Digii Nats'oodalh 'èh nunììdetl.
"Swans flew off with Nats'oodalh."

Mike Abou

Length:  5:07 


  1. go ahead
    'go ahead'

  2. MA:

  3. You know,'uyiiNats'oodalh?
    'You know, that Nats'oodalh?'

  4. Nats'oodalh,lhàwììk'èdahii.
    onceᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe's walking around
    'One day Nats'oodalh was walking around.'

  5. Duneka nùnutą.
    someonehe's looking for
    'He was looking for someone.'

  6. Yaànodune'ewìsiih'ǫ,kwudidii.
    I hopesomeoneI foundhe's thinking
    'I hope I find someone, he was thinking.'

  7. 'Ii 'èhyìdè'è,yìdè'èkeyiihlhadzè'sǫ,dune'ewìih'ǫ̀.
    thenbackvillageelsewhereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛpersonhe found
    'And somewhere he found someone way back that way.'

  8. Munmahkìdììyajoo,dunekǫhwuk'àneht(ą).
    lakeshorehe came outalsopersoncamphe sees
    'He came out on the shore of a lake, and he saw someone's camp.'

  9. 'Ii 'èh,gwaduneghǫhlhayalh.
    thentherepeopletowardshe reached
    'So he approached the people there.'

  10. Gwa'umawii young onezǫhsuda.
    there'ut'eonlyshe's sitting
    'Only a young woman was sitting there.'1

  11. "He'!Dèkunt'ea,"'èhnii.
    heyhellohe says
    "'Hey! Hello," he says.'2

  12. Nuba kwùneghinidįį?"
    your parentswhere are they
    'Where are your parents?"'

  13. "Baba kwùnenùghudzùt.
    my parentsthey're hunting
    "'My parents are hunting.'

  14. 'Ighdidììt'èh,"'èhnii.
    they're subsistingshe said
    'They're trying to get some (meat)," she said.'

  15. "'Ii tl'ǫhyakaghut'a?"
    andwhatforthey are
    "And what are they after?"

  16. "'ùkoots'utsudziika
    thosewhat we eatfor
    "'the things that we eat'

  17. 'Ii tl'ǫhkwùlafall timesa---nokwùsǫ,kwùsǫnaghdadulhè."
    andfinally'udììtl'ǫhI wondermightthey will return
    'They might be coming back in the fall."'

  18. 'Ide wiihtè'digiiwootsehtidnèhts'ii.
    just thenswanin front of themthey landed in water
    'Just then swans landed in the water in front of them.'

  19. Digiifullwootsehtidnèhts'ii.
    swannùstlǫin front of themthey landed in water
    'Lots of swans landed in front of them.'3

  20. "'Ooh'ut'e,dèkusk'ehanubayizehkhe'elhèha?"
    ohgirlhowyour fatherhe kills itusually
    "'Oh miss, how does your dad kill usually them?"'4

  21. "'Ooh,babalayuzùsdèt'ę.
    ohdadᴄᴇʀᴛits skinhe has
    "'Oh, dad has the skin from one of them.'

  22. Suit,digiizùssuit'uyììhsų."'
    dugodè'swanskingothe has it
    'He has a swan suit."'5

  23. 'Uyiiyuts'ahdè''èhììt'è','ùkooyàniila.
    thathis hatetc.thoseshe gave him them
    'She gave it (the swan suit) to him, the hat and everything.'

  24. 'Ii 'èhtl'oolhjooyitl'ììla.
    thenropetooshe put it in his hand
    'And she put a rope in his hand too.'

  25. "'Iikwùlayìtsè'è'ùkoodigiits'è'nisubę.
    thatfinallydownthoseswantohe left swimming
    "'Then he swims out to the swans.'

  26. Hey,yukè'tahtl'ooda---yukè''ìtl'oonùtl'ǫ̀ǫ̀'.
    their feetamongtheir feethe ties up
    'He ties a rope around their feet.'

  27. Yukè''ìtl'oonùtl'ǫ̀ǫ̀'.
    their feethe ties up
    'He ties a rope around their feet.'

  28. Oh, too m---dùnèt'eke'ìtl'oositl'ǫ̀ǫ̀.
    how manyᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛfeethe tied
    'I wonder how many feet he ties together.'

  29. Babalakayeh'įįtl'ǫhjoohdè'tùnubęh.
    my fatherᴄᴇʀᴛhe doesandright herehe swims back ashore
    'My father does this and he swims back here.'

  30. 'Ii 'èh'iigat'iidììht'èhiitl'ǫhlakhwùdè'babadisuitè''umah'įįh.
    thenthattreehe ties it toafterᴄᴇʀᴛfinallymy fatherdezùsè'he gets rid of
    'Then after he ties it (the rope) to a tree my father gets rid of his suit.'6

  31. Kusk'ehdzelababayuk'e'ughǫh,"'èhnii.
    that wayᴄᴇʀᴛmy fatherhe kills themhe said
    'That's the way my father kills them," she said.'

  32. "Hok."
    "'Okay." (Nats'oodalh said)

  33. 'Ii 'èhtunudùsbę,'ùkoodigiimuk'èh.
    thenhe swam offthoseswanafter them
    'Then he swam out after the swans.'

  34. K'udà'taàmahwuts'è''ììt'è'duts'ahdè''ònè dèhk'as.
    yetshoreat it\textscloc.emphhis hathe threw away
    'He was not yet at the shore (with some swans in tow) when he threw away his hat.'

  35. Disuitè'gàdèhyajookwuye'ùkoodigiimu'èhnaghnììdetl.
    dezùsè'he took offtootherethoseswanwith himthey flew
    'He took off his outfit and then the swans flew off with him.'7

  36. 'Oos'edòlat'egòòliino.
    utmosthe's doingbut'udoo
    'He was trying his best (to get away) but no.'

  37. Yu'èh, woo---mu'èhnaghnììdetl.
    with himthey flew off
    'They flew off with him.'

  38. Dedadunedàde'ùkoodigiikutl'ewuyènaghdnudùlhda,kwùnk'ànehtą.
    wherepeopleabovethoseswannightmaybethey're flyingwhenfirehe sees
    'When the swans flew with him high above people at night, he could see fires.'

  39. "Yįįhdzelasu'èhnaghdnaaaadùlh,"'èhnii.
    hereᴄᴇʀᴛwith methey're flyinghe said
    "'They're flying over this way with me," he said.'8

  40. Duzulh.
    he's hollering
    'He was hollering.'

  41. Kat'e,kaghgheh'̀įįzǫhduwaduzdèsǫnùnaghghii---naghghiihtę̀(').
    they keep goingthey keep doing that to himuntilit's farI wonderthey set him down
    'They just kept going with him over a great distance until they set him down.'

  42. 'Ii'èh,'uyiilhàhdelììmunmah,munk'eh,munchoòwmah,mu'èhghidnèhts'ii.
    thatafterthatone placejustᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛlakeshorelakeonlakebigshorewith himthey landed
    'Then they landed with him at a certain big lake.'

  43. 'Iiditl'oolhè'allwoots'ehkùniilatl'ǫh,"khà',nukhewitsį̀į̀'.
    thathis ropefrom themhe took it offthenforget itto heck with you (pl.)
    'He took all his rope off them and (said) "go on, forget it, to heck with you guys.'

  44. "Jowuts'ehdunenukhut'àhdzè''wèdè'nukhusoodoodlìì'iidowa'wèlììlanukhis'įį,"woowèhnii.
    thisafter itpeoplebehind you pl.alwayswill cater to you pl.in order toon purposeᴄᴇʀᴛI do to you pl.he told them
    "I'm doing this to you so that from now on people will always cater to you."9

  45. 'Iiditl'oolhè'zǫhnudììlatl'ǫhwanudùsja.
    thathis ropejusthe picked up againandhe left them again
    'He picked up his rope again and left them.'

  46. 'Ii tl'ǫh'uwaduzdzè',yakasat'è.
    and thenhow fartherewhatforit's not known
    'And it's not certain how far he went.'


  1. 'umawii 'woman', 'ut'e 'girl, young woman'
  2. dèkunt'ea lit. how are you?'
  3. nùstlǫ 'lots'
  4. MA says 'elhdèha, which other speakers said was a mistake for 'elhèha.
  5. got 'coat', dugodè' 'his own coat'
  6. dezùsè' 'his-something's skin'
  7. dezùsè' 'his-something's skin'
  8. naghdnadùlh with emphatic lengthening of the middle vowel
  9. nukhut'àhdzè' 'behind you pl.' (i.e. in the future)