Nats'oodalh dlèzhe lhèkwudut'e wooba joo k'e'iighǫ.
"Nats'oodalh killed two grizzlies and their father."

Mike Abou

Length:  7:51
  1. Gwudak'èdah,k'èdah.
    thereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe's walking around
    'He kept walking around.'

  2. What,dèkawììht'enunk'ehduneghǫhlhayalh.
    how it islandonᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛpeopletohe reached
    'He came to a certain place, to some people.'

  3. Oh!

  4. Old ladydunekǫhwu---,duneghadè'èkǫhwidèt'ęghǫhlhayalh.
    ts'iiywąpersoncamppersonbehindcampshe hastohe reached
    'He reached the camp of an old lady who lived way back behind other people.'

  5. "'Àtsǫǫ,'àtsǫǫ,dunenidįį?"yèhnii.
    grandmotherpersonwhere ishe said to her
    "'Grandmother, grandmother, where is everybody?" he asked her.'

  6. "Sucha,sucha,ma'inladinna?
    my grandchildwhoyou areyou say
    "'Grandchild, grandchild, who are you?'

  7. Nothing(tinh)'inelha---lhadzè'ts'ììnundah.
    you're pitifulelsewherego away
    'You poor thing, go somewhere else.'

  8. 'Uyiidunemupanè'wìlęmutwè'kwùnelhèkwooet'edune'ulę,muts'è'nììdùlh.
    thatmanhis spousethere ishis daughterpl.twopersonit isto him(people) go
    'There's a man with a wife and two daughters who many people have gone to (and never come back).'

  9. Koodeh,gwamuts'è'kwudoondìì'ìì nò."
    at allthereto himdon't think
    'Don't even think of going there to him."

  10. "'Àtsǫǫ,dusbùt,"yèhnii.
    grandmaI'm hungryhe told her
    "'Grandma, I'm hungry," he told her.'

  11. 'Utsigǫ̀'jooyànii'ǫtl'ǫh'ùkooberrieskooht'eyàniila.
    dry meattooshe gave himandthosejìjethat sort of thingshe gave him
    'She gave him things like dry meat and berries.'

  12. 'Ùkooyugàh'atsèt.
    thoseat her placehe ate
    'He ate those at her place.'

  13. "'Àtsǫǫ,kooyek'oosdahii,'udoogwudzè'wuka,"'èhnii.
    grandmathereI'll walk aroundnottherefor ithe said
    "'Grandma, I'm going to walk around, but not over there," he said.'

  14. 'Iigwudzè''ùkoo'umawiiwoowǫhlhayalh.
    thenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛtherethosewomanto themhe reached
    'Then he went over to the women.'

  15. 'Oh,'ùkootwo girls'ul'ugheh'įį.
    those'ut'ewa lhèkwudut'eᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛbrushthey're making
    'The two girls were making brush.'1

  16. 'Ulghidiyìts.
    conifer branchthey're breaking
    'They were breaking spruce branches.'

  17. Koodehlììwoots'è'gah'adèdlàh.
    suddenlyin front of them themrabbithe turned himself into
    'Suddenly he turned himself into a rabbit in front of them.'

  18. Gahyąą̀dza'adèdlàh.
    rabbityounghe turned himself into
    'He turned himself into a young rabbit.'

  19. 'Iiwooch'ànutl'à'.
    thathe's running off away from them
    'He evaded them.'

  20. K'ìteghghudukh.
    they're chasing him around
    'They chased him around.'

  21. 'Udookhudiighighììhchòòt.
    notquicklythey caught him
    'It took them a long time to catch him.'

  22. 'ullhunughalelhiitl'ǫh,"'uyii,'uyiibabats'ìì'ònèanything'uts'eh'įįda,'udoo,khudądziiwuk'e'ughǫh.
    ᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛbrushas they packed backthenthatour dadtooyèdawe havewhennotexcluding ushe kills them
    'They brought brush back and then they said, "whenever we have something, our father kills it.'

  23. Hah,didiigahkhupetè',"ghidii.
    heythisrabbitkheyaą̀dza looht'ethey're saying
    'Hey, this rabbit is our pet."2

  24. Mik'ights'idlii.
    they love him
    'They loved him.'

  25. 'Idekwùlalhèhgą̀hwoobalhunadalhii.
    thenᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛfinallyeveningᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛtheir fatherhe came back
    'Then finally their father came back in the evening.'

  26. 'Uyiitentyììhsukigh---dahdedalive ghulędesǫ,kighnètalii.
    thatlibàliiunderwherevernùghudèlwhereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛthey're playing
    'Wherever they lived, they played under a tent.'3

  27. 'Uyiigah'ìkighnètal,'ùkoo.
    thatrabbitthey're playing withthose
    'They were playing with the rabbit.'

  28. 'Uyiiwoobawoogàhlhunadalh.
    and thentheir fatherby themhe came
    'Then their dad came over to them.'

  29. "Oh'ùkoots'òòdawayaghǫhanìnudlòwghut'àsa?
    thosekidswhatforthey're standing there laughing
    "What are those kids laughing about?'

  30. Kwùdii'iigahyąą̀dzaghighììhchòòdii'uyii'ìkighnètaliilaghidii.
    justthatrabbityoungwhich they caughtthatwhich they're playing withthey're saying
    'They're just laughing at the baby rabbit that they caught and they're playing with," he said.

  31. "Khudii,gwudzeghahtelh.
    hurryhereyou pl. bring it
    "Hurry up, bring it over here."

  32. Muk'ànoostą̀'ii."
    let me look at it
    'Let me look at it."'

  33. 'Iikwùnts'è'suda.
    thatfiretowardshe's sitting
    'He was sitting facing the fire.'

  34. "No,daddy,'udoo,'udoo,too muchanything zinhkhe,"'ìghidii.
    'udoobabanotììyè'la'uzinhkhethey're saying
    "'No, daddy, you kill too many things," they said.'4

  35. "Khudii,muk'ànoostą̀'nukhuk'ǫ̀we."
    hurrylet me look at ithelping you pl.
    "Hurry, let me look at it with you guys."

  36. Mutl'àghghiihtę.
    they placed it in his hands
    'They placed it in his hands.'

  37. Sohe pet him,yǫh 'udii,he pet him'iitl'ǫh,koodehlìì'iikwùnyu'èh'ìniihkhàtl.
    yitsìì' 'ehkùthe's praising itandthensuddenlythatfirewith ithe started to throw
    'He was praising it and petting it and then suddenly he started to throw it on the fire."5

  38. "Gga---didiiGah Chwąziinoodliilat'e,"'èhnii.
    thismust beit ishe said
    "'This must be some kind of Gah Chwązii," he said.'6

  39. Yu'èhkwùn'ìniihkhàtl.
    with itfirehe started to throw
    'He started to throw it on the fire.'

  40. Yìnònèzǫhtaàmahdzè'nùnatlahiitl'ǫhyì'ònètudèhtl'a.
    acrossjustshorethereas it landedthenawayit ran off
    'It landed across on the shore of the lake and ran off.'

  41. Gwudzè''ùkoogirlsthey chase himdunaghghatlah.
    thereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛthose'ut'ewamuk'èh taghdèhtl'aand they grabbed it back
    'Then the girls chased after it and grabbed it back.'

  42. Gwudalhunaghghahtelh.
    therethey brought it back
    'They brought it back there.'

  43. Early morning'ùkoogirlszutl ghidii.
    nawdàgalhiithose'ut'ewathey're quiet
    'In the early morning the girls were quiet.'7

  44. Dii,they wake up'iijoo,geegood-looking guysleeping between them.
    thists'inaghnudzudiithattook'uladune moonèlęwooguze nùsutę
    'When they woke up a rather good-looking guy was sleeping between them.'8

  45. They don't know what to say.

  46. Zutl ghidii.
    they're quiet
    'They're quiet.'

  47. Zutl ghidii.
    they're quiet
    'They were quiet.'

  48. 'Ii 'èhwoobawook'ànehtą.
    thentheir fatherhe sees them
    'And then their dad saw them.'

  49. "Dediiwuts'ehadiidune?
    "'Where (is) this guy from?'

  50. Khudii,'ònè,'ònèkǫhwuts'iinyalh,"'èhnii.
    quickovercampgo tohe said
    "'Go over to the camp," (their father) told him.'

  51. Gwudzè'kǫhlhayalh.
    therecamphe reached
    'He (Nats'oodalh) reached the camp.'

  52. "Hąh,sunàzę,'ideladlèzhekùnusdah'wèdè'.
    wellmy son-in-lawthereᴄᴇʀᴛgrizzlyI go foralways
    "Well, my son-in-law, I always get grizzly bear over there.'

  53. Gwatachǫh (dǫ̀)twok'ànustą.
    thereyesterdaylhèkwudut'eI see
    'I saw two there yesterday.'

  54. 'Ùkook'à',dòòwiilak'à'."
    'Here are some arrows."

  55. 'Iididįįjoo'wèdè'duk'à'twodèt'ę.
    thathis own tooalwayshis arrowlhèkwudut'ehe has
    'Nats'oodalh always had two of his own arrows.'

  56. 'Wèdè'dupocketè'yèhlha.
    alwaysdulùboshè'he has them
    'He always kept them in his pocket.'

  57. 'Ii 'èhgwagwudzè'dèhtlah.
    and thentheretherehe walked fast
    'And then he walked over there fast.'

  58. 'Ii 'èh'ùkootwo dutwè' kwùne,he turned them to grizzly.
    and thenthosedutwè' lhèkwudut'enedlèzhe 'awwììlàh.
    'Then (their father) turned his two daughters into grizzlies.'9

  59. he make---'Ùkwùnegwudzè'dèh'ą̀'.
    thosetherehe sent
    'He sent them over there.'

  60. Just like,gwa'udiidesuda.
    therehe sayswhereᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛhe sits
    'They went where he told them to go (where Nats'oodalh was).'

  61. 'Iimidighezǫhtwo dlèzhekìih'ats.
    thatabove himjustdlèzhe lhèkwudut'e they came out
    'Above him (Nats'oodalh) two grizzlies came out.'10

  62. He','ìdighèwoots'è'tùdèh(ya).
    heyupto themhe went uphill
    'He walked up to them there.'

  63. Kwakhwązalamighdèhtsut.
    finallyreally closeᴄᴇʀᴛthey charged him
    'And then when he got really close, they charged him.'

  64. Two grizzlymìdèhtsut.
    dlèzhe lhèkwudut'echarged him
    'The two grizzlies charged him.'11

  65. Wèch'à'tudèhtl'a.
    away from themhe ran away
    'He ran away from them.'

  66. K'oowutl'eh.No.
    he's running around them
    'He ran them in circles.'

  67. 'Ùkook'à'ch'ila'èhhe shoot.No.
    'He shot at them with those funny arrows.'12

  68. Wook'udzè'lhinùtòn.
    against themthey're breaking
    'They broke on them.'

  69. 'Ii èhkwùdiigatt'oodzè'lììarrowhead'unùlè','uyiidune.
    becausejustsprucebarkonlyk'à'he makes themthatman
    'Because that man (the girls' father) only made spruce bark arrowheads.'

  70. 'Ii 'èhkwùdiiyu---'ùkoosąsk'udzè'lhinùtòn.
    and thenjustthosebearagainthey're breaking
    'And they just kept breaking on the bears.'

  71. Kwa,lhį̀į̀dǫ̀matiiyawììjàhiilhìghè'too close'uyììlàhii,duk'à'kìihdladii'èh,ghųtl.
    finallynearing the endas he's tiredonejo khwąziias it did to himhis arrowhe whipped outandpow
    'Finally as he was getting worn out, one of them came too close, so he whipped out his own arrows and pow.'13'

  72. He fall over rolling down.

  73. Nàats'ut'iitl'ǫhgwudzè'kè'ììghę̀l.
    it fell downandthenthereit rolled down
    'It fell over and rolled down.'

  74. 'Uyiilhìghè'joo'ulàh,'uyiijoo.
    thatothertoohe didthattoo
    'He got the other one too.'

  75. "Baba,nughǫhdunekhik'e'iighǫ,"ghidii.
    daddybecause of youpersonhe's killing usthey say
    "'Daddy, someone is killing us because of you," they said.'

  76. They turn back to be them girls.

  77. 'Ùkoodlèzhe'ut'ewak'èhdzè''unaghdèdlàh.
    thosegrizzlygirlslikethey made themselves again
    'Those grizzlies turned themselves back into girls.'

  78. 'Iiwuts'eh'uyiiduneniinììya.
    thatafterᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛthatguyhe chased him
    'After that that guy (their father) chased him (Nats'oodalh).'

  79. "Sutwè'kwùnek'e'iinghǫ,"'èhnii'èhniinììya.
    my killed themhe saysandhe chased him
    "You killed my daughters," he said and he chased after him.'

  80. K'iighutl'eh,k'iighutl'eh.
    he's chasing him aroundhe's chasing him around
    'He kept chasing and chasing him.'

  81. Gwalhàhdeyech'à'tinutl'a.
    thereone placeᴜɴᴄᴇʀᴛaway from himhe ran in water
    'At one place he (Nats'oodalh) ran in the water to get away from him.'

  82. He couldn't find himkoot'edè'give up 'ujàh.
    'udoo yewììh'ą̀hforget it'umà' yèhnii
    'When he couldn't find him, he gave up.'

  83. Yuk'èhtunsuja'iitl'ǫhgwudataàmahsutę.
    after himhe walked back ashoreandthenthereshorehe's lying
    'He (the father) came out of the water after him and lay on the shore.'

  84. Kooyeyuk'ehk'ègwuch.
    thereon himhe's crawling around
    'He (Nats'oodalh) crawled around on top of him.'

  85. 'Iitadòòsda'ujàhiitl'ǫh,k'eh---yuk'ehk'ègwuch.
    thatsnipehaving becomethenon himhe's crawling around
    'He (Nats'oodalh) turned himself into a snipe and crawled around on top of him.'

  86. 'Uyiidubesè'yubùtghàniihdlat.
    thenhis knifehis bellyhe stabbed him in
    'Then the snipe stabbed him in the belly with his knife.'

  87. Gwatoozǫhdunu---'iilakedunudèhtǫ.
    therewaterjustthatmunit filled up
    'Then a lake just filled up with water there.'

  88. Kusk'ehdzè'ladunewi---'ùkoowitsį̀į̀' dawik'e'ughǫhdidiinuntliin 'ulehii,'ìghidii.
    that's howᴄᴇʀᴛpersonthosebad thingshe's killing themthislandas he's cleaningthey say
    'They say that's how he got rid of the bad things and cleansed the world.'


  1. 'ut'ewa 'girls', lhèkwudut'e 'two'
  2. kheyaą̀dza 'our pet', looht'e 'it is'
  3. ghulę 'they are', nùghudèl 'they live'
  4. 'umà' 'no way', zinhkhe 'you kill it'
  5. yitsìì' 'its head', 'ehkùt 'he's patting'
  6. This is a reference to another story, about a killer rabbit.
  7. nawdàgalhii 'as it was getting light'
  8. ts'inaghnudzudii 'as they woke up', k'ula 'rather', dune 'person, man', moonèlę 'he's attractive', wooguze 'between them', nùsutę 'he's sleeping'
  9. dutwè' 'his daughter', kwùne pl., lhèkwudut'ene 'there are two of them', dlèzhe 'grizzly', 'uwoowììlàh 'he made them'
  10. dlèzhe 'grizzly', lhèkwudut'e 'two'
  11. dlèzhe 'grizzly', lhèkwudut'e
  12. wà'u'òòn 'he shoots at them'
  13. jo 'here', khwązii 'close by'