Nats'oodalh lhoowe dut'èsii kooda'į̀į̀'.
"Nats'oodalh learned how to cook fish for himself."

Mike Abou

Length:  3:35
  1. Gwawuts'ehghuyalhii.
    thatafter ithe's walking
    'After that he kept walking.'

  2. Gwalhàhdemunt'ùsuya.
    thereone placelakehe walked up to
    'He came to a lake.'

  3. Oh boydusbùt,kwudidii.
    'ooh'aneI'm hungryhe thinks
    'Oh boy, I'm hungry, he thought.'

  4. Yawustsudziidowa?
    whatwhich I will eatin order to
    'What is there for me to eat?'

  5. Dusbùda!
    how hungry I am
    'I'm so hungry!'

  6. Gwataàmahghuyalh.
    thereshorehe's walking
    'He was walking along the lake there.'

  7. (Yì)tsòòwììtunutl'ahkoodat'ę.
    down in general areabottom of waterit's visible
    'It was clear down to the bottom of the lake.'

  8. Kwuyelhoowek'è'òlhiik'ànehtą.
    therefishwhich are swimming aroundhe sees
    'There he saw fish swimming around.'

  9. 'Ooh,ya'èhdaooslehiisa,kwudidii.
    ohwhatwithᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛI will do itI wonderhe thinks
    'How could I do it (catch them), he wondered.'

  10. No.'Udoo.

  11. 'Ide wiihtè'joobiilh 'uyììlàh.
    just thentoohe became sleepy
    'Just then he got sleepy.'

  12. Gwataàmahyadììtę,biilhjoo'uyeh'įį.
    thereshorehe sprawled outsleeptooit has him
    'He sprawled out by the shore and got sleepy.'

  13. Dusbùdiighǫhlast'e,kwudidii.
    my being hungryon account ofI amhe thinks
    'I'm that way because I'm hungry, he thought.'

  14. Yaànolhoowekatsìdlasitidutl'à'.
    I wishfishsmallit plops on my stomach
    'I wish a small fish would land on me.'

  15. Lhooweyitidatl'a.
    fishit plopped on his stomach
    'A fish landed on him.'

  16. Dayghatlah.
    he grabbed it
    'He grabbed it.'

  17. Ah,toosmall.Gee too small,kwudidii.
    tììyè'datsìdlahe thinks
    'It's too small, he thought.'1

  18. Yìtsè'ètinaynìihtę.
    downhe put it back in water
    'He put it back down in the water.'

  19. I wishnext timelittle more big one,kwudidii.
    Yaànolhoowe yadus 'achowii sitidutl'à'he thinks
    'I wish a bigger fish would land on me, he thought.'2

  20. Dah,'idekat'ezǫh'udookhudiikhwùdè'.
    welltherehe keeps doinguntilnotquicklyᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛfinally
    'Well, he kept doing that for a little while. '

  21. Yaànolhį̀į̀dǫ̀dachowsitidutl'à',kwudidii.
    I wishto the limitit's bigit plops on my stomachhe thinks
    'I wish a really big one would land on me, he thought.'

  22. 'Ii'uwute'e'oostsudzii,kwudidii.
    thenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛwellI will eathe thinks
    'Then I would eat well, he thought.'

  23. 'Ii 'èhbig oneyitidatl'a.
    thenlhoowe dachowit plopped on his stomach
    'Then a big fish landed on him.'3

  24. Knock him out.
    mughùlhè' wìlę
    'He was knocked out.'

  25. Yuzùtk'ehnàatl'a.
    his liveronit plopped down
    'It landed on his liver.'

  26. Mu'èh nawdnatl'ùts.
    he blacked out
    'He blacked out.'

  27. Kwùla'iilhoowetindidèhgètdekhwùdè',kùnudzidadìì'ììdayghatlah.
    finallythatfishit started to go back into waterwhenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛfinallyas he revivedhe grabbed it
    'Just when the fish was starting to get back into the water, he came to and he grabbed it.'

  28. "He',gwuda'iilhoowedeh---,lhoowedu---doost'ès.
    heytherethatfishfishlet me cook for myself
    "'Let me cook that fish there.'

  29. Dèkusk'ehduneyidut'èsiisą."
    howᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛpeoplecook itI wonder
    'I wonder how people cook it."'

  30. No, he got no,'udookedììh.
    nothe knows how
    'He didn't know how.'

  31. K'udà',kaoosdehii,kwudidii.
    waitI'll do ithe thinks
    'Wait, I'll do it, he thought.'

  32. Yì'ǫ̀datsǫ̀'èhda.
    just over therehe sat defecating
    'He sat there taking a dump.'

  33. Kùsutsǫ̀'.
    he defecated
    'He defecated.'

  34. "Dèkusk'ehdzaduneyidut'èsa?"'èhnii.
    howpeoplecook ithe said
    "'How do people cook this?" he asked it.'

  35. "Dunekwùdììhk'ǫh'iitl'ǫhdunekusk'ehdzè'laduneyidut'ès,"'èhnii.
    peoplemake fireandthenpeoplethat wayᴄᴇʀᴛpeoplecook itit said
    "People make fire and people cook it this way," it said.

  36. "'A,mesdììh,mesdììh,"***.
    ohI know it
    "Oh, I know, I know."

  37. Dah,'idewuts'eh,'idetsunèhda.
    wellthatafterᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛtherehe sat busy
    'Well, after that he just sat there doing his business.'

  38. Finallyhe can't go no more.
    Kwùla'udoo kàootsǫ̀'ii yòòht'e.
    'Then he couldn't go any more.'4

  39. Dichin'èhdutsulewuts'ehkatsìdla'ukà'iihguts.
    stickwithhis anusfrom itit's smallhe poked out
    'Finally he poked a little piece out from his bum with a stick.'

  40. "Dèkusk'ehdza'uts'idut'èsa?"yèhnii.
    howwe cook for ourselveshe said to it
    "'How do we cook for ourselves?" he asked it.'

  41. Dah,kwuyesame wayzǫh'uyiijooayèhnii.
    wellthereyuk'èhdzè'onlythattoo it told him
    'Well, that one just told him the same thing.'5

  42. "A,mesdììh,mesdììh,"yèhniitl'ǫhnunyììyiitl'un.
    ohI know ithe told itthengroundhe stuck it in
    "'Oh, I know, I know," he said, and he stuffed it down in the ground.'

  43. Gwakhwùdè'dèkayììlàhdasǫ,yidèeht'ę̀'utsuts.
    thereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛfinallyhow he did itwhileᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe cooked ithe ate
    'Somehow he finally he cooked (the fish) and ate there.'


  1. tììyè' 'too', datsìdla 'it's small'
  2. lhoowe 'fish', yadus 'than it', 'achowii 'which is as big', sitidutl'à' 'it lands on my stomach'
  3. lhoowe 'fish', dachow 'it's big'
  4. 'udoo 'not', kàootsǫ̀'ii 'he will defecate', yòòht'e 'he is able'
  5. yuk'èhdzè' 'like it'