Digii Nats'oodalh 'èh nunììdetl.
"Swans flew off with Nats'oodalh."

Nats'oodalh dudàà' nunìs'įį.
"Nats'oodalh stole his eye back."

Mike Abou

This story has two parts. The first part (length 6:51) was recorded by
Mike on one occasion, and is a partial retelling of Digii Nats'oodalh 'èh nunììdetl.
The second part of this story (length 2:39) was recorded by Mike on a later occasion.
  1. SH: hok

  2. Section 1


  3. 'Idewootsehdigiitidnèhts'ii.
    thereI guessin front of themswanthey landed in water
    'After that some swans landed (by the lake).'

  4. "'Ooh'usdè','usdè',dèkusk'ehdzanubadèkaweh'̀įįha?'
    ohlittle sisterhowyour fatherhe does that to them
    "'How does your dad get them?"'

  5. 'Ii'ii'usdè'yèhnii"'uyiidubasuitè''èh"yudàdììh.
    thenI guessthatlittle sistershe told himthather fatherhis suitwithshe tells him
    'Then his little sister told him, "with his suit."'

  6. "Didiik'ànhtą.
    thislook at
    "'Look at this.'

  7. Babadidiit'ùyah'iitl'ǫhlababayuts'è'nubęh.
    Daddythishe puts onandthencertdaddyto themhe swims
    'Daddy puts on his suit like this and he swims to them.'

  8. 'Iiyatahk'èbęhdayukè''ìtl'ǫǫdèeht'iiy.
    thatamonghe swims aroundwhiletheir feethe ties up with rope
    'While he swims around, he ties up their feet with that rope.'

  9. Lhìghè'wuyèlhèkwudut'ewuyètadut'ewuyè'ùkookè''ìtl'oodììht'èhììtl'(ǫh)tùnubęh.
    oneortwoorthreeorthosefeethe ties upandhe swims ashore
    'He ties up one, two or three with that rope and he swims back out of the water.'

  10. Yeah,'iitl'oolhgat'ìtl'oodììht'èh.
    thatropetreehe ties it around
    'He puts that rope around the tree.'

  11. Yìtl'ootl'ǫǫhiitl'ǫhlakhwùdè''iidutsìì',duts'ahdè''umah'įįh.
    he put the rope around him andthencertthenthathis hathe throws away
    'He ties a rope around them and throw his hat away.'/span>

  12. 'Ii la 'udoo ni---'iitl'ǫhlakhwùdè'wook'e'ughǫh."
    andthencertthenhe kills them
    'And then he kills them."'

  13. "'Oohsudèdzè'kwùlasudàdinnii.
    ohmy little sisterfinallyyou tell me
    "'Oh my sister now you tell me," (he tells her).'

  14. Hǫ,sugàhnin'ą̀h,sugàhnin'ą̀h."
    go aheadby meleave it
    "'Lend it to me."'

  15. Kwa'uyiidunesuitè't'ìiyatl'ǫhyuts'è'nisubęh.
    finallythatperson'ssuithe put onafterto themhe left swimming
    'After he put that suit on he swam out to them.'

  16. 'Iitenììt'iikè''ìtl'oolhsitl'ǫǫtl'ǫhtùnusubę.
    thatuncertallfeethe tiedandhe swam back ashore
    'He tied a rope around 10 of those swans and swam back and out of the water.'1

  17. K'udà'taàmah,k'udà' taàmah'udootùnuwìdlèhììt'è'.
    yetshorenothe will take them out of the water
    'He never even made it to the shore with them.'

  18. Duts'ahdè',duts'ahdè',kìi'ǫ.
    his hathe took off
    'He took his hat off.'

  19. 'Iila'ùkooswanninèhjidii'uyiiduts'ahdè'yìdighènunk'udzè'yà'ììhk'as.
    thatcertthosedigiias they became scaredthathis hatupgroundagainsthe threw in air
    'As the swans got scared he threw his hat up the hill.'

  20. Oh,didįįdzejookìtl'ǫǫsitl'ǫǫ.
    his middletoohe tied around
    'He tied the rope around his stomach.'

  21. 'Ùkooswanmughǫh'oos'edòladiigòòliino.
    thosedigiiagainst himutmostare holleringbut
    'The swans were hollering but no.'

  22. Mu'èhnaghnììdetl.
    with himthey flew off
    'They took off with that guy.'

  23. 'Ideda,'ùkooswanmu'èhnaghnadùlh.
    thatuncertwhilethosedigiiwith himthey're flying
    'Those swans are flying with him.'

  24. Huy kit---Kwuyedunekǫhlhutwìlędalakemahda,"'iiiisupanè' kwùneyįįhdzelasu'èhnadnadùlh,"'èhnii.
    therepeoplehousesmokethere iswhenmunshorewhileheymy friendsherecertwith methey're flyinghe said
    'Where there's smoke from people's houses, "hey my friends, they're flying up above you guys with me," he hollered at those people.

  25. Dahkat'èzǫhdiiyaàmahdzè'skytinii'ądzè'gwudzè'wutus.
    wellthey he keeps goinguntilthishorizonthereyait sticks out of waterthereuncertthereover it
    'He kept going with them over the sky, kept flying over the sky.'

  26. K'wusghuye---wa wìì'ądèsǫ,dèsǫkajàh'ooyènàats'ut.
    cloudthere is a hole through itwhat I guessit happeneduncertdownhe fell down
    'I guess what happened is he fell down through the clouds.'

  27. Gwudzè'dunetah,kwajoodunetahtùsubę.
    thereuncertpeopleamongfinallytoopeopleamonghe swam ashore
    'He swam to those people.'

  28. 'Ii 'èh 'ùkoo dune---kwùlą'ujàh.
    old manhe became
    'He became old.'

  29. Kwùląch'ila'ujàh.
    old mancrummyhe became
    'He became a crummy old man.'

  30. "Dewuts'ehdune'inlànt'a?"'ìghidii.
    wherefrompersonyou arethey tell him
    "'Where are you from?" they said to him.'

  31. "Kwùdiisediduzusiidune'uslę.
    justdrifterpersonI am
    "'I'm just a drifter.'

  32. Dèkusk'ehdzagwudzè'kùnahdùlha,supanè' kwùne?"
    howthereyou go throughmy friends
    'How do you guys go through that way, my friends?"'

  33. "Tachǫhlagwudzè'dunedadùlhe'ùkooboat'èh."
    tomorrowcerttherepeoplewill gothose'ulà'with
    "'Tomorrow there's people going that way with boat," they tell him.'

  34. "K'ah,boatsàwootǫ̀'kwudahdiiǫdune'èh,siniijoo?"'èhnii.
    Q'ulà'they will givedo you pl. thinkpeoplewithmetoohe said
    "'Do you think they could give me one boat too?"

  35. "ǫ"

  36. 'Ùkoo,'ùkoo'iitsahyònamàghniila.
    thosethatgroundhog skin blanketthey gave him pl.
    'They give him that groundhog skin blanket.'2

  37. Lhìghè'duts---'iitsàhyonamudowacanoe'ujàh.
    onethatgroundhog skin blanketfor him'ulà'it became
    'That one groundhog skin blanket became a boat for him.'

  38. Ah,dune'èhdùskęne,early---nawdììgà'iiga---kòòsǫ'uyiiyut'ùghuskęde.
    peoplewiththose who left by boatwhen it was earlyuncertmust bethatthey caught up to itwhen
    'So he went with those people and morning time they bumped into it.'3

  39. 'Idedunek'èhwait ulę̀.
    thereuncertpeoplebehinduncertdune dowat'e
    '(He waited behind people there.)'4

  40. Ghighehkhuliimits'oodudèhììwatch'uwììhsų.
    as they drum itas they talk to himhe pretends
    'He pretend to watch as they drummed and talked to him.'

  41. 'Uyiiya'ìdighèkajàh?
    thatwhatupwhat happened
    'What happened up there?'

  42. He lift up 'ide sǫ everybody just rush through gwudzè' all.5

  43. 'Idemu'awdèjahììgòòlììno,much'ǫ̀'uyii.
    thereuncertwhat happened to himbut'udooin his waythat
    'That's what happened to him there, but no, (it was) in his way.'

  44. 'He can't make it through. His boat is too slow.'

  45. (Soo'àlììghululh.
    slowit's floating
    'It (his boat) is floating slowly.')

  46. 'He's too slow.'

  47. Yamuch'ǫ̀nùnak(uy).
    somethingin his wayit fell down
    'Something fell in front of him.'

  48. Close the door on him.
    the door closed on him

  49. "'Iigwuda'ushidle kwùnedùnìnaht'esuk'ǫ̀waht'e,"'èhnii.
    thatuncertthereyounger brothershow many of youyou pl. help mehe said
    "'My brothers, how many of you, help me."'

  50. Tinadididlii.
    he's praying
    'He's praying.'

  51. No.

  52. muk-Dah'ùkooyhììhmik'ideh'às,mik'ideh'às.
    wellthoseanimalthey're passing himthey're passing him
    'All the animals kept passing him.'

  53. Kwùsǫlast timenòòshdądunek'èhghugwulh.
    maybeuncertlynxpeoplebehindis walking on all fours
    'The lynx was the last one walking behind people.'

  54. "He','ushidle,'ushidledidiiyasuch'ǫ̀nùnakuy.
    heyyounger brotherthissomethingin my wayit stuck down
    "'Brother, something stuck in front of me.'

  55. 'Udoo'awsdehiiwawììht'e."
    notI dounable
    'I don't know what I'm going to do."'

  56. 'Ii'uyii'ehkhuliihe trybut no,sòònaweh'įį.
    thatuncertthatas he's drumminghe can't
    'He was drumming something but it didn't work.'

  57. "K'udà',nudowamawsts'ehii,"'èhnii.
    waitfor youlet me lick it
    "'Wait, let me lick it for you," (the lynx) said.

  58. 'Ii wuts'eh'uyiiya'enììhts'ègh.
    after thatuncertthathe started to lick
    'Then it started to licked that thing.'

  59. Yehts'ehììzǫhenough'uwachowyenììhts'ègh.
    he's lickinguntilit's bighe started to lick it
    'He licked it almost half way through.'

  60. Gwudzè'alldughudiizìì'tudniit'adziiyì'ònèallkuniila.
    thereuncerttheir bodiescut in piecesover therehe put through
    'He passed their cut body parts through.'

  61. Gwuda,'iitl'ǫhlast partgwudzè'then he all get together again,become human again'uyiimuboatè''èhììt'è'.
    thereandthenuncertuncerttherelhiihk'ehdzè' ninaghulehdune 'unujàhthatmelà'etc.
    'Then afterwards, it all went back together again, his boat too.'

  62. 'Ii'ushidle'uwute'e sǫ yhììh win---"'uwute'edunewinlè'ii."
    thenuncertyounger brotherniceuncertmanyou'll be
    "'You'll be a nice man again,"' his younger brother (said to him).'

  63. Hok.

  64. 'Idekwùlaallshòwanujàhgòòlììmudàà'lhìghè'nidòòwè.
    thatuncertfinallyhe got betterexcepthis eyeoneis missing
    'After that he was all better except one eye.'

  65. 'Ii'òòsgąjoo'uyiila.
    'It must be that raven (who took it).'

  66. "K'udà',dediimuts'è'kawsyà'ii."
    thatraventoothatcertwaitwhereuncertto itI'll come out
    "'Wait, I wonder where I'll come out to it."'

  67. Section 2

  68. 'Iidichishwǫdudàà''ulàhìì.
    thatuncerttree mosshis eyehe made
    'And then he made an eye from tree moss (and put it in).'

  69. Gwawuts'ehk'èdahìì.
    thatfromuncerthe's walking around
    'From there he walk around.'

  70. ('Ii)sǫ lhàhdeduneghǫhlhayalh.
    some placepeopletohe reached
    'From there he came to some people somewhere.'

  71. Lhèhgą̀hkwùdiik'èdahiijoodunetunèhyhǫdììts'ugh.
    eveninguncertjustas he's walking aroundtoopeoplethey made noisehe hears
    'In the evening as he was walking around he heard people making noise.'

  72. He',dunewìlelǫ̀kwudidii.
    heypeoplethere aretrulyhe thinks
    'Hey, I didn't know there were people around.'

  73. Duneghǫhlhatlulh.
    peopletohe ran to
    'He ran over to them.'

  74. Oh,'uyiits'iywądunedehnùdeghǫhlhatlulh.
    thatold ladypeoplebehindshe livestohe ran to
    'That old woman camped behind those people he came to her.'

  75. "He',dewuts'ehdune'inla'ushalant'e?"'èhnii.
    heywherefrompersonare yougrandchildyou areshe said
    "'Where are you from?" that old woman tell him.'

  76. "'Àtsǫǫ,"

  77. "mm"

  78. "'Àtsǫǫ,kwùdiik'èsdahiilast'e.
    grandmajustI'm walking aroundI am
    'Grandma I'm just walking around.'

  79. 'Iiyàhdà'eyì'ònèwuts'òòdane'ùkoo,'ùkoots'òòdawawa'àà ghidii'ùkoodune tiiy'èhììt'è'.
    thenuncertdown thereover theresomeone's kidthosekidsthey're making noisethoseadultetc.
    'Ahead of that woman there's all those kids even adults making all the noise.'

  80. Woodlòwè'woozulè'wudidii.
    their laughingtheir screamingit can be heard
    'He heard them laughing and screaming.'

  81. "'Àtsǫǫ'ùkoodunedèkaghut'eaghidiia?"
    grandmathosepeoplewhat are they doingare they saying
    "'Grandma what are those people doing anyway?"'

  82. "'Ii'uyii'usgà','uyii'usgà'dune'ùkooyayàdeht'òga'ìghidiiwootunìnii'ǫ'èhkighnètal."
    thatuncertthatcrowpersonthosesomethinguncertit's roundthey call ithe/she brought to themwiththey're playing
    "'Those crow are playing around with some round thing (eye) which somebody brought them."'

  83. "K'ulamoonèlązii,"'èhnii.
    ratherit's prettyhe said
    "It looks pretty nice," he said.'

  84. "'Àtsǫǫ,wook'ǫ̀wèkinòòstalii.
    grandmahelping themlet me play with them
    "'Grandma, I'll go play with them.'

  85. K'ahkwudindiiǫ'àtsǫǫ?"
    (question)do you think sograndma
    'Do you think so grandma?"'

  86. "Hok.'Ùkoosomethingwàniin'ǫdèsǫkwawoo'èhkinoontalìì.
    go aheadthoseyayou gave themif uncertfinallywith themyou could play
    "'If you give them something then you could play with them."'

  87. Gwudzè'dèhtlah.
    therehe walked over fast
    'Then he walked to them.'

  88. So maybe give'ùkoosomethingwà'ąhwàniila.
    thosehe gives themhe gave them things
    'He gave them something.'

  89. 'Idekwawook'ǫ̀wèkinètalii.
    thereuncertfinallyhelping themhe plays
    'Then he went and played with them.'

  90. Ball'èhkighnètaliighi'įį.
    withthey're playinghe spots
    'He saw they were playing with a ball.'

  91. 'Iidudàà'dunughatlahiidudàà'duwǫhna'ììchoodiitl'ǫhtunudèehtlàh.
    thatuncerthis eyehe grabbed andhe eyeto himselfhe grabbed back andthenhe ran away
    'He grabbed his eye, put it back in and ran away from them.'

  92. "Heee',sudàà'lah'įį.
    heymy eyeyou pl. have
    "'That's my eye you guys have.'

  93. 'Uyiidunedinììtlųghidiiwuk'edidalelhe,"'èhnii.
    thatpersonblack onehe's going to pay for ithe said
    'That black guy (raven) is going to pay for it."'

  94. 'Oo,'uyii'òòsgązǫh'udii,"Nats'oodalhdudàà'nunìs'įį,"'èhnii.
    ohthatravenjustsayshis eyehe stole backhe said
    'The raven merely said, "Nats'oodalh stole his eye back."'

  95. Dlòw'èhwàà wudii.
    laughterwithnoise is heard
    'They all laughed.'

  96. Kwùlahe get away,wooghàwech'à'tunudèhtl'a.
    finallywooghà tsitunutl'afrom themaway from themhe ran away
    'Finally he ran away from them.'


  1. one foot of ten swans?
  2. tsàhyona in the next sentence is the correct pronunciation.
  3. Mike would probably correct yut'ùghuskę to mut'ùghuskę.
  4. dune dowat'e 'he's waiting for somebody'
  5. He lifted up whatever they had bumped into.