Dlèzhe 'uzidèhgę. "A grizzly killed itself."

Mike Abou

Length:  3:02
In this story, Mike has quite an extended passage in English.  A
Tsek'ene version of that passage (in color) is provided here courtesy of
Mary Charlie, Edna McCook and Eileen McCook.
  1. 'Iijoo'ùkoo,gwudzemuk'èhsǫ,somethingmunèeh,duneghuyalh.
    theretoothosecomingbehind himᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛmeeting himpersonis walking
    'Then someone was walking behind him, coming towards him.'

  2. "He','umuse!"
    "Hey, uncle!"

  3. "Ya?"

  4. Madunesat'e,kwudidii.
    whopersonI wonder who ishe thinks
    'I wonder which person it is, he thought.'

  5. Gwuda,gwudzeyunèehghutlulh.
    therecomingmeeting himhe's walking fast
    'He was walking fast towards him.'

  6. Grizzly bearyunèehghugwulh.
    dlèzhemeeting himit's walking on all fours
    'A grizzly met up with him.'

  7. 'Uyiilǫ̀'ut'e.
    thattrulyit is
    'That's what it was.'

  8. "Hah,pane,"he say,"gwudzè'munmahkìdììsyawuts'è''iitahtl'ahkìdììsyawuts'ehgwudzekùdiinya."
    heyfriend'èhniitherelakeshoreI came outat itthathead of lakeI came outfrom itcomingyou came out
    "Hey, friend, you met up with me between where I came out at the head of the lake and the lake shore" (the grizzly said to him).'1

  9. "Yadành'įįa?Ts'ìì'ònèdzunlugha!"
    whatyou're doingtoohow slow you walk
    "What are you doing? You walk too slow!"

  10. 'Iibig hillmudàwnii'ą,'iilakedàde.
    thatyhìs chowit curvesthatmunabove
    'There was a big hill curving above the lake.'2

  11. "'Iitl'ǫhlhǫ̀adinnii,ka!
    andthenyou're rightfor
    "'I'll see if you're right.'

  12. Kwuyek'ìlhits'inootl'ehii."
    therelet's race each other around
    'Let's race each other around there."'

  13. Dah,'udoogòòliione secondgha---gwudzè'yutsehnusuda.
    wellnoteventherebefore himhe's sitting
    'Well, it was not even one second and he was sitting there before him.'

  14. Grizzly bear"khwùwii,khwùwii."
    dlèzheᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛ(noise of panting)
    'That grizzly bear (said), "khwùwii, khwùwii."

  15. "Satiiyawììjàh."
    I'm exhausted
    "I'm exhausted."

  16. "'Uyiidèkhunt'e?
    thatwhat are you doing
    "What are you doing?

  17. Wuts'ìì'ònèdzunlugh."
    tooyou walk slow
    'You walk too slow."'

  18. "'Iikwùladunek'èhdzè'try 'ust'egòolà.
    "I'm trying to keep up like other person but (I can't)."3

  19. "'Uskale,ts'ìì'ònènìintsuniighǫhla.
    boytooyou being fatbecause ofᴄᴇʀᴛ
    "Boy, you're that way because you're too fat.'4

  20. K'udà'.

  21. 'Iitl'ǫh'uyii,'uyiinijoowets'ìì'ònachow'iighǫhlaniin---dzunlugh.
    andthenthatyour frontit's too bigthatbecause ofᴄᴇʀᴛyou're slow
    'You're also slow because your front is too big.'

  22. (laughs)

  23. Then he, you know them alder willow? He carve out that kind too.

  24. K'uzkìiht'ats.
    alderhe cut off
    'He cut off a piece of alder.'

  25. He carried that kind too.

  26. 'Uyiijook'ètįįh.
    thattoohe's carrying around
    'He carried that around too.'

  27. "Look,he says,look.
    "'Look!" he said to him.'

  28. I show you. I show you, watch me," he say.

  29. "Suk'àninhtą!
    watch me
    "Watch me.

  30. Kinidasdįįlhe.
    I'll teach you how
    'I'll show you how.'

  31. I gonna cut off this thing then I gonna throw it away and you see how fast I gonna go up that hill and back.

  32. Didiilhìihsughdè'sǫ,dòòdiigwudzè'tàoostl'à'iisuk'ànoonhtą̀',"yèhnii.
    thisI cut it in two fastifᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛquicklythereI could run uphillyou will seehe told him
    'If I cut this off, you'd see that I could run fast up the hill there."'

  33. And he show him and he, just pretend.

  34. Kwùdiiyinu'ąhda,dulòlè'lhìit'ats'uwììhsų.
    justhe's fooling himwhilehis penishe cut offhe pretends
    'Just fooling, he pretended to cut off his penis.'

  35. 'Iitl'ǫh'uyiik'uz'ònè dèhk'as.
    andthenthatalderhe threw away
    'And he threw away that alder.'

  36. That's just that willow eh. It looked, red kind. Then he take his knife

  37. and he go up that hill.

  38. Dubesè'dùs'ǫ'iitl'ǫhyìdighètùdèhya.
    he knifehe took awayandthenuphe started to go uphill
    'He took his knife and went up the hill.'

  39. Ho! He just beats up, boy he.

  40. He',yehzudatùsutl'ayoodidii.
    heyhow fasthe ran up hillhe's thinking about him
    'He was wondering why he ran so fast up the hill.'

  41. Hey, he say, pretend to cut off his thing and he throw it away.

  42. Look, he says.

  43. "Wuk'àninhtą,"yèhnii.
    look at ithe told him
    "'Look," he said to him.'

  44. Thatgrizzlylook at him.
    'The grizzly looked at him.'5

  45. Holy, that guy just like he fly up that hill.

  46. Yìdighekwùdiininììtlah'èjàh.
    upjusthe flew awayhe seemed to do
    'It was just like he flew up the hill.'

  47. And back.'Ìdahdzè'one minutesnùnatl'a.
    from abovehe ran back down
    'He ran back down in one minute.'

  48. "'Ìndįį,k'ah,dèdast'eǫ?
    you seenot eventhere's nothing wrong with me-Q
    "'So you see, is there anything wrong with me?'

  49. Ninjookudnindleh'iisoon'į̀į̀'iikhudaoont'è'ii."
    you tooyou do to yourselfthatᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛyou will act like meyou will be fast
    'Do the same to yourself and then you'll be fast like me."'

  50. Besyànii'ǫ.
    knifehe gave him
    'He handed him a knife.'

  51. 'Iigrizzly"'udìi"'nudidììh.
    thatdlèzheyikeshe keeps saying
    'The grizzly said, "Yikes!" he said.'

  52. "No."

  53. "'Umà"'.
    no way

  54. "'Udoonìninjit.
    notyou're scared
    "'Don't be scared.'

  55. 'Udoodèdaoondehii."
    notᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛsomething will happen to you
    'Nothing will happen to you."'

  56. Hǫ,kwùladèhtl'adeyaghǫh'uyiidijoowekùwiihsughyì'ònèdèhtl'as.
    okayfinallyhe started to runwhenwhatforthathis front sidehe cut off fastawayhe tossed
    'Finally, he started running and he cut it off fast from his front side and tossed it away.'

  57. 'Iitl'ǫhkwùlatusdahkhwązii'uwììdlàhdet'àhkìna'ììts'ut.
    andthenfinallyhillonclosehe made himselfwhenbackhe rolled back down
    'He had just about made it to the top of the hill when he rolled back down.'

  58. Kwayizèhkhę.
    alreadyhe killed him
    'He had killed him already.'

  59. Kwakusk'eh'iigrizzly bearyughǫh'uzidèhgę'ìghidii.
    alreadythusthatdlèzheon account of himit killed itselfthey say
    'That's how the grizzly bear killed himself because of him (Nats'oodalh), they say.'

  60. Gwudawuts'eh"kudoondlehiidowagwàndissį̀į̀."
    thereafter itᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛyou will do to yourselfin order toI told you the truth
    'After that he told him, "(I told you that) so you would do that to yourself."'


  1. The grizzly is saying that Nats'oodalh met up with him way past where he expected to meet up with him when he first saw him. In other words, compared to himself, Nats'oodalh is a fast walker.
  2. yhìs 'hill', chow 'big'
  3. 'ust'e 'I am'; gòòla from gòòli 'but', lawììht'e 'it is', 'ididììst'èh 'I'm trying'
  4. le is hard to translate. When pressed, speakers might say 'big, old'.
  5. yuk'ànehtą 'he's looking at him'