Nats'oodalh khą̀ts 'èh.
"Nats'oodalh and the stump"

Mike Abou

Length:  3:02
  1. 'Ii'èh,shòwà','iiwuts'ehyudowasik'edidùsla,nunkìigètde.
    thatafternicelythatafter itfor ithe started to put something on firegroundhe dug outwhere
    'Then he piled up lots of wood (for fire) for it, where he dug out the ground.'

  2. Yùsdą̀ts.
    he singed it
    'He singed the hair off it.'

  3. Justtliin 'uyììlàh.
    he cleaned it
    'He cleaned it right off.'

  4. 'Iitl'ǫhnunyììyiihtę'iitl'ǫhyuk'ehkwùnchowdèhk'ǫ̀'.
    andthengroundhe stuck it underandthenon itfirebighe lit
    'He buried it and made a big fire on top of it.'

  5. All daygwayeht'ès.
    dzenèes 'aduziitherehe's cooking it
    'He cooked it all day there.'1

  6. Kwalhèhgą̀hwuts'è'kùyiihtę.
    finallyeveningtowards ithe took it off
    'Close to evening time, he took it off.'

  7. All'utayghdnììht'ats.
    tsudzè'he cut it up
    'He cut it all up.'

  8. 'Ùkooyulòtallkunachowtundinùst'ats,'ùkooyutsùn'èhììt'è','ùkooyuchowè'.
    thoseits back fattsudzè'it's bighe cut it upthoseits meatetc.thoseits ribs
    'He cut up its back fat in big pieces, with the meat and ribs (on it).'

  9. 'Ii'utsùnkachow'uchowè'didat'adzii'utsudziitl'ǫh,'iikhą̀tschow lemutsehsu'ǫ.
    thatmeatit's bigthe ribswhich he cut up for himselfwhich he's eatingand thenthatstumpbigin front of himit is
    'He cut out the ribs and was eating them when there was a really big stump in front of him.'

  10. "Na',khą̀ts,k'ahniniinelòdè'lii.
    herestumpnot evenyouyour-something's fatit isn't
    "Here, stump, it's not your fat.'2

  11. Gwudasingwun,"naydidììh.
    thereyou be dryhe keeps telling him
    'Dry up there," he kept telling him.'3

  12. Koodehlìì'uyiikhą̀tshe move.
    'Suddenly that stump moved.'4

  13. Gwudzeyìtsè'è,coming.
    comingdownhillyuts'è' dùsghę̀l
    'It started to roll down towards him.'5

  14. "Na',khą̀ts,kwùdiilanìdissį,supanè'na',na"'yèhnii.
    herestumpjustᴄᴇʀᴛI'm teasing youmy friendherehe said to it
    "Here, stump, here, friend, I'm teasing you, here," he said to him.

  15. 'Ùkoo'utsùnyits'idèhsukh,'iigòòliino.
    thosemeathe quickly cut off for itthatalthough
    'He quickly cut off pieces of meat for it but no.'

  16. Kwùlalhį̀į̀dǫ̀yetsùnè'k'èdàts'ulhde,kachowadughatlahiiyì'ònètudèhtl'a.
    finallyfinishinghis-its meatit will fall onwhenit's littleas he grabbedover therehe ran away
    'It had almost fallen onto his meat when he grabbed one little piece and ran away.'

  17. Yutl'ǫhgwudaallyetsùnè'k'è'ììts'ut.
    behind himtherehis-its meatit fell onto
    'It fell behind him there onto all his meat.'

  18. "K'ah,nudowalii,dune'uzidèh---sudowa'uzidèhgę.
    not evenfor youit isn'tpersonfor mehe killed himself
    "Well, it's not for you but for me that he (the grizzly) killed himself.'

  19. Allsughà'udiinlììlhekhą̀ts,"nudidììh.
    on meyou're going to dostumphe keeps saying
    'You're going to finish it all," he said over and over.'

  20. 'Iiwuts'ehjoonìsulèniiya.
    thatafter ittooᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe stood there hollering
    'After that he stood there hollering.'

  21. "'Ushidlekwùne,diinunk'eh'unìnaht'e'ìnahdįįsuk'ǫ̀wawahdehiijode,"nudidììh.
    my younger brotherpl.thisearthonyou pl. are manyyou pl. rememberyou pl. help meherehe keeps saying
    "'My younger siblings, every one of you on this earth, help me out here," he said over and over.'

  22. 'Iinòòwafirstyughǫhlhatlulh.
    thatwolverineᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛwootsehto himhe reached fast
    'The wolverine reached him fast ahead of them.'6

  23. "Khwùdìghe,yawadinna?"
    older brotherwhatforyou're saying
    "Older brother, why are you saying this?"7

  24. "Osichidle,sichidle,'iikhą̀tssetsùnè'k'è'ììts'ut,"yèhnii.
    my younger brotherthatstumpmy-its meatit fell ontohe told him
    "'Oh younger brother, that stump fell onto my meat," he told him.'

  25. Dah,wuts'ehdiiyhììh'unèt'emichighnèh'ats.
    wellafter thatᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛthisanimalmanythey gathered with him
    'Well, after that they all assembled with him.

  26. 'Uyiikhą̀ts'ònè ghidèhk'as.
    thatstumpthey got rid of
    'They threw off the stump.'

  27. 'Uyii---everyonewà'a'ąhiizǫhhe got nothing.
    that'unèt'ehe gives themuntil'udiidòòwè
    'He gave (the pieces of meat) out to every one of them until he had nothing.'8

  28. 'Udighììnooht'e.
    he had nothing to do/say
    'He had nothing to say.'

  29. Oh boy,lhadzè'ts'ììyùnahdèl,"woowèhnii.
    'ooh 'ane'go aheadelsewherego awayhe told them
    "'Oh boy, go away you guys," he told them.'


  1. dzenèes 'all day', 'aduzii 'as long as'
  2. lii 'it isn't' appears to be an archaism. 'udoo nelòdè' looht'e would be the modern way to say 'it isn't your fat'.
  3. or "stay skinny there"
  4. nùghììdàh 'it moved'
  5. yuts'è' 'to him', dùsghę̀l 'it started to roll'
  6. wootseh 'ahead of them'
  7. wa from wǫha
  8. 'unèt'e 'there are many', 'udidòòwè 'he has nothing'