Windows Hittite Fonts Instructions
Please download the Hittite fonts created by Sylvie Vanseveren here at the Hethitologie Portal Mainz, which is an excellent resourse for fonts (more than just what is used in this program) and texts. Once the files have downloaded, unzip the files to a place you will be able to easily find. Then go to the start menu and click control panal. Double click on the fonts folder. Click file and then select Install New Font. In the lower left box you can navigate to where you unziped the fonts. Select the folder, you should see the fonts appear in the top box. Press select all then press ok. Refresh your browser if necessary and you should be able to see the font.

Mac Hittite Fonts Instructions
Please download the Hittite fonts created by Sylvie Vanseveren here at the Hethitologie Portal Mainz, which is an excellent resourse for fonts (more than just what is used in this program) and texts. Once the files have downloaded, double click on them to unzip. Once unzipped open the folder and double click on a font. This should bring up your Fontbook program. Then click the install font button. Repeat this with the other fonts. Now refresh your browswer if necessary and you should see the font. You may have to quit out of the browser and restart it to see the changes.