Nats'oodalh dutsule loodè' nutsuts.
"Nats'oodalh eats his anus scab."

Mike Abou

Length:  3:22
  1. Ah,he keep going 'ulę,k'èdah.
    kat'è zǫhhe's walking around
    'He just kept walking.'1

  2. Gwuda,lhàhdetaàmahkìdììya.
    thereone placeshorehe reached edge
    'He came to a shore somewhere.'

  3. Ducksk'è'òlh.
    tsitsthey're swimming around
    'Ducks were swimming around.'

  4. 'Ùkooduckstwok'e'iighǫ.
    thosetsitslhèkwudut'ehe killed pl.
    'He killed two ducks.'

  5. Wutl'ùsyììyiilatl'ǫhyugàhtèledèhda.
    asheshe placed them underthenby themhe lay down
    'He put them under some ashes and lay down beside them.'

  6. Nunùstę.
    he went to sleep
    'to go to sleep.'

  7. 'Iijoodutsulewits'oodudèh.
    thattoohis anushe's talking to
    'Then he was talking to his anus.'

  8. "Sutsule,'ùkoosu---setsùnè'ghàghoondà'ìì,"yèhnii.
    my anusthosemy-its meatwatchhe told it
    "'Anus, take care of my meat," he told it.'

  9. (laughs)

  10. "Hok,kwùsǫkaoosdehii."
    okayprobablyI will do
    "Okay, I'll probably do that."

  11. 'Esdęhdzè',kwùn'esdęhdzè'sutę.
    back facingfireback facinghe's lying
    'He was lying with his back to the fire.'

  12. 'Idekwats'inunudzut.
    therefinallyhe woke up again
    'Then he woke up.'

  13. Kwùsǫsetsùnè'sut'ę,kwudidii.
    probablymy meatit's cookedhe's thinking
    'My meat must be cooked, he thought.'

  14. Sure enough'ùkooduckskè'zǫhkwuyekùndinùs'ą.
    thosetsitsfootjusttherethey're sticking out
    'Only the ducks' feet were sticking out from the ashes.'2

  15. Lhìghè'kìihdladiijoojust'ukè'zǫh.
    onehe yanked out astoosomething's feetonlynùsula
    'Pulling one out, only the feet (were left).'3

  16. Nothing.
    'There's nothing.'

  17. Kooye'uts'unè'zǫhmugàhk'ìdèya.
    thereboneonlyby himthey're lying scattered
    'Nearby just the bones were lying by him.'

  18. Dudonekaweh'įįjoomudonegreasewìlę.
    his liphe touchestoohis lip'ughę̀'there is
    'He touched his lips and he had grease on them.'

  19. 'Ii 'èh,'ii 'èhsadii,"kǫghustsetlǫ̀?"nudidììhii,dutsuledawdeh'ą.
    after thathe's wondering(question)I ate it(pluperfect)he keeps sayinghis anushe's asking
    'Then he kept saying, "did I eat them already?" asking his anus.'

  20. "Ǫ,"naydidììh.
    yesit keeps telling him
    "'Yes," it kept telling him.'

  21. "Wints'ììtdè'...!"
    you're lyingif
    "If you're lying...!"

  22. Du---Diighǫ̀ǫ̀'tǫ̀'jootoothpick'èhnadììgusbutnothing.
    his teethamongtoodichinwithhe's poking something'ii gòòlii'udiidòòwè
    'He poked around between his teeth with a toothpick but there was nothing.'4

  23. "No,wints'ììt.
    'udooyou're lying
    "'No, you're lying.'

  24. Newdayàlhe'iiwuk'elha.
    you'll sufferthaton account of
    'You'll suffer for that."

  25. 'Iibig rockgwuda,tsììdìihk'as.
    thattse dachowtherehe threw it in fire
    'He threw a big rock in the fire.'5

  26. 'Uyiitsered 'ujàhdedutsuleburn 'uwììdlàhii.
    thatrockdut'elàjàhwhenhis anusk'ediihlhut
    'He got the rock red and he stuck it on his bum.'6

  27. He get scab.

  28. Mutsulescab'uwììjàh.
    his anuslhootit became
    'His anus became a scab.'

  29. 'Uyiikwak'èdahii.
    thenfinallyhe's walking around
    'Then he was walking around.'

  30. 'Uyiidubùdii'èh,gwuda,he pull out the scab,he,'uyii'utsuts.
    thatuncerthe's hungrysincetheredutsule loodè' kìihdlatthathe eats
    'He was hungry somewhere so he pulled out his scab.'7

  31. 'Ii 'èh'uyiichoosk'adudlòwk'èhiiyughǫhya'ììts'ut.
    thenthatwhiskey-jackᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe's laughingbecause ofon account of himhe fell over
    'Then the whiskey-jack just fell over from laughing at him.'

  32. "He!Nats'oodalhdutsuleloodè'nutsuts,"yèhnii.
    hahis anusscabhe's eatingit said to him
    "Ha ha! Nats'oodalh is eating his anus scab," it said to him.'

  33. (laughs)

  34. 'Iiwuk'idatsǫ̀''èhyuts'aynììhyhìdliila,'oosk'ahjemuts'ughewuduba'a,'ìghidii.
    thatbecause of itexcrementwithas he hit on headᴄᴇʀᴛwhiskey-jackits foreheadit's greythey say
    'Then just for that he hit him on the head with some excrement, so that's why the whiskey-jack's forehead is grey, they say.'

  35. 'Ii wuts'ehdahhok,hok,'uyii,dah'uyii'òòsgąjooyǫhdudlòwìì,'uyiijoot'èsdayghatlahiiallyuk'ùdùs(la).
    after thatᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛwellgo aheadthatwellthatcrowtooᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛat himas he's laughingthattoocharcoalas he grabbedhe put them on his face
    'Then the crow laughed at him too, and he grabbed some (pieces of) charcoal and smeared him on the face with them.'

  36. 'Ii 'èhla'òòsgądinììtlųghidii,'ìghidii.
    that's whyᴄᴇʀᴛcrowit's blackthey say
    'That's why the crow is shiny black, they say.'


  1. 'ulę 'he is', kat'e 'he keeps doing', zǫh 'just'
  2. kwùla 'already, now, finally'
  3. nùsula 'they are'
  4. dichin 'stick'
  5. tse 'rock', dachow 'it's big'
  6. 'ujàh 'it became', dut'elajàh 'it became red', 'uwììdlàh 'he did to his own', k'ediihlhut 'he burned (object)'
  7. dutsule loodè' 'his anus scab', kìihdlat 'he pulled out, off'