Windows Ge'ez Font Instructions
For Windows with Firefox:
Go here and download the font exe file. Once the file has downloaded, run it and it will install the font. Refresh your browser if necessary and you should be able to see the font.
For Windows with Internet Explorer:
Go here to download the font. Once the file has downloaded, go to the start menu and click run. Type in fonts and hit enter. Drag and drop the gfzemenu.ttf file into your fonts folder. Now go to internet explorer and click tools and then internet options. Under the General tab select the fonts button towards the bottom. Under language script select Ethiopic. Then under the webpage font box you should see GF zemen Unicode, click on this and then hit okay. Hit okay again. Now refesh your browswer if necessary and you should see the font.

Mac Ge'ez Font Instructions
For Mac with Safari/Firefox:
Go here to download the font. Once the file has downloaded, double click on it. Then click the install font button. Now refresh your browswer if necessary and you should see the font. You may have to quit out of the browser and restart it to see the changes.