Dèkusk'ehdza soonè' ts'eht'èsii
"The way we cook bannock"

Mike Abou

Length:  2:57 
Transcription and translation by Mary Charlie, Edna McCook and Sharon
  1. Dunesoonè'didat'èseda,dunets'à' dehgìdla ìkiì-soonè'ts'à'dehgìdla'ìkèhtl'ìch.
    personbannockwill cook for oneselfwhenpersonflourbowlroundpours in
    'When a person cooks bannock, they pour flour into a round bowl.'

  2. 'Iitl'ǫh'ùkoomutayut'e'ìghidiimutaghgheh'įį.
    andthenthosebaking powderthey callthey add it to it
    'Then they add baking powder.'

  3. 'Iitl'ǫhlìseljoo,'iisòògahjoomutaghgheh'įįdatsìdla.
    andthensalttoothatsugartoothey add it to ita little bit
    'Then they add salt and a little bit of sugar.'

  4. 'Ii'èh'ughę̀'naghghehkhęhii'èh,joomutughehtl'ìch.
    andthengreasethey melt it andthenalsothey pour into it
    'Then they melt grease and pour that in too.'

  5. 'Iitl'ǫh'ùkoodiih ghę̀zalhìghè'wuyètwowuyèmutaghgheh'į̀į̀.
    andthenthosechicken eggoneororthey add to it
    'And then maybe they add one or two eggs to it.'

  6. 'Iitl'ǫhkwùlamìyighghdehgus.
    andthenfinallythey stir it
    'And then finally they stir it.'

  7. Yeah.

  8. Mìyighghdehgus'uwute'e.
    they stir itwell
    'They stir it well.'

  9. 'Iitl'ǫhkwùlatoomutughehtl'ìch.
    andthenfinallywaterthey pour into it
    'Then finally they pour water into it.'

  10. Tooenough'unèt'emutughehtl'ìjiitl'ǫhmich--- mìyighghdeh---michighnehgus.
    waterenoughthey pour it in andthenthey stir it
    'Then they pour in enough water and then they stir it.'

  11. Kwùladit'ǫ̀ǫ̀dzat'į̀į̀hda,dighiilà''èhmicheghnehdiih.
    finallyit becomes thickwhentheir handwiththey knead
    'Finally when it gets thick they knead it.'

  12. Yeah.

  13. Micheghnehdiih'iitl'ǫhkwa'iits'awèt'ughdììhsulh.
    they knead itandthenfinallythatfrying panthey warm up
    'They knead it and then they warm up the frying pan.'

  14. Tlughmèkèh'awweh'įįh.
    greasein itthey do
    'They put grease in it.'

  15. 'Iisoonè'mìkighu'ąhiimelheghneh---sòòh'uwute'emilheghnehdiih.
    thatdoughthey put in itreallynicethey knead it
    'The put the dough in it and knead it nicely (into the right shape).'

  16. 'Iilakwùnts'è'kwùdahghigheht'ès.
    thatcertfireonby the firethey cook it
    'They cook it on the fire.'

  17. Tazowekwùdahghigheht'ès.
    outsideby the firethey cook it
    'Outside they cook it by the (camp)fire.'

  18. 'Uwute'e'ut'ès'iitl'ǫhkwùlats'à''ìkighghuleh.
    wellit friesandthenfinallyplatethey put them on
    'They fry them and then they pile them on a plate.'

  19. 'Iikwùlamaybedahdeda'unèt'ekaghniizųdeallghigheht'èsiitl'ǫhgwaneh-kwa'iiladeda'uwutsutsdeneghehkùchde,nighghukah.
    thatfinallywhenevermorethey wantwhenthey fry it andthentherefinallythatcertwhateverthey eatwhenthey put something on groundthey put it on the ground
    'They put it in a dish and when they want to eat it they put it there on the ground.'1

  20. 'Iiwuts'eh'ùkoolìdiikooht'eyaghighutsudziialltl'ònaghduleh.
    thatafterthoseteaetc.whateverthey eat itthey put in circle
    'They put everything around, tea everything.'

  21. Kwa'iila'ùkoots'òòdawa'idetunìne'ǫ̀tl'ǫh'uwute'e'ughutsuts.
    finallythatcertthosekidsthereallthenwellthey eat some
    'And all the kids there eat.'

  22. 'Ii,kwùlafinish'ughutsudziitl'ǫhkwùjookhudà'---khutà'ts'è'tinaghdididlii.
    thatfinallywhen they eatandagainGodtothey pray for themselves
    'They finish eating and they pray to God for themselves.'2

  23. Tinaghdidlii'iitl'ǫhkwùlaall'utunaghììdùlh.
    they prayandthenfinallythey scatter
    'They pray and then they all go away after that.'

  24. Ts'òòdawajookighnètal.
    'Kids play too.'

  25. Kusk'ehdzeladuneyįįhdzedu-dunek'e'it'̀įįhghiilè'.
    that's howcertpeopleherepeopledo thingsused to
    'That's how people here used to do things long ago.'


  1. Outside, they put a cloth or something on the ground and then the cooked bannock on it with the pan.
  2. before and after eating