HECA converts transliterated Egyptian to hieroglyphs in Unicode font. HECA’s dictionary is based on Sir Alan Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar, 3rd edition. HECA Phase 1 recognizes words from Chapters 1 through 9.
HECA does not translate English to Egyptian. It does provide electronic versions of Egyptian letters and words.
- Text is case-sensitive.
- Use G for Gardiner numbers, e.g., GB1.
- Separate words with space, equals sign (=), or period (.)
- ∞ = ambiguous word. Correct and SUBMIT to clear each ∞.
Example: wbn iaH m pt -> Submit Show More Help
Use diacritics or substitutes shown, A for ꜣ. You can also use G and the Gardiner number: GB1.
Click submit.
If Apep appears, you have typed a word that is not in the dictionary. Correct the word and resubmit.
If the ∞ (lemniscate) and Shu appear, there are multiple options for a word. The prompt to disambiguate the first word is automatic; if you have more than one ambiguous word, correct and click submit for each.
If Apep is subdued, all problems are resolved.
More examples to try:
msḥ m ı͗trw
ḫm=f sḫr pn ı͗ḳr
sS GB1 iqr
rš kmt dšrt ı͗w=k m nsw mnḫ (one ambigous word)
rš.wy ḏd dpt n=f sn ḫwt mr (multiple ambiguous words)
HECA converts transliterated Egyptian to hieroglyphs in Unicode font. HECA’s dictionary is based on Sir Alan Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar, 3rd edition. HECA Phase 1 recognizes words from Chapters 1 through 9.
Double spaces or spaces at the end of input may cause an error. Correct and resubmit to clear.
The hieroglyphic signs D52, D52a, and D53 (phallus signs) display as blocks. Use a font like Segoe UI Historic or NewGardiner to display these correctly.
Dictionary may take a moment to load. Translations in {} are Gardiner's descriptions of the signs.
HECA 1.3.x has been tested with Firefox, Chrome, IE and Edge. It has not been tested with or designed for mobile devices.