Dear Participants,

We are looking forward to the Epigenetics module at the Summer Institute in Public Health Genomics, and are delighted that you will be joining us!

Below, we've listed references and provided .pdfs for the papers around which we will focus our studies and discussions. The course will have four themes:

1. Genetic or Epigenetic: How can we tell the difference?

2. Nutrition and Epigenetics

3. Cancer and Epigenetics

4. Aging and Epigenetics

We strongly encourage you to read the six highlighted papers before the start of the Epigenetics module:

-One paper from each of the four themes: For each of the themes of the course, we have selected one paper, indicated in bold, that we strongly encourage you to read in its entirety before our first meeting.

-Two classic papers: one by Holliday and Pugh, and the other by Riggs. Both of these papers were published in 1975 and established a conceptual framework for the field of epigenetics, especially for eukaryotic organisms.

These papers are indicated in bold on the list below.

In addition to reading carefully these six papers, it would be ideal to read at least the abstract and first paragraph for each of the papers we will be discussing.

Please be sure to email me (genereux@u.washington.edu) with questions!

Diane Genereux

Charles Laird



GENETIC OR EPIGENETIC: How can we tell the difference?

•Meselson M. and Yuan, R. 1968. DNA Restriction Enzyme from E. coli. Nature 217: 1110. .pdf

•Riggs A.D. 1975. X inactivation, differentiation, and DNA methylation. Cytogenetics and Cellular Genetics 14:9..pdf

•Laird C.D. et al. 1987. Fragile sites in human chromosomes as regions of late-replicating DNA. Trends in Genetics 3:274..pdf

•Silva A.J. and White R. 1988. Inheritance of allelic blueprints for methylation patterns. Cell 54: 145..pdf

•Hansen R.S. 1993. Association of fragile X syndrome with delayed replication of the FMR1 gene. Cell 73: 1403..pdf

•Struycken et al. 1997. Glomus tumours and genomic imprinting: influence of inheritance along the paternal or maternal line. Clinical Otolaryngology 22:71. .pdf

Reik, Dean and Walter 2001. Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development. Science 293: 5532..pdf

•Hernday et al. 2003. The mechanism by which DNA adenine methylase and PapI activate the pap epigenetic switch. Molecular Cell 12:947.pdf



•Bygren LO et al. 2001. Longevity determined by paternal ancestors’ growth during their slow-growth period. Acta Biotheoretica 49: 53..pdf

•Waterland and Jirtle 2003. Transposable elements targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Molecular Cell Biology

Pembrey M et al. 2006 Sex-specific, male-line transgenerational responses in humans. European Journal of Human Genetics 14:159..pdf

•Heijmans BT et al. 2008 Persistent epigenetic differences associated with prenatal exposure to famine in humans. PNAS 105: 17049. .pdf

•El-Osta et al. 2008. Transient high glucose causes persistent epigenetic changes and altered gene expression during subsequent normoglycemia. Journal of Experimental Medicine 205:2409..pdf

•Räikkönen et al. 2009. Maternal Licorice Consumption and Detrimental Cognitive and Psychiatric Outcomes in Children..pdf
American Journal of Epidemiology 170: 1137.


•Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1985. Hypomethylation distinguishes genes of some human cancers from their normal counterparts. Nature 301:89..pdf

•Wong et al. 1997. p16INK4a promoter is hypermethylated at a high frequency in esophageal adenocarcinomas. Cancer Research 57:2619...pdf

Feinberg, Ohlsson and Henikoff 2006. The epigenetic progenitor origin of human cancer. Nature Reviews in Genetics 7:21...pdf

•Valinluck Lao V et al. 2009. Incorporation of 5-chlorocytosine into mammalian DNA results in heritable gene silencing and altered cytosine methylation patterns. Carcinogenesis 30: 886..pdf



•Holliday and Pugh 1975. DNA modification mechanisms and gene activity during development. Science 187: 226. .pdf

•Fraga et al. 2005. Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twins. PNAS 102:10604..pdf

•Agrelo et al. 2006. Epigenetic inactivation of the premature aging Werner syndrome gene in human cancer. PNAS 103:8822..pdf

•Genereux DP 2009. Asymmetric strand segregation: epigenetic costs of genetic fidelity? PLoS Genetics 5:e1000509..pdf

•Maegawa S. et al. 2010. Widespread and tissue specific age-related DNA methylation changes in mice. Genome Research 20: 332. .pdf

•Nakajima et al. 2010. Exercise effects on methylation of ASC gene. International Journal of Sports Medicine. in press.pdf

•Javierrre et al. 2010. Changes in the pattern of DNA methylation associate with twin discordance in systemic lupus erythematosus. Genome Research 20:170. .pdf