


positions available




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Positions Available

We always try to make room in the lab for smart, ambitious, hard-working undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows.

Postdoctoral Fellows
Prospective postdocs should send Leo an email message with a copy of their cv and a brief description of past research accomplishments and future research goals

Graduate students
Graduate students in the Molecular & Cellular Biology Program, the Neurobiology & Behavior Program, and in the Genome Sciences Department are eligible to conduct their thesis research in our laboratory. Graduate students interested in exploring a rotation in the lab should email Leo to arrange a time to meet. Also, anyone interested in joining one of these three graduate training programs should feel free to contact Leo for advice about the most appropriate program

Our primary criterion for evaluating undergraduate applicants is evidence of a high degree of motivation and a genuine interest in laboratory research. A good way to demonstrate your motivation and interest is to write Leo an email message that describes your academic accomplishments and contains one or more paragraphs explaining what about our research specifically makes you interested in this lab.