Nats'oodalh 'ut'a ghighdèhtììyii k'ànehtą.
"Nats'oodalh sees a treasured girl."

Mike Abou

Free translations by Mary Charlie, Edna McCook, Eileen McCook, Mike Abou and Sharon Hargus.  
Translations of English into Tsek'ene by Edna McCook. 
Transcription and word glosses by Sharon Hargus.
Recorded by Sharon Hargus. 
Length:  3:57
  1. 'Ide,'iiwuts'ehgwak'èdah.
    therethatafter itᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛtherehe's walking around
    'After that he was walking around there.'

  2. K'ahkòòhtoot'ùsuya.
    finallywaterhe came up to
    'He came out on a river.'

  3. 'Iidutsàhyonàatets'idùs'ut.
    thenhis groundhog skin blankethe threw into water
    'Then he threw his groundhog skin blanket in the water.'

  4. Canoegwudadunadlulh.
    thereit's floating on top
    'A canoe was floating up there.'

  5. Hey,dìkiiyatl'ǫhnònèyàsukę.
    he got inthenacrosshe went across by boat
    'He got in and went across.'

  6. 'Ìnosdè'dunenùde.
    across therepeoplethey're living
    'People were living across there.'

  7. Oh, no.Wists'ììt.K'udà'.Kidoonasdìì'.
    I'm making a mistake.waitI forgot it.
    'Oh wait. I made a mistake. I forgot.'

  8. 'Ìnosdè'dunenùde.
    across therepeoplethey're living
    'People were living across there.'

  9. Gwadunetaànohsuda.
    therepeopleacross fromhe sits
    'He sat across from the people.'

  10. Yaàno,koohdehlììzǫhgwudagirl,magirlghighdètììyiinogwudakìdììyakwudidii.
    I wishsuddenlyjustthere'ut'awho'ut'awho they treasureI wishthereshe comes outhe thinks
    'I wish a treasured girl would come out, he thinks.'1

  11. Herethat,Princess of the bunchgwudakìdìiyà.
    ᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛthereshe came out
    'Then the princess of the bunch came out there.'

  12. 'Oosà'kìdìì'ǫ.
    bucketshe carried out
    'She was carrying a bucket.'2

  13. Gwudanusdà'joo,she get stuckcouldn't get up.
    thereshe sat downtoo'udnèjàh'udoo nidòòyà'ii wuka
    'She sat down there and got stuck.'3

  14. Ya 'èhwoowits'ììdahii!
    howthey're mistaken
    'How mistaken they are!'4

  15. (laughs)

  16. 'IdelaI don't knowmossk'ehsuda.
    thatᴄᴇʀᴛnèsdzoohonshe's sitting
    'I don't know, she was sitting on miss.'

  17. Oh boy,'ùkwùnedune'iimuwǫhdòòwaghidii.
    'ooh'unethosepeoplethatuncerton account of herthey're making big noise
    'Oh boy, those people were making a lot of noise on account of her.'

  18. Oh,they don't know what to do.
    Dèsǫ 'ii 'umawii mudowa kàwulehii.
    'They don't know what to do with that woman.'

  19. 'Iiwutaànohsuda.
    thatacross from ithe's sitting
    'He's sitting across from it.'

  20. 'Udookujììhkwùladidinlat'èkedììhii'èh.
    nothe breathes outfinallyit's he doing thathe knows itbecause
    'He doesn't breathe a word because he knows it's him doing that.'

  21. He'

  22. 'Ooh,ya,kaghghììlèhalǫ̀kwudidii.
    ohsomethingthey do it to hertrulyhe thinks
    'He's thinking, I wish they would do something to her.'

  23. 'Ii 'èhlhighghiit'ats.
    thenthey cut it off
    'Then they cut it off (what was holding her down).'

  24. Lhighghiit'atsthey,'ìdighè'uyiigirlnaghdètę.
    they cut it offupthat'ut'ethey lift back up
    'They cut it off and lifted the girl up.'

  25. dunenaghììtsughgwuda.
    ᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛpersonthey're cryingthere
    'They're really crying there.'

  26. "Helloya wǫhadahniia?
    dèkaht'eawhyyou pl. are making noise
    'Why are you guys crying?'

  27. Makwùnaht'ea?"
    whoyou pl. are
    'Who are you guys?"'

  28. "'Ooh,suba,babamainlàdinniia?
    ohfatherwhoyou areyou say
    "'Oh father, who do you say you are?'

  29. Gwudzè'yànyaha,"'ìghi(dii).
    thereyou go acrossthey tell him
    'Go across,"' they tell him.'

  30. Dòòdiizǫhgwudzè'woots'è'yàsuya,gwawoogàhlhayalhii.
    quicklyjustthereto themhe walked acrossthereby themhe reached
    'He quickly went across to them, reaching them there.'

  31. 'Oohdidii,didii,boy,pretty girl,Iguess.
    ohthis'uta moonèlązii
    'Oh, this was a pretty girl.'

  32. Didiikwùlakajàh.
    thisfinallyhe accomplished
    'He finally did it.'

  33. Yadewuts'ehsat'ekajàh.
    whatwherefrom thereI wonderit happened
    'I wonder where this came from.'

  34. "All,all of you go somewhere,"he tell 'em.
    jode wuts'eh tudahdèlwoowèhnii
    "'All of you go away,"' he told them.'

  35. Let me at 'em alone,"he tell 'em.
    sinii sǫ 'awslehiiwoowèhnii
    'I'll fight her myself."

  36. (laughs)

  37. 'Ii 'èhgwudayugàhnùs---,yugàhnùstę.
    after thatthereby herhe lay down
    'After that he lay down next to her.'

  38. 'Iihe take back, what he belong to himIguess.
    thatdidinii na'ììchòòt
    'He took back what belonged to him.'5

  39. (laughs)

  40. Gwawuts'ehkùnajatl'ǫhwookadii.
    thatafterᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe came back outafterhe calls them
    'Then he came back out and called them.'

  41. Hey,'iigirlgwanusuda.
    that'ut'athereshe's sitting again
    'That girl was sitting there again.'

  42. Nudlòwèhda.
    she's sitting there laughing again
    'She was sitting there laughing again.'

  43. Mawu---mawįįzǫǫ'èhnudlòwèhda.
    she likes itbecauseshe's sitting there laughing again
    'She liked it so much she was sitting there laughing again.'

  44. (laughs)

  45. "Dèkanlàha?"
    what did you do to her
    "'What did you do to her?"'

  46. "'Unasdlàh.Dèkawsleha?
    I fixed herwhat will I do
    "'I fixed her. What (else) could I do?'

  47. Kooyekawììht'eall that'udoo(kaht'e)."
    thereit isnotyou pl. do
    'Don't (you pl.) do that.'6

  48. Kwa'idejoo'ùkoodunesè' 'ulàhtl'ǫh'umawooghàdèhya.
    finallytheretoothosepeopleᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe fixedafterabandoninghe left them
    'After he fixed those people he left them.'


  1. 'girl' = 'ut'a or 'ut'ewa
  2. probably a water bucket
  3. in citation form, nùsda 'she sat down'
  4. They mistakenly thought she was stuck.
  5. didinii 'his keepsake', na'ììchòòt 'he took back'
  6. Mike explained to me later: "That's how come our old people used to tell us don't look at anybody. Don't make any family higher than anybody, they say, because what happened to that girl, 'cause they only treasure that one girl, 'cause she's, they, like their boss eh. So he doesn't like that."