Nats'oodalh 'uts'idòòhts'e too 'eyzèhkhę.
"Nats'oodalh drowned a giant."

Mike Abou

Length:  2:57
  1. 'Iigwudak'èdah,k'èdah.
    thenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛtherehe's walking around
    'He was walking and walking around there.'

  2. Lhàhdematiiyawììjàhìì.
    one placeᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe got tired
    'He got tired somewhere.'

  3. Too,toochowkìilįįt'ùsuyadematiiyawììjàhìì.
    waterbigit's flowing outhe walked up towhereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe got tired
    'He came up to a big river and he got tired.'

  4. Oh boydèkusk'ehyà'ììsya,kwudidii,canyonwudighdzè'.
    'Ooh 'ane'howᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛI go acrosshe's thinkingabove there
    'Oh boy, I wonder how I'm going to cross, he was thinking above the canyon.'

  5. 'Ii 'èhduneyukadii.
    and thenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛpersonhe's calling for him
    'Then someone was calling for him.'

  6. "'Usha,'usha!"'iila'uyiigiant,giantladii.
    grandchildthatᴄᴇʀᴛthat'uts'idòòhts'eis talking
    "Grandchild, grandchild!" what was known as a giant was calling.'

  7. 'Uts'idòòhts'e'ìghidiiduneyughǫh,yughǫhlhayalh.
    giantthey call himpersonto himhe reached
    'A giant man was walking towards him.'

  8. "He','àtse,nudàà''ìnesjit."
    heygrandfatheryour eyeI'm scared of
    "Hey grandfather, I'm scared of your eyes," (Nats'oodalh said to him).

  9. "Well,'udoosudàà'k'ànhtą.
    dahnotmy eyesyou look at
    "Well, don't look at my eyes.

  10. 'Ìnònèyànoosgèhiiwukayniinzų(dè').
    acrossI will pack you acrossyou want toif
    'I'll pack you across if you want.'

  11. Dii(sitsahyonàa)'oontòn.
    thismy groundhog skin blanketyou hold it
    'Hold onto this groundhog skin blanket of mine.'1

  12. Suk'ehdunyah,"yèhnii.
    on meyou go inhe told him
    'Get on (my back)," he told him.

  13. 'Uyiiyutsàhyonàa'ootòniitl'ǫhyuk'wusk'ehdusuda.
    thathis groundhog skin blankethe holdsandhis neckonhe sits up high
    'He took hold of his groundhog skin blanket and sat up high on his neck.'

  14. 'Ìnònèyàydùsgę.
    acrosshe started to pack him across
    'He started to pack him across.'

  15. Kwùla'iicanyonwudighdetadįįdzemudzǫhdzè'toomeynìì'ǫàjàhde,dèhzul.
    finallythereaboveᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛmiddlehis chesttherewaterit got up to itwherehe started to holler
    'Up there in the middle of the canyon when the water came up to his chest, he hollered.'

  16. Digiik'èhdzè'dèhzul,'ìghidii.
    swanlikehe started to hollerthey say
    'He hollered like a swan, they say.'

  17. Yì'ònèyidèhkhàdliijooyìnosdè'banktsìdahdzè'lììnùnudzut.
    asideas he threw himandacrossbuson top oftherejusthe's standing again
    'He (the giant) threw him off and once again he was standing on top of the bank on the other side.'

  18. 'Uyiimutsetooyidèhtę.
    thathis grandfatherwaterit carried him away
    'The water carried his grandfather along.'

  19. Kùnatlich.
    he bobbed up and down
    'He bobbed up and down.'

  20. "Tlįį diyidzè'!'Udoogwagwuda'usaniinìdòòs'įįhlǫ̀.
    (swearing)nottheretherealonelet me dietruly
    "'Damn! Don't let me die alone there.'2

  21. Jodelakwawuts'è' niisdòòwè,"'èhnii.
    hereᴄᴇʀᴛalreadyI'm a gonerhe said
    'I'm a goner here," he said.'

  22. Kwùlahe get rid of that giant man too.
    finally'uyii 'uts'idòòhts'e joo zèhkhę
    'Finally he killed the giant too.'3

  23. 'Iicanyontoo yizèehkhę̀.
    thatᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe drowned
    'He drowned in the canyon.'

  24. How longcanyon,nobodyknow.
    Dèkaduza'udoo màdakedììh.
    'How long the canyon was, nobody knows.'4

  25. Gwawuts'eh'ìdighèk'èdah.
    thatafter ituphe's walking around
    'After that he walked around up there.'

  26. 'Uyiiyutsàhyonàazǫhk'èhtsoos.
    thathis groundhog skin blanketjusthe's carrying around
    'He carried only his groundhog blanket.'

  27. 'Uyiijoo'ul'èhyuk'àdidooz.
    thattooconifer branchwithhe's brushing it
    'He brushed it with a conifer branch too.'5

  28. 'Ul,yidèhk'ǫk'ehsmokedunaydehtsoos.
    conifer branchhe burned itonlhuthe has it over
    'He burned conifer branches and was holding it (the blanket) over the smoke.'

  29. "Suts'ùdè'diinlèlhedowalanis'įį.
    my blanketyou will bein order toᴄᴇʀᴛI'm doing to you
    "I'm doing this to you because you're going to be my blanket.'

  30. 'Udoomuyònè'kaynuszų."
    nothis odorI want
    'I don't want his odor."'


  1. Mike is struggling to remember the rare word, sutsàhyonàa 'my groundhog skin blanket', and says sitoohyòna here. He remembers sutsàhyonàa two sentences later.
  2. "Tlįį diyidzè' 'dog's penis' is a swear word.
  3. 'uyii 'that', 'uts'idòòhts'e 'giant', joo 'too', zèhkhę 'he killed'
  4. 'udoo màda 'nobody, not anybody'
  5. to clean it