Overview of life in Kwadacha

Mike Abou

  1. hiddenJodelaall our old peoplekeyiihlawììht'e.
    hereᴄᴇʀᴛvillageᴄᴇʀᴛit is
    'This village belongs to all our old people.'

  2. hiddenJodezǫhlaallkhutawoonìniihyhǫ,yìdè'èkhutraplineè'tahdzè'dah.
    hereonlyᴄᴇʀᴛthey raised usbackour traplineamongthere
    'They raised us here, back on our traplines and so forth.'

  3. hiddenBaba 'èh mama 'èhkhutawoonehyheh.
    our parentsthey're raising us
    'Our parents raised us.'

  4. hidden'ÀtseMcCookjooyìdè'è,yahdè'èGataga Forkskooyeladits'òòdawatawnìniihyhǫ.
    Grandpatoobackjust backaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛhis kidshe raised them
    'Grandpa McCook also raised his kids back around Gataga Forks.'

  5. hidden'Ii wuts'ehHarry DaviejooyahdighèWhiteGàh'ÀtseDavietl'ǫhkooye,'ùkoodukidsè'tawnìniihyhǫ.
    after thattoojust upriverGrandpaafteraround therethosehis kidshe raised them
    'After Grandpa Davie, Harry Davie raised his kids up the White R.'

  6. hiddenKusk'ehzǫhkhutawnuyehii'uwute'ekhutawoonehyheh.
    that wayonlyraising usit's goodthey're raising us
    'They did a good job raising us the way they did.'

  7. hidden'Ii 'èh'usk'ookànyįįhdzekhuch'ǫ̀ didùsdetl,kooyela'udoowukaynuszųde.
    after thatwhite peoplearound herethey got in our wayaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛnotwhich I like it
    'Then the white people started to get in our way around here, which I don't like.'

  8. hidden'Uyiimunchow'ìdàdemudaghdìniih'ùlh,'uyiijoo'udookaynuszų.
    thatlakebigdownriver therethey dammed itthattoonotI like
    'I don't like the big lake they dammed up downriver.'

  9. hidden'Ii tl'ǫh'uyiiroadjoo,'udoomukaynuszų.
    andthattoonotI like it
    'And I don't like the road either.'

  10. hiddenDaadòòsdleha?Suts'une'danetsį̀į̀'.
    what could I do for myselfmy legsthey're bad
    'What can I do for myself? My legs are no good.'

  11. hidden'Ùkoodunelhùnùdiit'ene,'ùkwùne'umuse kwùnefewghighììda.
    thosepeoplethose who are healthythose peoplematernal unclesthey're alive
    'Of those people who are healthy, a few uncles are still alive.'

  12. hiddenKwùnesuwe kwùnefewk'udà'ghììdagòòlìì'udoo'isaghdidììt'èh.
    those peoplemy maternal auntsstillare alivebutnotthey speak up for themselves
    'A few of my aunts are still alive but they can't speak up for themselves.'

  13. hiddenKwùlamama kwùnetl'ǫhsiniijoojodewookǫhwu'ǫ̀dak'udàzǫhkast'e.
    nowmy parentsafterItooheretheir housenext to itstillI reside
    'Even after my parents are gone, I still live next door to their house.'

  14. hidden'Ùkoots'òòdanema---miidìì' nùwìlenelasugàh lhundadùlh.
    thosekidsthose who are smartᴄᴇʀᴛthey visit me
    'Those kids who are smart come visit me.'

  15. hidden'Iidawoots'oodusdèh'uwute'e.
    I talk to themwell
    'I like to advise them properly.'

  16. hiddenMama kwùne'ùkookudatsùn,'ùkootsà'tsùn,'utsùnk'ehzǫhmama kwùnekhutawoonìniihyhǫ.
    our parentsthosemoosemeatthosebeavermeatmeatononlyour parentsthey raised us
    'Our parents raised us on only meat, moose meat and beaver meat.'

  17. hiddenKusk'ehzǫhlha(tahda)lajoohdè'keyiihnùnughudùlh,'ùkoo'usk'ookàngrubè'ka.
    that wayonlysometimesᴄᴇʀᴛthis wayvillagethey would come back downthosewhite peoplefoodfor
    'Sometimes they would come back over to this village for white people's food.'

  18. hidden'Iila'utsùn'èhlhiihtahts'utsudzii'udoomàdajoolhàwììdidììh.
    thatᴄᴇʀᴛmeatandwith each otherwhich we eatnotanyonetooonceis sick
    'We would eat that with our meat and no one ever got sick.'

  19. hiddenEverybody'wèdè'sòònèt'ę.
    alwaysis happy
    'Everyone was happy all the time.'

  20. hiddenTs'òòdanets'iilę̀'uwute'ebaba kwùnekhutawoonìniihyhǫ.'Àtse kwùne'àtsǫǫ kwùnesuk'ights'idliighiilè'.
    kidswhen we arewellour parentsthey raised usour grandfathersour grandmothersthey love meit was
    'When we were kids our parents raised us well. The grandfathers and grandmothers loved me.'

  21. hiddenDah,all'uts'inèt'ekhuk'ights'idlii.
    wellwe're manythey love us
    'Well, they loved all of us.'

  22. hiddenBaba'ùkoomutlasè' kwùnemughǫh lhunaghdudùlh.
    thosehis in-lawsthey would visit him
    'Daddy's in-laws used to visit him.'

  23. hiddenMik'ights'idlii.Lhiihk'inaghts'idlii.
    they love himthey love each other
    'They loved him. They loved each other.'

  24. hiddenLhatahdakhuyetadįįdze'iiJesuskhudowakhughǫhdiinunk'eh nìiyaghidii.
    sometimeswintermiddlethatfor usto usthislandhe was bornthey say
    'They say that some time in the middle of winter Jesus was born for us.'

  25. hiddenKooyadzenèeszǫhlajodesome timechinulhighghnuyeh.Lhunaghdudùlh.
    around theredayonlyᴄᴇʀᴛherethey meetthey came back
    'That's the only day they would gather together here. They came back here.'

  26. hiddenMaybe seven dayskooyelakwatùnaghdudùlh.
    around thenᴄᴇʀᴛfinallythey would pull out again
    'Then after maybe seven days they would pull out again.'

  27. hidden'Ii 'èh'iibèh,'oodilichdajoo,June time,June monthlaall, alljode'ughut'e.
    after thatsummerwhen it's break-uptooᴄᴇʀᴛherethey are
    'After that they were here during spring, summer, all of June.'

  28. hidden'IiJune monthk'oodats'utsdatùnaghdudùlhalldughununè'k'ehdzè'.
    thatwhen it endsthey head outtheir landlike
    'When June was over, they would all head out to their traplines.'

  29. hiddenKooyecabinwutaaghehtsįįhkooye,dughuyèlhè'tah.
    around therethey build things amongaround theretheir trapamong
    'They built cabins among their traps.'

  30. hidden'Utsigǫ̀''ugheh'įį,'ùkooanythingjìje'ùkoo'èhììt'è'khuyewudowa.Cache'ugheh'įį.
    dry meatthey makethoseberrythoseetc.winterfor itthey build
    'They dried meat, berries, all kinds of things for winter. They built caches.'

  31. hiddenKusk'ehkhutawoonehyhehiik'ula'uwute'ekhutawnèyǫghiilè'.
    that waytheir raising usrathergoodwe were raisedit was
    'It was very good, the way in which we were raised.'

  32. hiddenDahjodewits'òòdane'ughdinèet'è.
    wellheretheir kidsthey are many.ᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛ
    'There were lots of kids here.'

  33. hiddenSiniigòòliikwawusyǫàsjàhwuts'ehkwadunek'ǫ̀wè'ididììst'èh'wèdè'.
    meevenfinallyI smartened upafterfinallypeoplehelpingI triedalways
    'Even me, after I smartened up, I always tried to help people.'

  34. hiddenHah,'usk'ookànyįįhdzenùstlǫ'uwììjàhwuts'ehkoodehlììkhuch'ǫ̀ ghididùsdetl.
    ohwhite peoplearound heremanyit becameaftersuddenlythey got in our way
    'After there got to be lots of white people here, suddenly they started to get in our way.'

  35. hiddenKooyekǫhlawits'usdune.
    around therecampᴄᴇʀᴛI don't like
    'I didn't like what was happening there.'

  36. hiddenDèsǫ'ùkwùnenùghììdanedèsǫkoodidìì.
    I wonder whatthose peoplethey're livingI wonder whatthey think
    'I wonder what those who are still living are thinking about that now.'

  37. hiddenWootunudindah'ii tl'ǫhdawoodinh'ą.
    go among themandask them
    'Go among them and ask them.'

  38. hiddenKwa'idela,kooyelakesdììhdelakwanudàdissįį.
    finallythatᴄᴇʀᴛaround thatᴄᴇʀᴛwhat I knowᴄᴇʀᴛfinallyI'm telling you
    'Now I've told you what I know about the area.'

  39. hiddenK'ahsidììnts'ughǫ?
    wellyou understand me.yes/no Q
    'Do you understand me?'

  40. hiddenSharon,sidììnts'ughǫ?
    you understand me.yes/no Q
    'Sharon, do you understand me?'1

  41. hiddenKooyelakesdììhdelakwanudàdissįį.
    around thatᴄᴇʀᴛwhat I knowᴄᴇʀᴛfinallyI'm telling you
    'I've told you what I know about the area.'

  42. hiddenYahdighè,yahnònètsenii'ąkooyela'uyiilaTse Bùjè''ìghidii.
    up close byacross close bymountainit standsaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛthatᴄᴇʀᴛRussell Rangethey call it
    'Those mountains across there they call Tse Bùjè' (the Russell Range).'

  43. hiddenDaddymulahlakooyenunwidèt'ęghiilè'.
    his brother-in-lawᴄᴇʀᴛaround therelandhe hasit was
    'Dad's brother-in-law used to have a trapline there.'

  44. hiddenJimmy Poole'òòye,Tommy Poolemutse'ii 'èhJohn Poolemubala,kooyenunwidat'è'.
    he's calledhis grandfatherandhis fatherᴄᴇʀᴛaround therelandhe had
    'The one called Jimmy Poole, Tommy Poole's grandfather and John Poole's father, had a trapline there.'

  45. hidden'Iiyahdà'èschoolkooyela'ÀtseIsaackooyeBobKǫh'èhniikooyala'ÀtseIsaac'ùkoodeskèghetawnìniihyhǫ.
    thatdown close byaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛGrandpaaround thereCabinit's calledaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛGrandpathosehis kidshe raised them
    'Grandpa Isaac raised his kids down there, around the area they call Bob Kǫh (Bob's Place).'

  46. hidden'Iiladissįį'ii 'èhdidòòdalakakhwùnè'yahdà'èDaleKǫhkooyakhiniijoo,'ii 'èh'umuse,'ÀtseDonald'uyiijooPaul R.gàh.
    thatᴄᴇʀᴛI'm telling youafter thatnow whenᴄᴇʀᴛjust thendown close byCabinaround thereustooanduncleGrandpathattooriver
    'Not long after what I was telling you about, we too were down at Dale Kǫh (Dale's Place), and uncle Donald was at Paul R.'

  47. hiddenNudowa dlòw kudisdliidè'sughǫhdoondlòwìì nò.
    I make you laughifat medon't laugh
    'Don't laugh at me if I sound funny to you.'

  48. hidden'Ii 'èhyahdè'èlanundachow.
    andback close byᴄᴇʀᴛlandit's big
    'It's a big country back there.'

  49. hiddenYahdighèb---gwudzè'la'udoowiizìì''eesdììh,Finlay R.gàh.
    up close byover thereᴄᴇʀᴛnottheir nameI knowriver
    'I don't know the names of places up the Finlay R.'

  50. hiddenGwudzè'la'udookiizìì''eesdììh.
    over thereᴄᴇʀᴛnotits nameI know
    'I don't know the place names there.'

  51. hidden'Ii 'èhTommyjoo'ìdighèTwo Brothers Lakeghidiikooyelamununè'.
    andtooupthey sayaround thereᴄᴇʀᴛhis land
    'Tommy's trapline is up around Two Brothers L.'

  52. hiddenUncle Amosjooyahdè'èkhits'ìs'įįhRuby Creek'èhniikooya,Pass Cabinkooya.
    tooback close bynear usit's calledaround therearound there
    'And Uncle Amos had his back there next to us at Ruby Creek and Pass Cabin.'

  53. hiddenPerry'èhkooyeladidòòGeorgewootl'ǫh,khutl'ǫhda'uyiizǫhgwudzè'nunwidèt'ę.
    witharound thereᴄᴇʀᴛnowafter themafter usthatonlyover therelandhe has
    'Now only George has a trapline back there, after Perry and us.'

  54. hidden'Ùdisįį,suts'unè'danetsį̀į̀''ii 'èhmasuk'ǫ̀weyugàhgwudzawut'è'?
    I say itmy legthey're badafter thatwhohelping meby himcould be there
    'After my legs got bad, who will help me stay there with him?'

  55. hiddenTeh'ine.Some timelamǫhsudzèè' didììh.
    he's pitifulᴄᴇʀᴛfor himI feel sad
    'Poor guy. Sometimes I feel sad for him.'

  56. hiddenWell,kwùlaforty yearslanàasts'utwuts'ehsuts'unè'k'èhsugònè'danetsį̀į̀',forty yearsladidòò.
    finallyᴄᴇʀᴛI fell downsincemy legaftermy armthey're badᴄᴇʀᴛnow
    'Well, it's been 40 years since my arms and legs got bad.'

  57. hiddenK'udàzǫhdiiwheelchairch'ilak'ehsusdawììjàhwuts'ehmore than five years.
    stillthiscrummyonI became seatedsince
    'I've been in this crazy wheelchair more than 5 years.'

  58. hiddenKwùla'idewuts'è'lakeesdììh.
    nowthatto itᴄᴇʀᴛI know it
    'That's as much as I know.'


  1. I did answer ǫ ('yes').