 2 different, one leg and one arm, both different.

  175. 'Ùkoo'èh'iigòòliilakwagwudzè'ànìì'khuts'è'.
    thosewiththatalthoughcertfinallytherecoming heretowards us
    'Even though he was like that he was coming towards us.'

  176. LA: And you're running away?

  177. MA: We could have, I could have outrun him. But too late, we're fighting him.

  178. 'Ii 'èhanother of his,

  179. I shoot off another of his legs.

  180. (Kwùjoomuts'unè'lhìghè'nasis'òòn.'
    againhis legotherI shot again
    'I shot off another of his legs.')

  181. Kwa'idela"we're out of shellsprettynear,boy!"
    finallytherecert'òòna t'àh 'udiidòòwè
    'Finally, "we're nearly out of shells!"

  182. 29 shot, holy!

  183. I run down to him.

  184. (Goohtsè'èmuts'è'nàastl'elh.
    downhillto himI'm running down
    'I ran down to him.')

  185. I got my axe out, eh.

  186. (Sutselhè'kìis'ǫ.
    my axeI took out
    'I took out my axe.')

  187. I come from here to that wheelchair, that close.

  188. LA: ...


  189. 'Ii 'èh'iisudehlanùzut.
    and thenthatbehind mecerthe's standing
    'Then Alec was standing behind me.'

  190. "Bro,dindzòòh,"he tell me.
    "'Duck, bro."'

  191. Here that one arm'èhhe trying to reach for me.
    'ii lhìghè' dugònè'withk'ula siniihgwutl
    'It was trying to get me with its one (good) arm.'10

  192. Here he shoot.

  193. ('Uyiikwùjooyìnii'òòn.
    thatagainhe shot at it
    'He shot at it again.')

  194. He went down again.

  195. again it fell down

  196. I see smoke come out of,

  197. Muts'ughè'wuts'ehlhutkùnaya.
    its foreheadfrom itsmokeit came out
    'Smoke came out of his forehead'

  198. He went down.

  199. 'Iimugàhnàastl'a'iitselh'èh.
    thatbeside itI ran downthataxewith
    'I ran beside him with that axe.'

  200. Mitsìì'lhìihyhìtl.
    its headI chopped it
    'I chopped its head.'

  201. And you see blood, just like somebody's brain, red paint.

  202. (Mudulè'dunetsììkhǫ̀''èht'e.
    its bloodpersonbrainit looks like
    '(Its blood looked like a person's brains.')

  203. Boy I guess'ujììheh.
    it's breathing
    'I guess it was breathing.'

  204. "Shw, shw"widii.
    it's making noise
    'It was making a shwoo, shwoo sound.'

  205. He just bled.

  206. (Yudulè'zǫhwìlę.
    itsbloodjustthere is
    'He just bled.)'

  207. Gwudzè'lakh---'udoolakhudiihe quit.
    'Eventually he died there.'

  208. 'Iisutselhè''èhtliin 'unusdlàh'ii tl'ǫh
    thatmy axewithI cleaned itand then
    'I cleaned him with my axe.'

  209. 'Iisugàh,mugàh,oh boystink, stinktoo,ohboy.
    thatbeside mebeside himdìsjit
    'It stank.'

  210. 'Ùkookhutehmè'nadinlèh'iisu belt knife è'.
    thoseour packsackyou pick them upthatsuzè' besè'
    'Pick up our packsack, my belt knife.'

  211. Mukè''ìdè'èholy cowjust like frying pan,mukè'.
    its feetbackts'àwèt 'èht'eits feet
    'Its feet below were just like frying pans.'

  212. Mukegǫ̀'gwudzè'saduz,big too'uyii.
    its toenailtheremaybe it's that longthat
    'The toenails were that long.'

  213. Lhìghè'mukegǫ̀'lhìist'ats?
    oneits toenailI cut out
    'I cut out one of its claws.'

  214. 'Iisutehmè't'ìis'ǫ.
    thatmy packsackI put it in
    'I put it in my packsack.'

  215. 'Ii 'èh,"Alec,yì'ònè,moreyì'ònèbeaverka.
    and thenokayover thereover theretsà'for
    "'Alec, I'm going to go back over there a little ways and look for beaver.'

  216. From hereyìdighèmaybe Frankiekǫhthat farI go
    uphousewaduzii sǫk'èsdahii
    'I went up maybe as far as Frankie's house.'

  217. T'ahnaydis'į̀į̀h.
    backI look
    'I look back.'

  218. Yìdìdzesuk'èh.
    from back therebehind me
    '(He was) back behind me.'

  219. "Khudant'e"'ìdissįį.
    hurry upI told him
    "'Hurry up," I told him.'

  220. Muts'è'kwudnììsja'ii tl'ǫh
    towards himI turned around and went backand then
    'I turned back towards him.'

  221. 'Ii èhmama kwùnesìghidii?
    and thenmom and themthey tell me
    'And then what mom and them told me?'

  222. LA: mhm

  223. MA:

  224. 'Iigattsìdalà'lhìisyìdzii'èhmuts'unè'k'ùnadiisdooz.
    thatsprucetopwhich I broke offwithhis legsI brushed them
    'I brushed his legs with the top of a spruce I had broken off.'11

  225. Dahsiniijoo.
    'Well I was (weak) too.'

  226. Gwawuts'ehkhwùdè'sukedayì'ònèk'ìts'utl'eh.
    thereafter itfinallybehind meover therewe're running around
    'After that he was right behind me and we ran around over that way.'

  227. Brosuts'unè'tahweak 'uwìjàh,way afterdakhwùdè'.
    my legsamongthey got weakfinally
    'My legs got weak.'

  228. I tell him, "me too my knee get funny feel that's how come I go back to you."

  229. 'Ii'èhI know'uyii,'uyiithatgamemaybesis'òònii'iighǫh.
    thatbecause ofthatthatyhììhwhich I shotthatbecause of
    'Maybe it's because we killed that game, that's why our legs got weak.'

  230. Maybe'uyiidasǫ,he send it to us'ììsą.
    thatmaybekhuts'è' yidèh'ą̀'maybe
    'Maybe he sent it to us.'

  231. 'Idelakhwùdè'kinasdìì'.
    thencertfinallyI remembered
    'Then finally I remembered.'

  232. Remember Bill Smith kwùne?

  233. Kwuyagwudzè'Septembernaghnatlulh.
    around theretherethey're flying back
    'They were flying back there in September.'

  234. That area some placelaabout 12-footergrizzly.
    'Some place around there was a 12-foot grizzly.'

  235. Airplaneghunayduts'ùtghidii.
    mèh k'ìnitlijiiit's scratching at (and missing)they say
    'They say it was grabbing at an airplane.'12

  236. 'Uyiisą.I bet, eh
    'Maybe it's that one.'

  237. LA: mhm

  238. MA:

  239. Oh boy'uyii,'iiwuts'ehtunts'idèhtl'a(yì')ònèt'àh.
    thatthatafter itwe came back upover thereback
    'After that we took off back up.'13

  240. Khukǫhlhunts'atl'elhdekakhwùdè'we have a bite to eat.
    our campwe came back towhenfinally'uts'atsèt
    'When we reached our camp, we ate something.'

  241. 'Ii tl'ǫhkhulèè't'ùnawts'iila.
    and thenour dogwe harnessed them
    'We packed up our dogs.'

  242. Keep going.
    'We kept going.'

  243. Yìtsè'ècreekgàhnunts'at'adziijoo,'ùkoogrizzlymore down, down low,khuk'èh wudigheclosenùdèhya.
    downhilltoas we came back downtoothosedlèzheabove and behind uskhwąziithey're standing
    'As we came back down to the creek, when we were going down those grizzly were not far from us.'

  244. 'Ìnosdè'tl'àh'ìtsè'èdifferent side'unts'ujàh.
    across therevalleydownhilllhìghè' ts'elę gàhwe made it back
    'We came down a valley on the other side.'14

  245. Gwudzè'mutaànohlhints'ust'ats,yìtsè'è.
    thereacross from itwe passed bydownhill
    'We passed across from it.'

  246. Funny,anythingkat'edaduneanythingdunewugha'ììhlhah?
    yagoing afterwhenpersonpersonthey work on
    'Why do they bother people?'

  247. 'IiBillKǫh'èhniiwuts'è'hilltus'atune,'iiBower Creekgàh,koohdìghètunts'usjaì'ǫsdè'joona'atune.
    thatCabinit's calledtowards itportagetrailthatToohts'a ts'elę̀'alongstraight on topwe came back upover theretootrail goes down
    'We came on top there was another trail going over.'

  248. Didiisąssunehghutl'elh,didiicornerthatcloseclosetothebear
    thisblack bearit's runningexactlythis
    '(There was) a bear was running towards me, as close to me as that corner (of Mike's bedroom).'

  249. Khunehkùdèhgèt.
    towards usit came out
    'It came towards us.'

  250. "Didiisąs!"sèhnii.
    thisblack bearhe told me
    "'Bear!" he told me.'

  251. Boy that poor thing ever get scared.

  252. Kwùdiiby the time we run outkwùlagoohtsè'èBower Creek gàhwuts'è'tinajùm.
    justfinallystraight downhillToohts'a ts'elę̀'towardsit jumped in the water
    khudatseh ìt'è' 'before us'] \glt 'By the time we ran out it had already jumped in the water down in Bower Creek.'

  253. (laughs)

  254. Kwùdiimǫhdusdlòw.
    justat himI'm laughing
    'I just laugh, mughǫh.'

  255. 'Uyiijoodèkat'ea?
    thattoowhat's he doing
    'What's that guy doing?'

  256. "Oh boy," he said.

  257. "Alec"'ìdissįį.
    I told him
    "'Alec," I said to him."

  258. "Hą"
    'Yes? (What?)"

  259. Gwakǫhwe make fire'iitl'ǫhtii'uts'idèdlàh.
    therecampkwùn ts'idèhk'ǫ̀ and then tea we made ourselves
    'We camped there, made a fire and made tea.'

  260. 'Ushidle'iimun'esdììh.
    younger brotherthatlakeI know
    "'Oh bro, I know that lake.'

  261. Diilabeavernùstlǫghiilè'."
    thiscerttsà'there are manyit was
    "'There used to be lots of beaver there."' %mun gàh la tsà' nùstlǫ ghilè'

  262. Gwudzè'ts'idùs'ats.
    therewe started to walk
    'We walked there.'

  263. Bridge,high bankdewe make bridge eh
    dune muk'eh lhinudùlh debuswheredune muk'eh lhinudùlh de 'uts'idèdlàh
    'Where there was a high bank we made ourselves a bridge.'

  264. Yìnònèyàts'us'atsgwudzè'creekgwudadiide.
    acrosswe 2 went acrosstherets'elę gàhtherehe sayswhere
    'We crossed the creek where he said there was (beaver).'

  265. Gee earlyt'è'3k'e'iis'òòn.
    tadut'eI shot pl.
    'I shot three.' %MC: tadut'e la

  266. Early in the morningyìdà'è2morek'e'iis'òòn.
    nawdììgà' dedownriverlhèkwudut'eI shot pl.
    'Early in the morning downriver I shot two more.' %MC: lhèkwudut'e la

  267. Didiniizǫhlhàhdesuda.
    hejustone placehe sits
    'Him he just stay one place.'

  268. 'Iitl'ohbeaver'enadehch'il.
    andthentsà'he's skinning pl.
    'He skinned beaver.'

  269. I'm out of shell.
    'eht'ǫ kùdiihdègh
    'I ran out of shells.'

  270. I don't know I got 8 beaver eh. "No more shell bro," I tell him.

  271. "I got 2 left," I tell him.

  272. "'Oohninii,"'ìdissįį.
    what aboutyouI tell him
    'What about you?'

  273. "Siniijoo2left,enough to bring us home,"'èhnii.
    metoolhekwudut'ezǫhnusiihlhakòòsǫ kǫh ts'è' lhints'idoot'àsiihe said
    "'Me too I only have two left.'

  274. Kwa'ùkootsà'jootoo lateandit's too skinny
    finallythosebeavertoomuk'a nidòòwè
    'In the end it was too late for beaver, too skinny.'15

  275. Hobugger'iiwuts'ehnuts'idùst'ats,last time.
    thatafter itwe started home
    'After that we started home.'

  276. 2 shots and 1 eachwut'ùts'ehlha.
    we have inside (gun)
    'We only had two shots and one inside each gun.'

  277. (Lhìghè'zǫhkhu'òònà't'ùnuts'ehlha.
    oneonlyour gunswe had them inside
    'We only had one (shell) in our guns.')

  278. Boy,we get back toBower Creek,late,kwùsǫI don't know maybe, maybeJune 8sǫ.
    'We made it back to Bower Creek.'

  279. Earlynints'uskę.
    we left by boat
    'We left early by boat.'

  280. Yahdighde5-mile slough?
    just up
    'Just up at 5-mile slough?'

  281. Bull moosetaàmah'ut'ǫ̀''utsuts.
    deyǫ̀'by the shoreplantis eating
    'A bull moose was eating plants by the shore.'

  282. Mugàhtùts'uskę.
    by itwe went ashore
    'We landed close to it.'

  283. "Bro,ni'įįh'uzooskhe.
    for youlet me kill something
    "'Bro, let me kill something for you.'

  284. 'Iilhìghè'shelljoosàn'ą̀h",sèhnii.
    thatother'eht'ǫtoogive mehe told me
    "'Give me that other shell," he told me.'

  285. 'Uyiijoomàniis'ǫ.
    thattooI gave it to him
    'I gave it to him.'

  286. 'Ùkoo2 shell'èhyuts'è'dèhya.
    those'eht'ǫ lhèkwudut'ewithtowards ithe went
    'He approached it with those 2 shells.'

  287. Lhats'eyanayiis'òòn.
    bothhe shot at it and missed
    'He missed both times.'

  288. "Gwudala'usdęhdzè''utsuts,"'ehnii.
    therecertunconcernedlyit's eatinghe said
    "'It was just eating there unconcernedly," he said.'

  289. "That's okay I guess."

  290. Mughànints'uskęjoosdè'tunts'uskę.
    away from itwe left by boatherewe came back up
    'We left him in the boat we came back here.'

  291. 'Ii 'èhMama kwùnesuk'àghnehtą.
    and thenmy parentsthey're looking at me
    'Mom and them look at me.'

  292. 'Udoojookawììht'ewidissįį'udoowuts'è'kùsjììh.
    nottoohow it isI tell themnotto themI breathe out
    'I didn't tell them anything.'

  293. 'Iitl'ǫh"k'ahlhìghè'tsà'gòòliimi'įįhzìinhkhęǫ?"Daddysèhnii.
    andthenwellonebeaverevenfor herdid you killhe said to me
    "'Did you even kill one beaver for her?" Daddy asked me.'

  294. "Ǫ,kwùla'uts'idèt'ę,"'ìdissįį.
    yesfinallywe have someI tell him
    "Yeah, we got some," 'ìdissįį.

  295. "Allmàniinlaǫ?"sèhnii.
    did you give them to himhe told me
    "'Did you give it all to him?"'

  296. "Yeah,"'ìdissįį.
    I tell him
    "'Yeah," I told him.'

  297. Shòwanlàh.
    you did good

  298. "'Uyiinumusekwùnetigheh'ine.
    thatyour maternal unclepl.they're poor
    "'Poor uncle and them."

  299. Kwùlashòwawììnlàh,"sèhnii.
    finallyyou did goodhe told me
    'It's good that you did that."'

  300. 'IigwudzezǫhUncle AmosdahAlec'èhauntie,gwudzè'mama kwùneghǫh lhughadùlh.
    thatcomingjustwiththeremy parentsthey came to
    'Uncle Amos and his wife came to see mom and them.'

  301. Heymy brother and themjoogwudaghuskę?
    khwudighe kwùnethattherethey 2 are sitting
    'And two of my brothers were sitting there?'

  302. LA: mhm

  303. MA:

  304. 'Ii'umusedusideh'ąh,"niniilaniidìì' wìlę.
    thatuncertmaternal unclehe asks msyoucertyou're smart
    'Uncle asked me, "you're smart.'

  305. 'Uyiimu'èhk'indahiidèkat'ea?
    thatwith himwho you're going aroundwhat is he doing
    'That guy that you go around with, what was he doing?"'

  306. "K'ulayhììh'ududèdlàhiits'izèhkhę,"'èhnii.
    rathergame animalwhich is dangerouswe killedhe said
    "'We killed a very dangerous animal," he said.'

  307. "Yeah,"'ìdissįį.
    I tell him
    'I told him yes.'

  308. "'Uyii'iiKwùlą Sudadinnii'iiwutsehiicreekgàh.
    thatthatOld Man Creekyou saythatahead ofts'elęby
    "'near Old Man Creek'

  309. 'Iiwuts'eh'ì'ònèsummit'iinot too far'iitsà'kǫhwuts'ehyì'ònè.
    thatfrom itover theredotiiyethat'udoo kudiihsàtthatbeaverhousefrom itover there
    'It's not far from the creek (that we shot the animal).'

  310. 'Idelats'eh'įį.
    thatcertwe do it
    'That's where we did it.

  311. Creekgàhlasuda,"'ìdissįį.
    ts'elębycertit's sittingI tell him
    'It was sitting by the creek," I told him.'

  312. And I bet youif somebody skin him,geedatedemuzùsts'ehkìlhii.
    dune yediihch'il dè'fairlyhis hideit's heavy
    'And I bet you if somebody skinned him, his hide would be pretty heavy.'

  313. 'Ii tl'ǫhdìsjittoo much.
    andit stinksts'ìì'ònè
    'And it stinks too much.'

  314. 'Ii tl'ǫhmutl'à'joo'ìnììht'ats.
    andhis butttooI cut
    'And I cut his butt.'

  315. Mufatè'yellow ule,aboutthatthick.
    'Its fat was yellow, about that thick.'

  316. 'Ide gòòlat'eya kasakheh'įįghiilè'ii.
    even sowhynot knownhe does to usit was
    de goòli lat'e] \glt 'Even so, why did he do that to us?'

  317. 'Udoomesdììh.
    notI know it
    'I don't know.'

  318. Maybe'uyiiAleclhǫ̀dasadii.
    thatmaybe he's telling the truth
    'Maybe Alec is telling the truth.'

  319. Maybe'uyiiyhììh'ukadììht'e'uyiighǫhsa'ii.
    thatgame animalit's differentthatbecause ofmaybethat
    'Maybe it's because that animal is different.'

  320. LA: mhm

  321. MA:

  322. Maybe'uyiidasǫkhuts'è'yiih'ą̀'iisat'e.
    thatmaybeto uswhich he sentmaybe it is
    'Maybe it sent that thing [the grizzly] after us.'

  323. Butsinii'udoomut'ùghìsdah.
    'ii gòòliiInotI don't touch it
    'But I didn't touch it.'

  324. 'Udoomukawdeh'ą.
    notI bother him
    'I didn't bother him.'

  325. Ya ka(sa'ukheh'įį?)
    whynot knownit's after us
    'Why was it after us?' %MC: [sakheh'iŽ]

  326. 'Uyiimik'idajoomidnììszǫ̀'.
    thatover ittooI got mad at him
    'I got mad at him over that thing.'

  327. "Ya ghǫhayou want him to kill melììsèhnii.
    whysizoohkhe wukayniizųjusthe asked me
    "'Why do you want him to kill me?" he told me.'

  328. 'Wèlììlat'e'uskale.
    on purposehe's doingboy
    'He's just doing that on purpose, boy.'

  329. Mitsinlii.
    leave him alone
    'Leave him alone.'

  330. .22'èhjoofirst'èhthat.
    withtoowiththattoohe did it
    '(He shot it first) with a .22.'

  331. 'Iiearly morningsutl'ǫhwuts'è' 3,3timesyìnii'òòn,he say.
    thatnawdììgà' deafter me3 timestadut'e lahe shot at it
    'He said he shot at it 3 times.'

  332. 'Ii èhkhwùdìghe,next timedune'èhkant'edè','udooanythingbother,I tell you,"sèhnii.
    andolder brotherkwùjoopersonwithyou huntifnotyèdaghàdniinziitnìdissįįhe told me
    'If you ever go hunting again with someone, brother, don't bother anything.'

  333. Yeah,'udooyèdabother 'us'įį.
    'Yeah I don't bother anything.'

  334. LA: What you do with that, claws?

  335. MA:

  336. Tudèes'ǫ.
    I lost it
    'I lost it.'

  337. 'IiBill Kǫhgwudadàdììs'ǫwuts'ehmidoonasdìì'.
    thatBill's HousethereI hung it highafter thatI forgot it
    'After I hung it at Bill's house I forgot about it.'

  338. 'Ùkoobeaver'èhtoo muchbusy ts'ulę.
    'We were too busy with beaver.'

  339. 'IiAlec'ìdissįį"gwamukanùnustągòòliinidòòwè."
    thatI tell himtherefor itI lookbutit's gone
    'I told Alec "I looked around for it but it wasn't there.'

  340. Maybedusdlęhats'ììyii'ǫsą.
    squirrelcarried it awaymaybe
    'Maybe a squirrel packed it away.'

  341. LA: yeah

  342. MA:

  343. Yeah,that time,gwudzè'lakhwùdè'I don't knowmaybe one week later
    kòòh dǫ̀ there cert finally
    'Back then I didn't realize it until maybe one week later.'

  344. Toolittle bit down 'unujàhiilakwaallnisahkęghiilè',townts'è'.
    waternàatsediicertfinallyyou pl. pulled out by boatit wasto
    'After the water went down you all went to town by boat.'

  345. LA: mhm

  346. MA:

  347. That's it.


  1. tùts'a'às 'we 2 are walking uphill'
  2. EM: 'udawdèdlah gwudzè' ts'a'àsii 'our walking there was difficult'
  3. nùdiihkhetl 'it was dark'
  4. ma tiiyawììht'e 'he's tired'
  5. MA said later, "that beaver still there morning time, frozen, I go pick it up. It was for him we were doing this, so I tell him, 'there's your beaver, skin it.'"
  6. 'uyii kǫh wich'ila 'that old house', gàh 'beside'
  7. bokh widii dììsts'ugh 'I heard a shot (or shots)'
  8. 'ii duzulhii di'i'sts'ugh 'I heard that screaming'
  9. MC: alternatively to the last 2 words, wutladii kìnùdìì'ą
  10. k'ula 'nearly', siniihgwutl 'he hit me'
  11. Because his legs went weak. It took him a while before he got going good again.
  12. Mike told me later: that fall, in September, 2 pilots were flying back towards Ft. Ware. They said they saw a grizzly stand about 12 foot high. And they come down low to see how big it is and they say he stand on his feet trying to grab the plane. It nearly grabbed the floats.
  13. Mike said later that after they killed the grizzly they turned back. They cut a whole bunch of brush and threw it on the grizzly and kept going.
  14. lhìghè' ts'elę gàh 'along a different creek'
  15. muk'a nidòòwè 'it has no fat'